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19:35, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Tallulah Cahill

Section 1

Name: Tallulah Cahill
Nickname: Lou. Few people know her full name and even fewer still are allowed to use it.
Age: 25
Birthplace: Magnolia, Louisiana.
Sexuality: Nobodies business but her own.
Play-By: Eva Green
Occupation: Owner and Bartender of The Crows Nest Bar.

Physical Description: At 5'6 and around 117 pounds, Lou falls a little on the thin side for the average woman her age but what's abnormal for some is normal for others. Lou has been described as feline in appearance. She isn't terribly tall but she is lean. Lou has a toned figure that doesn't quite cast the most alluring silhouette. That's not to say that she isn't feminine or sexy. Lou has more sex appeal than most can handle but she isn't Marilyn Monroe rubenesque gorgeous. Her hips are thin and her waist is small. She has thin arms that seem a little too long for her body and the bones of her décolletage are defined and visible underneath a soft layer of creamy skin. Lou is in great health and has more strength than many would give her credit for. She isn't starving herself nor is she attempting to achieve the waif look that was so popular in the 60's. It is simply how her body functions and who she is.

Lou isn't one to worry frantically over her appearance. Carrying herself with a devil may care attitude that is far more sexy than any boob job or collagen injection, Lou is confident in who she is.  She has never been one to follow the trends. Her wardrobe is full of thrift store finds and vintage pieces from basement sales. Lou wears what she likes. She fancies black and with it she can be either hard or soft. Her coal black hair is often wild and unkempt and her nails are kept short but clean. Regardless of whether she dresses up or dresses down, one thing remains a constant and that is her brilliant blue eyes. Often lined with black, Lou's eyes are a window to her soul. Her gaze holds an intensity that some find intimidating. Lou isn't as hard as she seems though but what is curious is that she does little to change peoples opinions that she's a bitch.

Distinguishing Features: The towel whose corner is constantly stuffed into the woman's pocket while she is at work could be said to be a distinguishing feature. More than likely though people would set her apart from the rest by the tattoo that wraps itself around the woman's left shoulder. A large pair of black and white water colour peonies is inked into her pale skin. The tattoo is rather soft and feminine for a woman that people see has hard and bitchy but that's their problem. Lou loves her watercolour peonies almost as much as she loves the small quote the sits perfectly on the delicate curve of her inner wrist. "Sometimes people care too much. I think it's called love." This sweet little quote is from Winne the Pooh, a series that Lou believes people can learn a lot from.

Section 2

Personality Description: Rarely smiling and not exactly to the standards of what some of the older Locals envision a young woman to be, people don't tend to think much of Tallulah Cahill. That's their mistake because Lou is smart and more than capable. Few know that she made it out of High School with a 4.0 and and from there she went to College to study medicine. Most Locals though see her as a College drop out and little more. Not a lot of people hold much hope for her future given where she came from.

Lou is a reserved creature. She isn't always forthcoming with her feelings and her heart is hidden away from those who haven't taken the time to be delicate. That's not to say that she is always so cold and brash. Lou is affectionate towards those that she has grown close to. She has a small group of friends that she can smile and laugh with. Like most people Lou is the most herself when she is either in the company of a Partner or her Border Terrier Gideon.

Lou has great compassion for others though she may not show it in the most traditional of ways. Before she was dragged back to Magnolia she was studying to become an EMT. Lou can be very sweet but she isn't going to turn on the charm for every stranger or frequent flyer that wanders into her bar. They don't pay her for perkiness and giggles. They want a drink and occasionally an open ear and so Lou listens and doesn't force her opinions down people's throats. Of course there are those days where she has enough the bitching and whining and she tells people exactly what she thinks but her honesty is usually we'll met.

