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04:02, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Ella Winters-Jung

<img src=""Align="right">Name: Ella Winters-Jung

Age: 39

Species: Human

Sexual Preference: Heterosexual

Eye Colour: Hazel

Hair Colour: Caramel

Physical Description: Ella has Portuguese and Irish in her blood but the woman herself was born and raised in America. Standing at an elegant 5’10, Ella casts a graceful image these days. Of course when she was a teenager, she was lean and gangly but the woman was lucky to grow into her body. After the birth of her baby, Ella’s body changed, understandably but with 18 years past, she is back in shape and looking lovely as ever. Ella has her Mothers hazel eyes and a mane of caramel hair to set off her pretty features. The woman’s skin is a toasted almond colour. During her younger years, Ella became the owner of a rather large tattoo that marks her right side. Two pink lily’s are inked into her skin. Originally proud of the design, Ella now wishes she had never done it but if there is one thing she has learnt it’s that you have to live with the choices you make.

The woman’s wardrobe is rather casual. She loves her jeans and she enjoys long skirts and maxi dresses. She isn’t the type of woman to show a lot of skin on a regular basis. It’s not that she can’t, she has the figure, the curves and even the smile for it but Ella has simply been more pretty than outright sexy. She has it, no doubt about it, she just doesn’t go out of her way to flaunt it. Ella has never really been one for diamonds and pearls. She prefers her large costume jewellery pieces. Cheap but fun. Ella does own real jewellery. At 16, when Ella was going through the difficult time of being pregnant, suffering the rejection from the boy she thought she loved. Her Mother who is of Irish origin presented her with a traditional Claddagh ring. Ella was told that until she found a man who would love her and her baby as they deserved to be, she could wear it facing inwards as it was intended to symbolize the love from her parents. As Ella grew, she turned her ring around to symbolize she was once more looking for love. She even managed to pass on the rings twin when she knew she had found the one. ‘With her hands, she gave her heart and crowned it with her love’. The traditional Claddagh ring is still an important part of Ella’s life but its place on her fingers has been filled with the very classic and very beautiful wedding Ring.

A child has a way of changing ones life. Ella would normally spend a decent amount of time on her hair, styling it, pinning it back, straightening it out. Now day however she simply leaves it to hang in its soft waves or pull it back in a quick braid. With Kennedy grown now day and a husband at her side, Ella is attempting to make the changes and put a little more effort into her appearance. She never looks sloppy but it’s not uncommon for her to spend those extra few minutes at the make-up table. She wants to look beautiful for her Husband and so far, she has had no complaints.

Ella is pretty easy going. It shows in everything she does. From the way she walks to the way her eyes sparkle. Her effervescence and infectious smile, and the comical way she occasionally snorts while laughing. Ella’s happy to be.

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Personality: Ella has always been rather light hearted. As a child she was bubbly and just tad bit cheeky. As an adult, she has come into her own. Creative, intelligent, fun loving. Ella is willing to take a dare, she dances anywhere, she enjoys a beer and a burger. The woman has been known to snort while laughing if you get her going hard enough. Ella tries not to take things too seriously. She can be mature; one has to be as a single parent. Ella is simply the kind of person who loves life. There really hasn’t been anything she needs. She has a great job, she’s lived in some unique places, a Lighthouse for one, she has a wonderful daughter and a loving family, good friends, good food, good wine and a loving husband to seal it all. As an adult, Ella is still bubbly and just a tad bit cheeky.

Biography: Ella grew up happily but that is not really where her story began. Ella’s world truly changed when she met a boy. Isn’t that the way it always starts? It was simple enough. Boy meets girl. Girl falls in love with boy. Boy convinces girl that if she truly loves him, she will let him go all the way. Girl hesitantly agrees, wanting to please. Girl becomes pregnant. Boy realizes he didn’t love girl as much as he though. Girl becomes single teen parent. It doesn’t matter who this boy was, he is irrelevant. At 16, Ella found herself in an unexpected, difficult and life changing situation. She was pregnant. All options were considered and discussed. Ella parents were firm however, this baby was to be raised by family. Ella felt the same way. She really couldn’t think of giving birth to this little girl only to give her away and she didn’t support abortion. So the choice was made to have the baby. As expected, it changed her life. Ella lost a lot of friends, she had to deal with the judgments and the loss of respect from her peers. If it hadn’t been for her parents and that beautiful little girl of hers, she may not have coped. She lost a lot but she gained something better. Kennedy became the most precious thing in Ella's life.

