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04:08, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Avery Wickham

Name: Avery Wickham

Nickname: Red

Birthdate and Age: 13th of May / 18 years old

Blood Status: MuggleBorn

Cultural Heritage: Irish Decent

Hometown: Portstewart, Northern Ireland

House: Gryffindor

Wand: Ebony, 13 inches, Phoenix Feather core.

"This jet-black wand wood has an impressive appearance and reputation, being highly suited to all manner of combative magic, and to Transfiguration. Ebony is happiest in the hand of those with the courage to be themselves. Frequently non-conformist, highly individual or comfortable with the status of outsider, ebony wand owners have been found both among the ranks of the Order of the Phoenix and among the Death Eaters. In my experience the ebony wand’s perfect match is one who will hold fast to his or her beliefs, no matter what the external pressure, and will not be swayed lightly from their purpose." Garrick Ollivander

Boggart: Avery's Boggart, should she ever see one will take on the form of herself, alone, frightened and falling towards the bottom of an abnormally deep pit.

Special possessions: Avery's only real possessions of importance are her wand and her sketchbook.

Special Skills: Avery has shown particular skill for mixing potions. She enjoys this factor of magic and has hopes of developing her ability with further study

Patronus: Avery has only recently been able to conquer her full Patronus. For the first little while she achieved nothing but silver smoke but she persisted. Avery's Patronus takes the form of a large and liquid octopus. Seemingly made from smoke, Avery's great octopus moves through the air with fluidity and grace as it would through the ocean. It is really quite a beautiful sight. When it needs to attack however, say to banish a Dementor, Avery's Patronus will spread out its legs and rush the danger before coiling around it and squeezing until the evil relents and vanishes.

Apparition License: Yes. Avery received her Apparition License shortly after her 18th birthday. She is capable of Apparating though she still hasn't gotten past the motion sickness that comes with it.

Pet/Familiar: Avery owns a young barn owl named Lark. Lark has an affinity towards singing whilst in flight. He is incredibly vocal hence his name and takes great pleasure in screeching at unsuspecting people and startling them. If kept in his cage for too long he will scare Avery the same way but cheekily reserves his screeches for when she is sleeping.

Hair: Long, red locks hang straight and end at the middle of Avery's back.

Eyes: Large, deep espresso eyes with thick, dark lashes.

Height: 5'5

Physical Description: Avery stands at 5'5 which is rather short when compared to the normal height of girls her age. She has never carried herself like a short girl though. Meaning that Avery's stature comes from the inside. She's a spirited little thing that has a tough skin. She walks with confidence but can at times fade into the background if she so chooses. She is used to either being watched intently or ignored utterly. She is after all, MuggleBorn. Too much of a witch for the Muggle word. Not quite pure enough Witch for the Magical world.

Avery Wickham has a small face that is rounded in a rather endearing way. Her vibrant amber hair hangs straight and thick while framing her face with a set of blunt bangs across her forehead. Her nose is the shape of a button and her eyes are deep and dark which stands in stark contrast against her pale, milky skin.

Short and thin Avery is lucky to have inherited a set of subtle curves from her Mother. If it weren't for her hips and the gentle swell of her chest she would resemble far more of a teenage boy than a teenage girl. Of course a young woman's opinions on her appearance often holds very little truth and the truth is, Avery is beautiful. If anyone cared to look past her blood status and duck and weave through the prickliness that is often her nature, Avery is definitely someone worth watching and knowing. If for no other reason than to see who and what she turns out to be.

Distinguishing Features: Avery Wickham has lived in the Muggle world far longer than she has lived in the Wizarding world and so she has taken advantage of many of the trends that have been available to young men and women her age.

Both her left and right ears have been pierced multiple times. Two piercing adorn the left ear while three adorn the right. Most of the time theses piercings are hidden behind the cloak of amber hair but if and when she brushes her long tresses behind her ear they reflect the sunlight and shine.

Avery's only other distinguishing mark is a tattoo of a large octopus that fluidly stretches out across the flesh of her right hip and thigh. Having been a water baby for as long as she can remember it seemed appropriate. The ocean is apart of her and now her very own sketch has been permanently inked upon her skin.