Stubborn and loyal to a fault, Lou will persist when the rest of the world has turned its back. To her friends, she is selfless often to the detriment of herself. She has never stopped to wonder why she continues to help those who time and time again show her that they neither want her help nor are they willing to help themselves. Lou sees it as a rather black and white situation. If she cares about someone, she isn't giving up. You can trust her to be candid and honest but trustworthy and determined as well. She has made mistakes in the past for which she has paid for in pain and turmoil but that's life. Lou is a woman with a strong personality that she often keeps under cover like a candle within a glass lantern. Her flame has never gone out but it is protected from the elements.

Characters History: Tallulah Cahill was born bright red and screaming which was a shock to her parents Robert and Emma because the pregnancy had been relativity unremarkable. She was fine. A perfectly healthy little girl. Lou was simply expressing herself in the only was she knew how. Over the next few hours the infant calmed down and Emma was able to nurse her only child successfully and the bond between Mother and Daughter was formed. Lou's Father however, overjoyed at the birth of his Daughter celebrated the monuments occasion by finding a liquor store and then drinking it.

As the years wore on Lou grew into a cheeky little girl. Obsessed with Winne the Pooh Lou would spend hours attempting to perfect her tumble. Her home life in Magnolia was a pleasant one. Lou enjoyed the small town spirit. She liked that the lady at the Grocery Store knew her name and that even at the age of three she knew her way to and from the park down the road from her house. She was far to young to go on her own of course but Lou would proudly tug at her Mothers hand as they walked for an afternoon play. She knew the way and would round those corners before her Mother had a chance to direct her.

At the age of four Lou didn't understand what it meant to have an alcoholic as a Father. She knew that her Daddy wasn't always around but when he was he was the best Daddy in the world. Lou loved her Father and he loved her. The young woman has fond memories of challenging her Father to a tumbling match in the living room with a wall made of cushions to protect them should they hit the wall. Beyond her Parents arguing in hushed tones at night-time and the odd disappearance and funny smells, Lou didn't really think much of her Father's problem until she was five.

At five, her Father's alcoholism reached its peak when he drove his car into a tree with his daughter as a fragile little passenger in the back seat. They both walked away relatively unscathed. Robert Gradeon suffered a broken rib and Lou sustained a concussion and a few cuts and bruises. What she suffered most however was the loss of her Father as her Mother had seen the accident as the last straw. At five years old Lou's Parents separated and the little girl left Magnolia and moved with her Mother into the city.

Their life was calmer for sure but Lou missed her Father. As she grew older she began to see things in a clearer light. She knew that her Father had a problem and that he had placed her life at risk by driving drunk with her in the car. He knew that they were safer if they stayed away. Of course that didn't make it hurt any less.

Lou grew up pretty normal. She got good grades in school despite falling in with what some would call the wrong crowd when she was 13. At 15 she began drinking and took up smoking as a social habit. She wasn't a bad kid. She wasn't even trying to get attention. Mostly she was bored and yeah, she still missed her Father.

Fate has a sense of humour that sucks ass! Just before her 16th Birthday, Lou lost her Mother to of all things, an infection. Emma Cahill went in to have her tonsil removed and 3 days later they were calling time of death. The Doctors said that they had never seen an infection move so quickly. The antibiotics simply couldn't catch up. Her world rocked, Lou slipped into a depression that continued throughout the funeral and only intensified when she was told that she would be moving back to Magnolia to live with her Father. She was a minor and he still held Parental rights.... and so Tallulah Cahill returned to her small Hometown.

Moving into a small Apartment with her Father as the Bank had taken their Family Home, Lou learned quickly that nothing had changed. Her Father drunk just as much though the depth of his alcoholism increased after the death of his wife and what was sadder still, Lou still loved him. It was hard watching her only Family stumble home at night barley being able to walk. As a young teen Lou learned about responsibility the hard way. If she didn't cook, they didn't eat. If she didn't help her Father into bed every night, he slept on the couch. It was a hard life but it was hers. He was a lousy Father but he was the only one she had.

