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Welcome to Zombieland

09:17, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Story Guide

Name: Sam Plissken  [mmr038]

Alias: Snake

Age: 30

Appearance:  Snake has the perpetual facial hair growth of many days casting a permanent contrast to the sharp features of his nose and jawline.  It isn't worth taking a bar of soap and a cup of water to shave for himself, and the zombies don't seem to mind.  He bears a severe scar down the left side of his face from where his wife, a zombie, nearly got him.   It cost him part of the visibility in one of his green eyes.

He wears his thick black hair hanging loose.  It is rough cut by his own knife, so it doesn't hang pretty as many of those hollywood types do.

He is of moderate build, stands an even six feet tall. Physically he is slightly more than tone with a muscular upper body.  His skin is tanned, showing he isn't one of the typical Hidey Hole Zombieland survivors.  He also doesn't wear a lot in the way of protection, relying instead on speed and saavy to see him through to the next morning.

Nickname:While most people who ever meet Snake will consider his alias a sign of his bad personality, or his cold-blooded nature, few will ever get the opportunity to realize that it is actually because of a tattoo that he wears on his stomach -a King Cobra-.    He got this in his junior year of high school, because of the attitude he developed working around former-marines and the like in his families construction business.  So maybe it is a reflection of his attitude after all is said and done...

Personality: Snake is rather cold blooded, like his alias.  Once he moved freely, and loved dance.  His wife's passion made him a good man and father.  His son passed before the nightmare, but his wife's turning was the final blow.  Every man may want to kill his wife at some point, but few would ever want to if they had to take a butchers knife and hack her limb from limb until she stopped trying to kill him.

Bio/History: While he enjoyed his "redneck" side of being a weapons collector, his family's money came from the family commercial construction business he had been involved with during his youth, and was running since he became eighteen.  His wife was his sweetheart, his everything since high school.  His families last stand had been in the bunker of his own house.

His wife had previously worked with him as a secretary at his office.  The zombies came there, like everywhere else.   Who would have thought that a sip from the cup an infected co-worker had touched to its lips would provide enough of the virus to get into her system.  The transformation was long and painful.  It was weeks later when the Zombie Apocalypse had already covered the earth when her illness claimed her life.   It was less than two hours after that when she turned and tried to make him dinner.  Only this time, she wasn't using the oven.

Dinner was to be steak tar-tar a la Snake.

Luckily the ample supply of weapons he kept around the house came in handy.  Unfortunately none of the ones that were unlocked were guns.   He had to use a meat cleaver.   The MRE's just weren't doing it.   In the end, after hacking off her left arm, he had pinned her through the chest to the coffee table with an early Samurai sword supposed to have been used in the Onin war (his favorite from the collection).  He left her there, her screaming non-voice yelling after him.   He closed the secret hatch, gathered what he could from the upstairs and went outside.

The horses were dead -dinner for some roving group of undead-.  He hated the damn things anyway.  The mule though was fine.  It was a dually heavy construction vehicle, and he had enough spare metal from the commercial construction to be able to armor it.   "I may not be a Marine, but I can God damn well build my own freakin' tank."

As sunset came, he considered spending one last night in the house.  He spit on the ground.  Why the hell ever go back there.   "I'm taking some of them bastards with me," he said.  He got in, turned the diesel engine over, and took off into the sunset.  Half of him hoped he'd never see dawn.  The other part hoped he'd never die, he knew he wouldn't be going to heaven, and he couldn't stand the thought of eternity without his wife.

What's your reason for staying in:

Another favorite image of Snake can be found at: