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Welcome to The Gift of Power (A Competitive Superhero Tale)

18:53, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Brianna Teresa Invictus

ITSDA Superhuman Dossier

Full Name: Brianna Teresa Invictus
Aliases & Nicknames: Usually 'Angel', but is otherwise known as 'Sister' and 'Teresa'.
Age: 19
Years Awakened: 13
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 145 lbs
Build: Lithe, but busty and attractive overall. Underwear model, if you will.
Hair: Platinum Blonde
Eyes: Gold and Silver (Glowing when powers are active)

GVD (Generalized Visual Description):
Germanic teenage girl; Fair, white skin, hourglass figure and fairly attractive for her age (36-22-36, basically). Almost exclusively wears white clothing, most common attire includes a long, pleated skirt, a dress shirt and strap-on shoes. Her hip-length platinum-blonde hair is tied in an elaborate braid, and most strikingly, she wears a gold cross on her neck.

Political Alignment: ITSDA 'Agent', but lacking the proper experience, it would be more fitting to call Brianna an 'Intern' or a 'Trainee'.

Superhuman Abilities:
Energy Absorption (Solar), Energy Conversion (Solar to Healing Light) Energy Projection (Solar and Healing Light?), Symbiote and Empathy.

Common Uses:

Brianna usually fights in a team, as her physical skills are virtually nonexistent. She mostly plays a support role, using her powers to heal and facilitate her ally's abilities by covering. Her Empathy comes in handy for crowd control, and she makes for a soothing healer. When caught alone, however, Brianna's first tactic is to avoid danger until help can arrive. If that fails, she can generate blinding flashes and searing beams of pure light to attack, along with hard-light walls and armour to protect herself and others. If she's outmatched and can neither flee nor fight, she will likely lose her nerve, but her guardian angel, Valorum Firenze, will manifest to protect her, using her offensive capabilities with ruthless effectiveness.

Being inexperienced in most forms of conflict, Brianna's ranged attacks have an effective range of about 50 feet and her areas of effect are around 10 feet. Often, she prefers her attacks be used to blind opponents rather than hurt them, and the most damage she would willingly do is give people 1st degree burns, if only for the pain and minor blistering to distract them. These ranges are doubled for Valorum, as he is far less timid about hurting scum. He is brutally effective with attacks, willing and able to dismember people, puncture them, and even known for reducing one assailant to a fine powder; suffice it to say, he is no angel of mercy.

Specialized Equipment:
None, but the cross she wears seems to allow her to channel her powers to a great extent. Removal of that cross could effect her ability to use her powers direly.

Specialized Training and Skills:
Red-Cross First Aid and Self-Defense Hand-to-Hand-Combat (however much good that'll do).

Hypothesized Goal:
To help. She appears to have no additional goals aside from alleviating suffering where she can. Never let it be said she was a complicated girl. What people don't know is her desire to return to her home and be welcomed and accepted by the many people who knew her; her parents, her friends, everyone.

Personality Profile:
Nervous, yet warm. She shies away from most social situations and hates crowds. She seems fine in small groups of up to four people, but is otherwise jumpy, even in briefings and classes. In a one-on-one conversation, she seems apt at listening and offering help. Anyone who speaks to her enough, however, finds a gem; a genuine, soft, and warm-hearted girl lies underneath many layers of anxiety she displays and those who find that are touched by her innocent, pure-hearted nature. Those who penetrate that shell realize she is a humble and profoundly kind soul. Even on the battlefield, she displays concern for the well-being of her opponents. Some people say that Brianna's kindess is so supernatural that she's more angel than human.

Born as an only child, Brianna grew up in Vancouver, British Columbia, under her agnostic, scientist parents. When she was 6, she began displaying odd traits. Her eyes were coloured like pools of molten gold. As she grew up, there were other strange characteristics that appeared; her hair grew long, thick and bright, and she was always the prettiest girl in school. She always looked...perfect. Her body, her hair, her face, even persona-wise, she was absolutely spellbinding. However, she was humble about her gifts and, while not strictly speaking Christian, did have many Christian beliefs. To her parents, these were simply traits of the perfect daughter they always wanted.

Then the voice came.

It started off as momentary spasms of panic when she was almost 7, with Brianna waking up in the middle of the night, claiming she heard something. These eventually changed to nightmares, things that shocked her so much that she began practicing Christianity, believing a demon had possessed her. Her parents were startled as well, never having seen this before in their careers. Psychological examinations revealed nothing abnormal, so they quickly disregarded it as a phase she had hit and just had to go through.

One day, when she was 11, she was bullied on the playground by jealous girls and was stoned and called terrible names. Bruised and even sporting a black eye, she went home that day to tell her parents, but to her surprise, the bruises were gone by the time she got home. She insisted that she had a black eye, but her parents saw no evidence and couldn't believe her. The bullying did not stop, and with no evidence of their abuse, nobody could believe Brianna's claims. Combined with the persisting nightmares from her childhood, Brianna despaired and briefly pondered suicide, wondering if she was cursed.

