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Welcome to X-Men: Worlds Collide

03:43, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Game name: Gambit
Character Name:  Remy LeBeau
Character Aliases (if applicable): Le Diable Blanc, Cajun
Gender:  Male
Age Bracket: Mid Twenties


Cast Description: Remy is about 6'2" tall and 180 lbs.  He has Auburn hair and glowing red eyes; the "whites" of his eyes are black.

Remy is highly agile and athletic, and it shows in his physique, being well toned and not too bulky.  He's ruggedly handsome and tends to dress in casual clothing like jeans and T-shirts, or button-downs.  When out on the town, he dresses to impress, usually with slacks and a silk or otherwise dress shirt.  When on missions, he wears his X-men armored body suit and a brown trench coat.

Personality: Outwardly, Remy is highly confident, often to the point of cockiness.  He's definitely a ladies man with a sarcastic wit and charm, though he can be rough around the edges.  He knows how to look out for number one and remains calm and logical even in extreme situations, though that's not to say he's without a conscience.  His morals and ethics may ride the line at times, but he rarely crosses it.

Mutant Powers:
-Kinetic Control
Gambit has the ability to control the kinetic and potential energy of anything he touches.  He can convert potential energy into kinetic energy, "charging" what he touches with explosive results.  The limitation of this ability is the time required to charge.  The larger the target, the longer it takes... thus he prefers his trademark playing cards as they charge in a very short time and are easy to throw.

Gambit can also alter the existing energy of an object, such as accelerating his bo staff with enough kinetic energy to level a house, or amplifying and enhancing his own or other's movement and agility.

-Enhanced Agility
Gambit's ability to control energy has also innately granted him superhuman Agility and Dexterity which gives him an added edge he has used to his advantage by developing a unique acrobatic fighting style.

-Static interference
A form of kinetic "static" that shields his mind from detection and intrusion from all but the most powerful telepaths.  Also has the effect of destabilizing touch-based powers.

-Hypnotic Charm
This ability allows subtle influence over sentient minds, compelling them to agree with his suggestions.  Powerful minds have proven immune to this ability.

Non Mutant abilities:
-Bilingual:  English and French
-Expert Marksmen:  Profoundly proficient in throwing small objects with great accuracy
-Master Combatant:  While not on the level of Captain America, he is a highly skilled fighter, utilizing martial arts, streetfighting and acrobatics.  He is adept in the arts of Savate and Bojutsu.
-Master Thief:  Trained from childhood in all forms of thievery.

Weaknesses:  While highly intelligent and cunning, Remy is not highly educated.  Much academic knowledge some would take for granted is not possessed by Remy.  His eyes are sensitive to light, which while a boon in darkness, can cause flare problems when light changes quickly.  In terms of strength and durability, he is essentially human, if not an extremely fit one.

Equipment:  Flexible, armored body suit; durable extensible bo staff/eskrima sticks; trench coat with many pockets and straps, some hidden; thieving tools (lockpicks, drills, electronics tools, etc); many sets of playing cards

Previous History:  Remy was abandoned at birth due to his burning red eyes.  He was abducted from the hospital by the Thieves Guild, who believed him to be le diable blanc, the one prophesied to unite the warring Guilds.  When he was ten, he was adopted by Jean-Luc LeBeau after being caught attempting to pick his pocket.  Later, a marriage between Remy and Bella Donna Boudroux of the Assassin's guild was arranged to unite the guilds.  Unfortunately, Bella's brother Julien objected and challenged Remy to a duel.  Remy killed him in self-defense, but was exiled from New Orleans to maintain the non-aggression pact between the guilds.

Remy wandered the world, plying his trade as a master thief, aided by his mutant abilities.  However, he began to slowly lose control of his powers, causing things he touched to sometimes be charged against his will.  He sought help in the Far East at a monastery where they helped him to control his body and mind to allow him to keep his powers in check.

Remy eventually encountered Storm, who had been transformed into an amnesiac child and had turned to thievery to survive.  Remy helped her to escape and Storm later sponsored Remy to be admitted to the X-men.

Since then, Remy has worked with the other X-men, being sent on missions and helping out at the school as a French teacher and in physical education.