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Welcome to Rifts - Those who would be Gods (Adult Rated)

22:45, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)


Work in progress...including avatar picture.

Appearance (PB 26): At 5'10", she's not the tallest Altaran Warrior Woman on record by any means, but she's also not the smallest. Truth be told, to look at her, you would be hard pressed to tell the nature of her origin. Knowing full well how her kind and those they often serve are thought of, deservedly so in her mind, she has done her best to look more 'human'. She is definitely built like a warrior, however, if a very feminine one.

Her hair and eyes are cosmetic cybernetics and can change color at will, the hair can also change length at will from close-cropped to shoulder length. She generally prefers to wear it long when not wearing her helmet. She still tends to wear high-tech sunglasses or goggles when not wearing her helmet despite recently getting her eye implants.

Long gone are the characteristic armor and helm of her time as a minion. She has, by and large, fully embraced her freedom and attached herself to this strange and diverse world. Still, she is armed and armored like a warrior typically carrying, at a minimum, twin Wilk's Laser Swords strapped clipped to her lower back, twin NG45-LP laser pistols, one on each thigh, and Golgosixtc attached to her arm. The mission will dictate additional gear and she is well noted for having redundancies available, but she often includes vibro-knives, neural maces, and her favorite K-E4.

Personality & Mindset (MA 22): It has taken some time, but Chayyliel has come far since her time as a minion of the Splugorth. The psychological defense mechanisms of being a slave and being forced to witness and commit horrific acts has definitely left a scar on her psyche, but she has grown stronger for it as she has been able to find herself in her freedom. Although still quite cautious among strangers and those of great power, she is generally approachable and even friendly.

She has a keen sense of justice (as she perceives it) and despises slavery and abuse of the weak and innocent. These things are a passion for her and much of her free time is spent in combating slavers and abusers. She even drives the contracts she takes to include opportunities to achieve goals toward those ends when she can without truly compromising the overall mission.

She tends toward formality with new acquaintances, but not overly stiff. Her confidence in herself does show through, but there is no arrogance in that she feels superior by her nature. She's had to fight and earn nearly everything she's obtained, but knows that it was ultimately the acts of others that bought her freedom. It is humbling to her and it shows in her interactions with the like-minded. She believes that she will never be able to pay back the debt she owes for her 'sins', but is determined to make the effort.

To her friends and those she is trying to help, she is kind and caring. Her manner easy and gentle, gracious and endearing.

To her enemies, she is an angel of death bringing judgment and destruction. Mercy does not come easy to her, but she knows that mercy is what has allowed her and her 'daughter' the life they now lead.

History: Currently the owner of Liberty Security, a private military company that specializes in armed escort, Chayyliel has worked hard to make it where she is. Arriving in Lazlo approximately seven years ago with a large Splugorth Air Ship and semi-established crew of former slaves, her success with small-time operations slowly allowed her to expand her operation.

She has kept it small, but her reputation is excellent and she treats both her employers and her employees very happy. She keeps much of her business operations close to her vest, however. No small part of that is a certain level of paranoia that growing too fast would draw attention from enemies that might take special interests should they think it worth it to make an example of her.

Her beginnings are far less 'glorious'. In fact, those that even know her 'well' know little more than that she is an Altaran and are left to guess at what that implies. She would prefer that most identify her as the woman that she has been since her escape from Atlantis, and has only revealed the ugly nature of her time as the retinue of a Minion of Splugorth to a precious few. Those that know her well know of the circumstances of her escape.

"The Spirit of Liberty" (Large Splugorth Flying Ship)
A large, beautiful and heavily modified sailing airship, Chayyliel uses it as both a company headquarters as well as maintains it as the core of her armed escort operations. Part of the spoils from her escape from Atlantis, the crew is as exotic and eclectic as the ship itself. It is a large, three mast sailing ship with a magnificently sculpted dragon that makes up the ram/prow. She and her crew, along with work by Golems & 'Bots, Inc. have since heavily modified that already well appointed ship.

Crew: Two, pilot and gunner. The gunner can operate the entire weapons system from the command deck, but can only fire each of the four weapons systems once per melee.