Personality: Avery has been described both as a Spitfire and a Wallflower. While these two personalities would seem like oil and water, in Avery they blend together to form a complex personality that is uniquely Avery Wickham. As the only daughter born from two Muggels, Avery is in the unique position of being of two worlds but feeling like she never fits completely into either one. During her early years at Hogwarts Avery felt very different. Though not everyone looked down upon her because of her blood status, many did. There were times when she never fully felt accepted or even trusted. Once the word was out that she was Muggle Born, it spread like only gossip in school can and everybody knew. There was no hiding and no need for people to find out who she was by getting to know her because judgements were made and to some, her lack of magical heritage was all they needed to know. She was not pure of blood or even half pure. She was not welcome. Such a thing tends to imprint itself on a girl after a while.

Intelligent -
Though she might not brag about it, Avery is rather intelligent. She has been forced to constantly prove her worth and so she has worked hard to break expectations and become more than what anyone ever though she was capable of being.

Sarcastic -
Avery is a tough girl that hides behind many factors of her personal but mostly she is sarcastic. It is a defence mechanism but everybody, including herself knows this. Still, it's simpler and at times safer than being utterly open and vulnerable.

Impulsive -
Quick to judge people because people have been quick to judge her Avery doesn't wear her heart on her sleeve nor does she let her guard down the first time she meets someone. She is untrusting of Purebloods and assumes wrongly perhaps that they are all self-entitled brats. Avery however is not mean spirited or cruel but she can fight when provoked and doesn't always think things through before speaking or acting.

Independent -
Having learnt from a very young age that the only real person she could count on was herself, Avery grew up fast and learned to take care of herself. If she wanted or needed something, she did it herself and this continues today. It is not common for Avery to seek out help but subconsciously she does crave someone to look out for her and take care of her. Not because she needs it, simply because it would be nice to know someone gave a damn.

Protective -
Avery knows what it is like to be an outsider and to be looked down upon and for this she has developed quite a protective streak. She cannot and will not stand by while someone takes advantage of someone smaller or weaker than themselves. She is a loyal friend and a fighter when it comes to perceived injustices.

Sweet -
Though she may not always show it immediately, Avery can be rather sweet. She is a loving and caring girl that simply sees herself in a world that at times doesn't want her there. Avery is aware that not everybody will treat her as less than worth it because of her Blood Status but enough people have to taint her view of things. She isn’t wicked or angry at the world, she just has a thick skin and a tall wall around her heart.

History: On a chilly night on the 13th of May the Wickham family welcomed their first and only daughter into their lives. Well, to be technically accurate Mrs Wickham welcomed her daughter to the world. Mr Wickham wouldn't see his daughter for three more days as he was away at sea filling his nets with fish to stock his small seaside restaurant. Mrs Wickham named her daughter Avery and promised to forever love her. 18 years later this promise hasn't been broken but it has at times been bent and tested.

Avery grew up in Portstewart, Northern Ireland. The small town of Portstewart sits snugly against the sea and attracts all number of rich and well off tourist each and every year. On the hills and on the shores they build their mansions and they live their lives. There are many towns like it. Portstewart isn't unique. Rich seaside towns are commonly featured in movies and TV shows. Nobody seems terribly interested in the lives of the locals though. Every tourist town needs those people willing to service said tourists. The Wickham's were one such family.

All her life Avery has worked in her family's restaurant and catered to the rich and entitled. She cooks, she cleans, she serves and she puts up with rich boys looking down their noses at her while at the same time looking down her top. It was a hard life but not entirely dreadful. Avery was loved and cared for by her parents, despite their own marital problems and her Father’s love of liquor. To their credit they never made her feel like she was to blame. They told her this the day that her Father packed his car and left the family home, never to return. It wasn't her fault she was strange and different. She wasn't to blame for her parents’ divorce. However at 10 years old all Avery could feel was blame and guilt. She could only think that maybe if she was more normal that her father might have stayed. Maybe if so many strange things stopped happening around her he might not drink so much and her Mother might be happier and not resent her daughter for looking so much like her Father. Who was she to know she was a witch?

