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Welcome to Rifts - Those who would be Gods (Adult Rated)

02:52, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Maya Tanaiyth

Height: 6'4” Weight: 203 lbs.
Eye Color: Emerald Green Hair Color: Midnight Black
Age: 97, Appears to be in her early 20s
Gender: Female

Appearance: Maya typically wears a set of fatigues; green and black in color. They have been tailored to fit her form; accentuating her curves. A cloak with a cowl of matching colors completes the outfit.

Hanging from her left hip is a stylized black sheath inside which is a long sword. For any with the senses to detect magic, the sword fairly hums with power. She is rarely seen without it, regardless of what she is wearing.

Two pieces of jewelry likewise always seem to adorn her; a matching pair of ear cuffs. They are in the shape of Chiang Ku dragons and are made from a chrome colored metal, with gold inlays. Both are highly polished and the dragons’ sapphire eyes always seem to twinkle and glow. Like her sword, the ear cuffs radiate magic though not nearly as strongly.

Disposition: Maya carries herself with a quiet confidence. It can be felt as well as seen in the way she speaks as well as her body language. Part of her training for a life in politics and leadership included how to keep her true emotions and thoughts hidden. Even when upset, it is unusual for her to vocally or visually display her emotions unless it was a calculated act. Maya rarely speaks in a crass or base way, if ever. Even when dealing with those she doesn’t like whether or personal or professional reasons, she prefers to maintain her decorum. That isn’t to say she won’t trade insults, quite the contrary. It is just that she is disinclined to use vulgar language to perform the task.

Despite being a True Atlantean noblewoman, she treats others with the respect they are due, even those of “lesser races”. Still she does have pride in her race, clan and herself. She always takes care with her appearance and enjoys both the act of preparing her dress and the reaction it gets from others.

Maya possesses a great deal of empathy and genuinely cares for others, especially those under her command or that she considers friends/loved ones. This compassion has a dual edge. The side most often seen is the attention to detail and care she takes when making plans involving the lives of others. One of her favorite quotes is “A good commander safe guards the lives of those they command like water in the desert and spends them just as preciously.” The other side is her utter ruthlessness when dealing with threats to the lives and well-being of those she feels responsible for, whether she actually is responsible for them or not.