At 18 Lou Graduated High-School top of her class and was quickly accepted into one the top three Medical College's in the country. As she packed her bags she found herself excited. Finally she would be allowed to do something for herself. She was going to be an EMT. She had know it since the loss of her Mother. If she had seen the signs, the fever, the swelling, maybe she could have saved her Mother. It was a silly thought but it was a child thought and when it came to the death of a Parent, everybody was a child.

Lou had reservations about leaving of course. Who would take care of her Dad? Robert assured his Daughter that he could look after himself and that she had to go. He was so proud of her and so Lou left. Forcing herself to believe the lies, Lou left her Father to his liquor and moved into a Dorm Room to begin her life.

College was amazing! Lou spent two years among her peers. She did what every College kid did. She went to class, she attended parties, she drank and dated and preformed the occasional walk of shame the morning after. Lou was doing well in her classes and she was living. Her life was moving on from small town girl to serious adult. She was contemplating her future. EMT was still her dream job. She craved the intense drama, the pressure and then the rewards of being the one that made the difference whether somebody lived or died. She wanted to be there for people when they needed somebody the most. With just a year to go however, the past came knocking.

It was a phone call at 2am that dragged Lou away from her future and back to Magnolia. Her Paternal Grandfather had passed away which was sad enough but he had left his only son his only possession.... a Bar. Her Father was thrilled, of course. He talked rapidly about how he could be the social hub of their little town. He could do it up and maybe put in a few rooms where tourists could spend the night. It was a cash cow. He could eventually open another one and then maybe a restaurant as well. Lou heard it all but all she saw was her Fathers obituary. If he got his hands on a Bar, he would be dead before the first electric bill arrived. She knew that she had to do something. She couldn't watch her Father drink himself to death. She would do whatever she had to do to protect him.

At 21 Lou returned to Magnolia as a College drop out. What she did next her Father has never forgiven her for. Petitioning a Judge, Lou had her Father deemed legally incompetent and she took out a conservatorship. The Court saw reason in her arguments and gave the young woman full control over her Fathers assets, including his newly inherited Bar. She pays his bills, buys his food, owns his Bar and he hates her for it.

Lou now owns and runs The Crows Nest Bar while living in an apartment above it. Her Father is known to everybody as Grady, the town drunk and Lou is known as the Bartender who refuses to sell him a drink. Some people know that he is her Father which makes the abuse he throws at her shocking and the kindness she shows him when she walks him home at night or bails him out from jail sad.

Lou gave up her dreams to save her Father. She will return to her own life and her future but not just yet. Lou doesn't feel like she can go anywhere while her Dad is still alive and given that she refuses to let him go, she'll be here for a while. So pull up a chair.


Name - Robert Gradeon aka Grady
Age - 52
Relation - Father
Occupation - Alcoholic

Name - Emma Cahill (DECEASED)
Age - 44
Relation - Mother
Occupation - Swimming Instructor

Name - Gideon
Age - 4
Relation - Beloved Pet
Occupation - Crotch Inspector

Section 3

Goals: Completing her eduction and becoming an EMT. Keeping her Father alive.

Likes: Lou enjoys a drink which is something that people struggle to understand given her Father's issues. More than likely she is simply being suborn and refuses to allow people to believe that just because she drinks, she's a drunk. Lou smokes from time to time. She loves good food and good company. Night is her favourite time of day and you can often catch her star gazing when she believes nobody is looking. Lou still holds onto her childhood love for Winne the Pooh. She doesn't have stuffed toys on her bed but she does own a rather nice collection of the classic story books.

Dislikes: Lou loves her small Hometown but she hates the judgement and gossip that come with it. Everybody know everybody and people will forever look upon her with either pity or disdain for her Fathers drunken antics. She strongly dislikes those who tell her to 'Smile sweetheart'. Its a good way to get hit. Lou hates mayonnaise and she has little love for any horror movie made after the 1980's.

Character Connections: None At Present

Additional Information: None At Present