18 years later and Ella is was as happy as she could ever imagine being. It had been tough raising a daughter alone but she was never truly alone. Her parents were a great help. Moving from the city to the coast, Ella and Kennedy found themselves an old Lighthouse, bought it, fixed it up and lived there happily for the 13 years.

Ella was always good at art and she had a love for literature which sparked her imagination when she was an adult to become a Children’s Illustrator. Ella had loved reading books to Kennedy as a child. The time they shared together looking over the colourful pictures in those glossy book were some of the happiest. Ella believed if she could help create similar memories for Mothers and children, she would have a purpose. She loves her work and she’s very good at it which is always a bonus.

Boyfriends for Ella were few and far between. It took a while to get over the boy she thought she loved and his rejection and abandonment. After she grew up a little and realized that hating Kennedy’s father was only hurting herself, Ella turned her attention to where they rightly deserved to be, on her daughter. Not many men would date a single mother, at least not the men that Ella met. She really didn’t have the time anyway. Her work kept her busy and raising Kennedy was a full time job. Ella had a few relationships but they never lasted very long. All the men bar the first that Ella has had in her life were wonderful and kind. They loved her Daughter, they even loved her but sadly, they weren’t the one and they parted ways. It was when Kennedy was 18 that she was able to convince her Mother to appear on a dating reality show. Kennedy believed that her Mother deserved happiness and while Ell had everything she’d ever wanted, love was one thing she’d missed out on. Hesitantly, Ella agreed and it was there that she found something she never thought possible, true love.

At 33 and on national television, Ella met Asher Jung. The man was sweet and funny and he made a glorious cup of tea. The flirtations started before the couple had a chance to be paired up. Once they were however, the rest as they say, is History. Sadly, the show was cancelled but Ella wasn’t too disappointed. She’d found what she was looking for and for that, she considered herself extremely lucky. The couple fell in love, far quicker that Ella ever thought possible. Living just 4 hours apart, Ella and Asher sent the next year travelling back and forth as their relationship continued to blossom. Asher’s place was very close to Ella’s Parents house and a trip home was something that Ella did as often as possible. It was common for the pair to spend the weekend together while Kennedy visited her Grandparents. It was clear to anyone that the pair was very much in love. Kennedy liked Asher, he was witty and made her laugh. Like turned into adoration and the same was felt by Ella’s parents. Family was important to Ella so she was overjoyed that those closest to her approved of the man she loved.

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Of course, while Ella was enjoying her new found relationship, things where taking off in her career. When Kennedy was just a child, like all Parents, Ella used to tell her bedtime stories. These stories, Ella created. They thrilled her daughter so much more than story books or nursery rhymes. Missy, a small mouse in a red dress became the feature of story time throughout Kennedy’s childhood. It was Ella’s Mother’s idea to start writing these stories down. Ella never believed anything would come of them but at the very least, she could pass on the tales to Kennedy so that one day, she could share them with her children. A family legacy if you will.

It was during her time on Reality TV that Ella met another man who while not having as strong of an impact on her life as Asher, still made his dent. A young gentleman named Kade become interested in not so much Ella but her work. He believed that she could take her stories and turn them into an animation. Being a young actor, writer and producer himself, he had the connections to help Ella get her foot in the door. It was daunting. A new venture, embarking on something that had every chance of failing. There was also the little matter of an upcoming wedding. Asher had proposed and Ella, of course she said yes.

With Kade’s help, Ella managed to pitch her idea successfully and truly it was a whirlwind after that. Promotion and production took its toll. As newlyweds, Ell and Asher were expected to spend every blissful moment together but they each had their own goals, their own projects. Time was regrettably spent apart and it was difficult but they made the most of it. Date nights were held via webcam. Phone bills soared they talked until one or both of them fell asleep. Ella missed her husband so much but she knew what she was doing was right.

Kennedy by this point was at College, happily perusing her degree in medicine. Asher had moved on ahead to Hollywood of all places. Never in her life did Ella think she would be making a home in such a town but the hype of her animation was too big to ignore........

