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Welcome to Detroit: Broken Traditions [Vampire: Blood and Smoke]

11:52, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Daniel Cook

Daniel's appearance is one part good luck when it came to the genetic lottery, one part carefully crafted appearance.  His early days drifting from town to town taught him to maximize his chances to sway an easy mark.

The first thing people notice is the disarming smile.  Then it's the almost perfectly tousled dirty blonde hair, just the right amount of stubble to look like you don't really care without looking like a slob, just tall enough to be big but not imposing, the right amount muscle definition to project strength but not intimidation.  Daniel isn't quite sure why he wakes up each night looking just as fresh and perfect as the day he died without any effort but there's no denying it's been a lifesaver in the past.

 The personas he's carefully cultivated over the years have been a necessity of survival.  When working a mark he often adopts an appearance of weakness making himself seem just a little slow on the uptake and just a bit gullible usually reverting to a couple stock personas.  One is an easily intimidated and exceptionally meek guy that always mumbles, refuses to make eye contact and slouches in forward as if he's trying to fold into himself and get away.  The other is a dimwitted but good natured guy that's outgoing and friendly and just a little too open always giving the mark something to exploit or take from him.

When he's not putting on a show for profit he's putting one on for survival.  Over the years as a vampire he's learned to project lazy strength to avoid challenging other nomads or sedentary vampires when he's passing through.   He'll maintain eye contact if pressed, won't back down unless he's obviously outmatched and projects an aura of cool detachment with the occasional dose of sarcasm or deadpan humor to liven things up.