Her first sign of magical abilities came when she slapped an annoying little shit with a fish. The young rich kid was making her job miserable and enjoying every second of it. It wasn't intentional of course, not consciously but while brining in the fresh catch and thinking about how much she wished that the 9 year olds Mother would learn to control her obnoxious kid, Avery stumbled. The fish from her tray didn't so much as fall as it flew. It dropped to the floor of course, but not before colliding with the boys cheek with a rather comical splat.

It wasn't until Avery was 12 that she began to find some answers to her peculiar quirks. In an online chat room the young girl met another who was just as strange and just as peculiar as she was. This young man however seemed to know more than she did. He told her stories of Hogwarts, brooms, spells, caldrons, wands and magic and Avery was enchanted by his world. That same year she received her letter inviting her to join The Wizarding Academy for Junior Witches and Wizards.

It took some convincing but Avery was eventually able to talk her Mother (her Father being out of her life at this stage) into letting her attend this prestigious and highly respected MUGGLE School. Yes, Avery lied. She told her Mother everything about the school she had managed to earn an invitation to except the fact that she would be studying magic. To this day Avery is unsure if her magical abilities played a part in convincing her Mother to let her go. Mrs Wickham now knows the truth however and Avery has been informed that her Father knows too though she has not spoken to him in many years. It was impossible to keep up the lie once she passed her O.W.L's and earned her place at Hogwarts. Being 18 now though gave Avery the courage she needed to reveal her secret. Her Mother could not stop her attending Hogwarts even if she wanted to. To Avery's surprise her Mother took the news of having a Witch for a daughter rather well. It would be a lie to say that Mrs Wickham undestands everything her daughter tells her or even how the whole magical things works but she attempts to support her daughter as best she can and for that Avery is grateful.

Academic History: Avery studies hard for short periods of times. She is not one to keep her nose pressed into the spine of a book for hours on end but the study she does do is intensive and allows her to maintain rather good grades. Avery constantly feels like she has something to prove so she refuses to just glide by. She is skilled at potions but has never fully learned to master her broom as she has a modest to extreme fear of falling to her splattering death.


Name - Claire Wickham
Age - 43
Relation - Mother
Blood Status - Muggle
Occupation - Restaurant Owner & Cook
Nationality - Irish

Name - Tomas Wickham
Age - 54
Relation – Father (estranged)
Blood Status - Muggle
Occupation - Fisherman & Drunk
Nationality - Irish

Connections: Work In Progress

Tristan Morganstern - Tristan is the kind of guy that can annoy you to the point where one would seriously consider turning themselves into a toad just to escape him. Sadly he is also the kind of guy that a maturing young woman might find herself falling for. Avery strongly disliked Tristan when she first met him. He was cocky and abrasive and while she was attempting to fly under the Pureblood's radar, he was flaunting his MuggleBorn status like a badge of honour. It was their blood status however that eventually drew them together. It was easier to band together against the bullies than it was to fight the battle on their own and at 14 Tristan's cocky and abrasive nature, while still annoying suddenly became useful. Avery learnt a great deal from him during those early years at The Academy but she didn't really think much of it when her sketchbook began to fill up with pictures of him. Now at 18 Avery knows all too well what's going on. She's into him and it's scary and exciting and just that little bit annoying but she can't help it. The girls got a crush.

It was only recently, their first day at Hogwarts actually that her secret was spilled. Tristan knows how Avery feels about him and to her surprise, he feels the same way. It's uncharted waters and all very new to them so they are taking things slow, despite a passionate kiss here and there.

Aadi Adaire - There was a time when Aadi and Avery would have said they were best friends. They met in a Bathroom of all places where Aadi was hiding after Tristan had been more of an ass than usual to her and that was saying something. Avery had never been able to turn away from someone in need and so she offered comfort. They very quickly found out that they had quite a bit in common and it all centred around the monumental twat that was Tristan Morganstern. Avery, still loathing him at this stage shared Aadi's frustration and dislike of the boy. They began to swap stories of stupid things he had done and rolled their eyes collectively when he made a fool of himself by puffing out his chest and charging blindly at the world. As time went on, things began to change as they inevitably do. Avery began to grow up and in turn grow close to the man who had for so long been the star of their 'We Hate Club'. Aadi was her friend and so she saw Avery's developing crush. This of course caused friction. Aadi felt betrayed and Avery felt guilty. It was Avery who urged Tristan to apologise to Aadi and he did because at that time he had seen the error of his ways but the damage seemed to be done. Avery and Aadi are estranged. They remain polite but don't go out of their way to hang out. Avery misses her friend terribly and only wishes that the desires of her heart hadn't caused so much hurt.