At one point, when she was 15 years old, she was out in the school courtyard, being bullied as usual, but while the normal slew of insults was thrown at her, she heard the voice from her nightmares drown out the bullies, questioning her. 'Will you continue to take this abuse? Are you angry and wish her harm? Or do you pity her and want only respite?' She thought this was just her own thoughts and stood still, seemingly dead whilst standing. When she didn't respond to anything the bullies said, their leader went to punch Brianna, if only to get a reaction. That same voice roared at the sight, as it too could see what was happening, it's tone becoming vindictive and furious: 'This shall not stand!'.

Brianna sprouted a wing of pure light, which blocked the punch as effectively as a brick wall. No sooner had the girl recoiled from the pain did the wing burst into blinding light and burn the arm of the offending bully. With this having happened, there was clear evidence that something was going on, both in school and in Brianna. But Brianna was more the criminal now, for she realized now that she had Awakened a long, long time ago.

So pending a criminal trial, Brianna's parents got funding, personnel, and a location to operate out of and ran several experiments on their daughter in order to try and find evidence of how her powers worked that could absolve her of this crime. They determined that, since childhood, she had developed a benign form of Multiple Personality Disorder. It was harmless on its own, but thanks to the unmitigated bullying she endured, Brianna began to shove the negative emotions that the physical abuse and emotional neglect fostered aside, developing a Disassociative Personality Disorder as she began to seemingly forget how to be angry or hate anything in order to cope.

However, the small alternate persona latched onto those discarded emotions and memories and learned from them as it slowly grew inside of Brianna's mind, the nightmares she had basically serving as a glimpse into its formation within her. Unlike the meek little girl it was born from, this separate personality was the incarnation of all the fury and indignity Brianna couldn't express from being hurt by the bullies and ignored, however briefly, by her parents.

In spite of this, the extra persona also learned from Brianna herself, absorbing some of her more benevolent traits, the most important of which as an inherent sense of right and wrong. It soon understood that the people who made these emotions and memories it knew deserved punishment for these actions, but if Brianna wouldn't do anything, then it would act on her behalf and protect her. During and after the final bullying incident, when it began to communicate with Brianna and her parents, it gave the impression of a knight or crusader; zealous, righteous, and passionately opposed to evil and malevolence of any kind. Thus it named itself Valorum Firenze, the Guardian Angel of Cleansing Flame, sworn to protect and serve his charge, Brianna, from any evil that may wish to harm her.

Valorum was self-aware and able to act and think independently of Brianna, taking on his own physical form; an armoured humanoid with burning wings made of pure, flame-orange light, most often holding a sword or spear of some kind. It was still somehow tied to Brianna, but separated from her physical brain by her gift in a way that could not be explained. Valorum could utilize Brianna's powers as well, but he seemed to respect her wishes and obey her requests out of this almost paternally protective instinct.

As for her powers, Brianna seemed to be able to absorb solar radiation and transform it, giving it healing properties and allowing her to manipulate it with her mind. This, it was determined, is what she had been unconsciously doing to repair her bruises and give her those perfect looks she had for so long. Additional tests showed that Brianna could manipulate solar energy as a whole and just burn people outright, make shields and even simple constructs. Further still, she had become so sensitive to radiation, she could process certain brainwaves and almost 'see' emotion in the form of colours.

Though diagnosed as a Schizophrenic, possessing potentially dangerous powers, and harboring an unstable alternate persona, Brianna was deemed 'not guilty' at the end of her trial, having unconsciously acted in self-defense and the retaliation being warranted after years of neglect or intervention. However, no-one realized that the worst damage was already done.

Brianna, in a near catatonic state of misery, fully believed that this alternate persona was, in a way, actually her newly sent guardian angel and that her steadfast belief in the good ideals of Christianity had paid off. Further still, she thought she had finally found her calling in life; being divine. But what she feared was persecution. She had done wrong in her community and felt ashamed at what she had done. Although she had been legally pardoned, she knew that the people around her would not personally forgive her as easily as the law had, but if she used her powers to heal rather than harm...

Needless to say, Brianna ran away, fleeing BC after her 18th birthday with naught but the clothes on her back and a gold cross from her parents, which was given to her as her as a birthday present. 46 hours later, an ITSDA search team consisting of Frank Jackson and Vandal found Brianna on the side of a road, where she was found to be compliant and reasonable despite intelligence's warnings.

After taking her, in Brianna has been trying her hardest to turn her and Valorum's powers to the greater good, healing those hurt in the war against the Namidian Wave. She wants nothing more than to return home and show people that she's more than a dangerous freak; more than anything, she just wants her old, simple life back.

Awareness: Yes (she's a member, you twit).

Threat Level: 5. Valorum is a formidable, merciless force to be reckoned with, but he is more or less restrained by Brianna. This does not reduce their threat level, though, because the sheer scope of their combined abilities could make them extremely dangerous in populated areas.

Themesongs: Bridge of Light by P!nk or Firework by Katy Perry.

Valorum's Themesongs: Angel with a Shotgun by The Cab and anything by Dragonforce or Sabaton.