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17:10, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Lyra Dawn Hadley

<img src=""Align="right">THE BASICS

Name: Lyra Dawn Hadley

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Title: Lady Lyra Dawn Hadley

Sexuality and Desires: Lyra has never lain with a man but she knows herself well enough to know that men are where her attractions fall. Lyra can appreciate the beauty an sensuality of a woman but she has never found herself with sapphic thoughts. She believes in true love but she is cautious. She has seen how easily a man can throw his love aside if he is done with her and for this reason Lyra protects her heart but she wants to fall in love. She desires a man who is strong, honourable and kind. When she marries she will chose a man who supports her and protects her not because he believes that she needs it but because he wants to. She seeks a partner to raise a family with and a lover with whom she can share her heart.


Hair: Lyra posses locks the colour of coffee beans. Her hair has been growing since she was small and as per her Fathers wishes, has never been cut. Hot irons assist in forming the subtle curls that she loves though even when left to hang free and wild, Lyra's hair falls in soft and feminine waves.

Eyes: Lyra's eyes are deep and mesmerising. They reflect the colour of the ocean where her Family earns it's wealth and respect. Framed by long lashes Lyra's gaze can be hypnotising.

Distinguishing Marks: A scar is the only thing that spoils Lyra's perfect visage. A long line of pearly scar tissue marks the supple flesh of her upper thigh and spans around the length of a grown man's hand. It was given to her by the one man that she would like to think would have killed any man who had even thought of hurting her. When Lyra was 14 her Father saw it in his infinite wisdoms to burn his Daughter with a fire poker. He did this because he was drunk but also because he intended to insure that his only daughter would sleep with no man until her wedding night. She would be the pure and pristine piece of property that he needed to ensue the growth of his dominion.

<img src=""Align="left">General Appearance: Lyra is what every woman should be. She casts the perfect image and in a world were she is expected to be seen and not heard, she is at least a stunning sight and a feast for the eyes. She stands at a height of 5'8 which is not too tall and not too short according to her Step-Mother. It is not proper for a woman to stand taller than her Husband after all. Lyra posses alluring curves that are both visually attractive and perfect for baring children. Her face is young and supple, her lips soft and perfectly shaped. She has womanly breasts but they are not so large that she might be mistaken for a Brothel Whore. Lyra is what every man could possibly want and that's what's important right?

There is no denying that Lyra is stunningly attractive. Her Mother was a beautiful woman that many an Artist took pride and joy in painting. Lyra has inherited her Mothers deep blue eyes but they are not simply there for drawing in the rougher sex. Lyra's eyes show intelligence and wisdom. When angry they can flash a brilliant green as they catch the sunlight. Her face is young and supple but she will not keep her blushed lips closed if she sees an injustice or finds that her opinion could make a difference in the matters of Men. Lyra is beautiful. Her figure is soft but full. Her breast swell just so beneath the fabric of her gowns but beneath that is a strong heart that beats regardless of who or what attempts to silence it.

Lyra Dawn Hadley is a true beauty and so much more.


Personality: As the only Daughter in a family of boys, one might think that Lyra would be utterly squashed by the testosterone and bravado that fills her Household but such is not the case. Lyra is the first born of the Hadley line and the only female. After her came nine sons and each and every one of them love and respect their Sister like they would their Mother.

Lyra learnt from an early age that if she wanted respect then she must act and behave in a manner that warranted it. She is a confident woman who can take control of a situation when needed. She is by no means weak or meek. She is spirited and intelligent but these elements of her personality are neither brash nor boastful. Lyra has the kind of compassion for others that many of her station have lost.

Capable of holding a conversation with just about anyone Lyra is socially skilled and aware of the affect that her body can have on men. Having pride in herself and being an honest believer in true love, there have been very few times that she has been forced to use her feminine wiles to get what she wants.

Lyra knows how to play the game. She can act the fool among men if she needs to. Pointing out the mistakes of those above her or insulting those of a Higher Station will serve her nor her family any good and for Lyra, her family is everything. She adores each and and every one of her brothers and while she may not have her Fathers respect, she has earned the respect of his sons. Lyra runs her Household. She is smart and capable and she intends to raise her Brothers to be the strong yet chivalrous gentleman that she hopes to one day find and wishes her Father was.