Ophelia Reinhart - Avery and Ophelia met at The Academy. It was during a Charms class that Avery first noticed the small blonde. Hearing her name she became intrigued. The story of Hamlet, in particular the character of Ophelia had always been one of her favourites. Mentioning this to the blonde one day in passing, their friendship blossomed. Avery shared the story of Hamlet with Ophelia who would not have otherwise heard it due to her wizard upbringing. Ophelia not only accepted Avery as a MuggleBorn but liked her more because of it. Avery and Ophelia bonded over their differences. Avery taught Ophelia about the Muggle world and in turn Ophelia taught Avery more about the Wizard world. Most importantly though Ophelia showed Avery that not all Pureblood's are entitled snobs who will look down their nose at her. Avery often brings Muggle things as little gifts for her friend. She quite enjoys the look on the Witch's face as she tries to figure out the exact use of certain items or flips through a magazine where the pictures don't move and celebrity gossip stories fill every other page. Avery cherishes her friendship with Ophelia. She feels lucky to have met her.

Felix Wilde - Felix is her Boyfriends Best Friend. In a nut shell that's about the extent of Avery's connection with the broody blonde. They've known each other for a few years now however and so she would like to say that she could count Felix as a friend but he is so hard to read. Avery isn't entirely sure how Felix feels about her. Often she gets the feeling that he is simply tolerating her presence but she could be wrong. Honestly he intimidates her a little but she tries to get along with him. If not for her own sake then for Tristan's.

Lyric Lestrade - Avery was Lyric's potion tutor but their relationship eventually went beyond that. Avery was a huge fan of Lyric's Mum's band. She says 'was' because since Kathryn left the band 'Twisted Tuesday' has never been as good. So the two became friends and bonded over their love of rock music from their Muggle world. Lyric filled a void that was left when things between Avery and Aadi became strained. Avery is grateful for the girls positive and sweet outlook on life.

Likes: Avery loves the water and has been known to take secret swims in the Black Lake once the sun has set. She also loves music, drawing and anything made from caramel. It is not uncommon to find the young Witch perched on a bench somewhere with her feet curled up beneath her, her sketch book in her lap, a pencil in hand and sucking on a toffee.

Dislikes: Avery dislikes anybody who thinks they are deserving of special treatment or act entitled. She is not terribly fond hot weather and can't stand the taste or smell of liquor.

Fears & Phobias: Avery's biggest fear is her fear of being alone. Not psychically alone. Avery is quite content with her own company but she fears being alone in that nobody cares about her. Abandoned by her Father she has issues with feeling less than good enough. Avery is also afraid of heights. Well, not the height so much as the possibility of falling from that height and becoming jelly on the ground below.

Worst Memory(ies): Avery's worst memory is the day her Father left. She can still hear the sound of her parents arguing and her Mother smashing plates while her Father packed. She recalls her Father looking up at her from the driveway as she stood crying in her bedroom window and most of all she remembers the back of his car as he drove away.

Best Memory(ies): Avery has very few memories that she would say are truly her best but one stands out because as far as she can remember, it was the only time her parents weren’t fighting and they were actually a normal family.

She was 7 and a heavy storm had rolled itself onto the bay. Her Father was supposed to go out on his boat earlier that day but the storm had prevented this. Later that evening the power lines had been brought down by a falling tree and Avery recalls being scooped up in her Father’s arms while her Mother lit candles to banish the darkness. Together that night her family played board games by the fire and ate ham and cheese sandwiches for dinner while seated on pillows on the floor. Avery has never since felt so loved and safe.

Favourite Animal(s): Avery is a creature of the ocean and has always had a love for everything that lives within it. Her favourite animal has and probably will always be the Mimic Octopus. She has been dazzled by its artistry and mimicry since she was a child. No matter what situation it finds itself in, it can adapt perfectly. She has always been envious of this. It's truly a magical creature that she identifies with quite a lot.