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Welcome to Wounded World: Darkened Haven (OWoD)

01:16, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Helena Burke

Appearance: Having only just finished growing Burke still moves with the gawkish clumsiness of someone not quite used to their own body. She's tall at 5'9", but stoops to look shorter, and has a lean, half starved figure. Her hair is short, usually messy, and a dirty blond that's usually home dyed a vivid color, currently it's decorated with faded red streaks.

Currently Wearing: worn, ripped jeans, a long sleeved King beer t-shirt with singe marks around the bottom hem, a shapeless black zip up hoody, a battered leather jacket and mismatched Dr Marten boots, one dark red and one purple.

In her rat form Burke is a roughly half a foot long, with a tail that's an inch longer than her body. She has sleek black fur, and the same lean build as in her human form.

As a hybrid Burke is a creature from a nightmare. She stands almost eighteen inches taller than when she's a human, and becomes much more muscular, almost tripling in weight. She grows stubby, sharp claws on her finger and toes, and her body becomes covered in a layer of thick, coarse black fur. She also grows a long, dexterous tail. The most disturbing part of her in this form is her face; her ears triple in size, become much thinner, develop a rounded shape and migrate up her head, not quite reaching the top. Her face elongates, with her nose becoming pointed and her eyes growing to twice their normal size. Whiskers sprout from her cheeks and her jaw distends, and her teeth grow into sharp rodent incisors that can easily bite through steel.

Personality: In general, Burke comes across as friendly and is relatively outgoing. Despite this she doesn't have many close friends, apparently preferring her own company. She has a bit of a crude sense of humor, and doesn't always realise when she's pushing things too far, especially with authority figures. Usually she's easy going enough that this isn't a big problem with her peers, but occasionally she gets irrationally offended by some small comment and goes from content and friendly to violent and furious without any warning, which is probably another contributor to her lack of close friends.