<img src=""Align="right">History: Lyra is the first and only Daughter of Orin and Shae Hadley. For Shae Hadley, she is her only child. There was a time when Orin and Shae were very much in love. After Lyra's birth, relations between the couple broke down. Like all men with power, Orin wanted a son. He needed a male heir to carry on his name and take over his land. For years he had been working tirelessly for the King and his Country. Orin Hadley manned the border on the south side of Breiton. A Daughter, as pretty as she was severed him little good and a wife who couldn't bare a son served him less.

Lyra had only just passed her second birthday when her Father sent her Mother away. Giving her a small property he allowed her to take her Lady in Waiting, a horse and carriage and the few gowns that she owned but not her Daughter. Lyra may not be allowed to inherited her Fathers title but she could still help him in expanding his dominion. If he kept her pure and if she grew up into the beauty that he knew she could given the stunning features of her Mother, then she would be make a perfect bride.

Quickly marrying again Orin found the next love of his life. She was young and naive but she gave him sons. One after another, after another. Lyra was not allowed to visit with her own Mother and for this she resents her Father for Lyra was barley nine when her Mother died. To this day she maintains that her Mother died of a broken heart.

Lyra grew up privileged. She had the best of everything from stunning gowns to stallions as strong as ox's. She had staff who waited on her and a home that was vast, beautiful and secure. Her Father was a warrior and her Step-Mother was was beautiful but a child needs more. Lyra learnt her lessons the hard way. She knows that men can crush you if you let them. She knows that knowledge is more powerful than any sword and she understands the importance of the things that people brush aside.

Lyra attended her lessons and dutifully she learned about the history of their land and the greatness of their King. She was an intelligent child but she was also joyful. Of course she grieved for her Mother but her Father relented and eventually allowed his only Daughter to plant a tree in her memory. Lyra chose a white flowering weeping willow and she spent many days and late evenings sitting beneath it. It brought her happiness but it wasn't the only thing that could make her smile.

As Lyra grew she learned to do many things. As a family or warriors she learnt how to fight. Her Brothers taught her how to wield a sword and she does so with grace and precision. Lyra, like all proper Ladies is a gifted musician and her embroidery skills are beyond compare. She enjoys painting and reading is a passion. Her life was easy. She wanted for nothing and for years she was spared the harsh hand of the word around her. Her Father tore this safety away when she was a young teen. Branding his daughter he made sure that she would have neither the confidence or the heart to give herself to a man before she was married. Once she was married her scar would be her Husband's problem. Lyra has never forgiven her Father for what he did.

Now an adult Lyra keeps her emotions closer to her vest. She has learnt to be self sufficient though she still lives under her Fathers roof and will do until she is married. Lyra never imagined getting married just yet. There are things that she wishes to do and places that she longs to see. A summons is a summons though and at the word of their King Lyra has been sent to Rosemont. She loves her King and her Country and if marrying a man from another House will do some good and stabilise their fractured factions then she is willing to walk into this with an open mind.

Orin Hadley has dreams of his only Daughter marrying a Von Rohem but in the end Lyra will marry whomever she loves. She is as stubborn as her Mother which is a dangerous thing as Lyra knows what happened to her Mother when her Father decided that she was no longer worth the trouble.

House: House Hadley is a Minor House. They do not have the power of influence of the five major houses but they are not without their prestige and strength. Lyra's Father is a Marquess of the Southern border, a title and a job that he was honoured with when he was a young man. Each of his sons of a proper age are soldiers in his army. Orin Hadley is an older man but his power and determination is unmatched by men half his age. Battle scared and jaded by the world Orin runs his household and rules his land with an iron fist. He is feared but respected. There is no doubt that Lyra's Father is a great man but great men often have great strength and men with great strength sometimes crush the more delicate things in their care. Lyra sees another way to reign. She is well aware of the plight of the poor and the turbulence that threaten to destroy the five Houses. If she had her way she would take her Fathers title when he passes and bring back the life and laughter that once flowed through their land freely. Such a thing will never happen though. Orin Hadley's title and his land will go to his son's and he has plenty of them.