M.D.C. by Location:
*Forward facing, deck mounted particle beam cannons (2) - 500
*Rear facing, stern castle mounted particle bean cannon (1) - 500
*Stern Castle mounted long range missile turret (1) - 750
**Eyes of Eylor (20) - 220
Mast (3) - 1000
Sails (3) - 500
Hatches (4) - 750
Reinforced Keel/mine-bomb system (1) - 1000
Force Field (10 x per day) - 500
***Main Body - 2200

*Indicates targets that are small or difficult to hit. Attackers must make a called shot and are -2 to strike.
**The Eyes of Eylor are enclosed in protective shielding with 100 MDC, while each Eye has 120 M.D.C. and can regenerate 1d4x10 M.D.C. every minute. If 5 eyes are destroyed the ship loses its sensory abilities. If 10 are destroyed the ship loses its force filed and the number of spells are reduced by half. Destroying 15 eyes eliminates all spell casting and speed is reduced by 25%. Destroying all 20 eyes will eliminate all magic weapons systems and reduce speed by an additional 50%.
***Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will destroy the vessel and negate the abilities of all Eyes of Eylor.

flying: 60mph (X2 on lay line) maximum altitude is 10,000ft.
Sailing:50 mph/43 knots

Statistical Data:
Height: 50 feet from main deck to keel, 70 feet from Stern deck to keel, masts are 100 feet from main deck to crow's nest.
Length: 150 feet, dragon statue/ram prow adds an additional 20 feet.
Width: 35 feet at widest point.
Weight: 25 tons
Cargo: Cargo hold holds 10 tons

Weapons Systems (conventional)
1.Medium Particle Beam Cannons (3)
Weight: 2 tones
Mega-Damage: 1d4x100 M.D.
Rate of Fire: 2x per melee due to capacitor recharge rate
Effective range: One mile
Payload: unlimited

2.Keel integrated mine/bomb system
Weight: 500 pounds per mine/bomb
Mega-Damage: 5d6x10 M.D.
Rate of fire: Equal to operator
Effective Range: 5 miles at a speed of 75 miles per hour.
Payload: 100 mines/bombs

3.Long Range Missile Launcher
Weight: 2 tons
Mega-Damage: As per missiles (typically 4d6X10MD)
Rate of fire: in bursts of 1-10
Effective Range: 1000 miles
Payload: 30 in launcher. 100 stored in reinforced ammo locker below deck.

Magical weapons systems:

Dragon head ram prow:
Rune statue (possess all eight standard abilities for rune statues)
-speed 10-30mph = 2d6x10MD
-speed 31-40mph = 5d6x10MD
-speed 41-60mph = 1d4x100MD (The Spirit of Liberty take 10% of ramming damage to main body)
-speed 61-80mph = 1d6x100MD (The Spirit of Liberty take 20% of ramming damage to main body)
-speed 81-120mph= 2d4x100MD (The Spirit of Liberty take 25% of ramming damage to main body)

Spell Magic:
-Lightening 6d6 M.D. three times per day. 50 foot range. Equal to a fifth level magic user.
-Fire breath 1d4x10M.D. three times per day. 50 foot range. Equal to a fifth level magic user.
-Globe of daylight. Three times per day.
-Healing. 4d6hp/M.D.C. three times per day. 50 foot range. Equal to a fifth level magic user.
-Bite 1d4x10M.D. range 12 feet. 3 attacks. Animate 4 times per day.

Spell Casting: Members of the crew can call on the ship to cast spell magic.
Mystic Knowledge: All spell magic levels 1-8 found in Rifts MRB.
Potency: Equal to a 9th level wizard.
Rate of fire: as many as 5 spells per melee round.
Range: As per spell.
Payload: 100 spells can be cast per 24 hour period.
Available P.P.E.: 1000

Magic Force Field: A force field with 500 M.D.C. can be engaged to cover the ship 7 times per 24 hour period.

Magic and Sensory Capabilities from the Eyes:
1. Can see seven miles (11.2 KM)
2. Telescopic sight - 300x magnification
3. Night vision 6000ft
4. Polarized vision and can tell direction and time by looking at the position of the sun.
5. Sensory perception: See aura, see the invisible, sense magic. and see P.P.E. energy.
6. Telepathic Communications: through the eyes of Eylor, the captain and crew can communicate via telepathy.

Magic Stealth:
1. Moves silently - equal to a prowl of 80%
Additional info:

1.Rear section of the storage deck has been modified to allow the space vessel, The Forge to dock permanently. while docked, The Forge is protected by the Main Body M.D.C. of The Spirit of Liberty.
2.Skiff/Captains jig tethered to rear of main deck.
3.Cargo hold modified to allow (6) hover cycles to launch from concealed and reinforced hatches.

Crew of the Liberty:
Ragnar Lodbrok (demi-god, male) - First Officer
Breinara (amazon, female) - Second Officer
Ganz (zembahk w/ humanoid bio-wizard body) - Weapons Officer
Kantik (lyn-srial, male) - Weapons Officer
Arach (c'ro demon, male) - Boatswain, mostly non-combatant, fairy guardian
Fairies: Aelfdene (common), Albreda (common), Cyrena (common), Eiluned (night elf), Kaileah (common), Ninfa (silver bell), Shailagh (green wood), and Tien (night elf) - residents, not 'crew' per se

"Templar" Custom Armor (created by Kyne and Grey)

Golgosixtc (with limbs 'deployed')

NG LP-45 Pistols

Wilk's Laser Swords

Vibro Knives

K-E4 Plasma Ejector