The film was a huge success and Ella was offered the opportunity to make a sequel. It poses the question, why did the couple move to Hallow Lake? Sadly under the stress and pressure of Hollywood, Ella developed a worrying habit. It began with a glass of wine after a hard day though that quickly turned into two. A celebratory drink with friends, a couple of glasses at her business dinners. It all added up and though Ella had never really believed she had an addictive personality, she unknowingly began to rely on the calming affects alcohol had on her. Her Husband noticed the signs before she did. Gently brining this to her attention Ella at first denied it but thinking on it over the following days, she began to see things as they really were. The issue was caught before it could turn into anything serious but it was decided that for the good of their family and Ella’s health and sanity, they would leave Hollywood for someplace, quieter.

In retrospect Hallow lake was not the place to move to when wanting a less stressful life. Ella and Asher have been living in the Gated Community for 4 years now. Ella is 39 though looking incredible. Her Daughter Kenny is recently married and currently pregnant. Attending regular AA meetings to curb her bad habit things are looking promising. Of course there is the small little hurdle of their Daughter.

Within the first few days of living in Hallow Lake Ella and Asher met their neighbours and the group became quick friends. Double dates, dinner parties and movie nights were regular occurrences. It was rare for a day to go by without them spending time together in one capacity or another and yet there was not a single thing to assume the couples neighbours were any different from themselves. There was no reason to suspect. How could they have possibly known they were living next to Vampire's? Such things were the objects of bad teen romance movie and horror stories. It only became clear that they had stepped into a very different world a year later.

When asked to adopt the daughter their friends had brought into this world, Ella and Asher were clearly shocked. When asked why, the only response they were given was that they could not raise this child. The couple Ella had come to know as friends were leaving and they were leaving behind their daughter. When the choice came down to adopting the child or giving her over to the state, the choice was clear. And so, still not fully understanding but with an open heart, Ella and Asher adopted Coraline unknowing that she, like her Parents was special.

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The first few months were hard. Formula brought her out in a rash. She was irritable and restless, rarley sleeping through the night. This might have been expected from a new born but Coraline was a year old when the couple adopted her. It was only natural for Ella to worry that the little girl she was growing to love might be ill but it was not the case. It took a particularly gifted witch within Hallow Lake to explain the situation. Little did they know that Vampires were not the only things that shared their world. The woman explained as gently as she could that Coraline's biological parents were Vampires and upon the child's birth she was imbued with her own set of unique powers. Understandably it was a lot to take in but when studying the child a little closer, it all made sense.

Ella would never have considered giving Coraline up. As difficult as it is, she loves the little girl. There are obvious challenges however but she beleives in fate. What's meant to be will be and she was meant to raise and love this little girl. Ella will do anything to keep her daughter safe. Her life has changed drastically but with the support of her family she will endure.

Likes: Art, literature and music. Tea with honey. Family dinners. The Holidays. Whipping her Hubby at Wii combat games. Being a Mother, being a Wife and life in general.

Dislikes: Mushrooms (allergic), Being apart from Asher and Kennedy. The Media and their devastating impact on young girls self esteem. The noise of the big city. Pressure.

Strengths: Ella is an incredibly strong person. This strength comes from having to accept maturity and responsibility at such a young age. Ella learned how to not only look after herself but look after another life as well, an extension of herself. She is not above asking for help however and it was her Families support that got her through her tricky youth. Ella is determined, passionate, and driven. Her Family is the most thing in the world and she would protect them with her life.

Weaknesses: Ella probably worries a little more than she should. She worries that her Daughter will make some of the same mistakes she did. She worries about her families safety and happiness. Ella maybe strives a little to hard to make people happy. She often forgets about looking after herself and she will often make sacrifices to help others. It’s not a bad thing but too much wears her down. Ella can be stubborn at times and her cheeky nature can slip into play at perhaps inappropriate times though she tries to keep it in check.

Favourite Food: Banana nut pancakes.

Favourite Book: The Velveteen Rabbit

Favourite Colour: Purple or Blue, though Ella really is a fan of the entire Rainbow.

Favourite Movie: Amélie

Musical Preference: With a teenage Daughter, Ella grew to enjoy the more popular music of today and unlike most Mothers, she has no issue with a strong beat and high volume. Her taste in music varies but a constant seems to be found in the lyrics. Ella loves a lyrical song. She is also a massive fan of her Husband’s band. She is his own personal Groupie.