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14:51, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Dora Gray

<img src=""Align="right">The Basics

Name: Dora Gray

Nickname: The Amaranthus Queen. Throughout the ages stories have been told of a woman who never ages. Perfection made flesh, she is as beautiful as a rose and just as regal. While it cannot be said that all of these stories are about Dora Gray, those that are told with the name The Amaranthus Queen, are. Amaranthus coming from the Greek word 'Amarantho' means 'Never Fading Flower'.

Age: 28. Dora appears 28 but in actual fact she is over 100 years old.

Origin: London, England

Template: Dora is under the curse of a Demon. For that reason she is part Demon herself.

Occupation: Having had the luxury of wealth as a child Dora grew up privileged. Dorian Gray was never one to think ahead however. He lived in the moment, indulging absolutely. That was until he became a Father. At around the age of four Dora's Father began to invest his money for his daughters future. His own intentions we're to live forever young so logically he was attempting to provide for himself as well. Dorian placed his money into shipping. It was a practice and a trade that he had the foresight to know would always be needed in one way or another. Dora Gray, being his only heir now owns this shipping company.

Gray Shipping and Trading owns one of the largest fleets of cargo ships in the western world. Not only does the business provide Dora with the money to live more than comfortable but she finds that when you control the docks, you truly can procure anything your heart desires.

The Supernatural

Power & Special Skills: Dora posses an ability that is much more of a defect than it is a skill. Whether she wishes it or not, Dora will not age. She has not aged a single day since she was 28 and as sure as she can be, she will never die. Dora is as vulnerable to harm and injury as anyone else. If she breaks a bone, it will heal. If her flesh is torn, it will repair and she is not spared the pain that physical injury causes. It is important to note however that just because she cannot die, does not mean she cannot be killed and when recovering from a gunshot wound or regrowing a limb, pain is a relative term. If injury finds her, if it threatens her life she will die but she has and always will come back. Snap her neck, shoot her in the head, decapitate her, blow her up. Every time she will die and every time she will be resurrected. Death is a kind fate for someone like her but fate is not kind to Dora Gray.

If you cut her, she will bleed and it will take the normal amount of time for the wounds to heal but Dora will heal without a scar. Her flesh will knit back together as the good Lord intended but Dora is spared the faults and the blemishes that others must endure as reminders of the harsh times. Her body functions just as any other but physical change has been stopped in its tracks and imperfections will never tarnish her perfect form. Dora’s hair grows but it has not lost its lustre and it will never fade in colour. Despite living for over a Century, Dora looks exactly as she did at 28. Biologically, she still is 28. Time stopped for Dora and she has her Father to thank for that. It’s in her DNA. It runs in the family as they say. This was not Dora’s choice. She did not ask to be a rock in a world of rolling pebbles but even a rock changes over time, Dora does not. Every friend, every lover she has ever and will ever have, die while she stands by, unable to stop times ravaging hand. Dora inherited a debt. A curse, a burden that was not hers to carry. She will be perfect forever. Forever young, forever cursed. The sins of the Father are paid by the Son. In Dora’s case, they are paid by the Daughter.

The Debt that Dora inherited was her Father’s. In his foolish early years, the man made a deal with a Demon. Seeing his beautiful face in a painting of which he was the soul subject, dear Dorian Gray made a flippant remark. He would give his soul if he could remain beautiful and young forever. The Demon Mephisto agreed to this and the deal was struck. Dorian Gray came to an unfortunate end but his Daughter’s tale is far sadder. Having inadvertently taken his own life, his soul was forfeit, the deal was broken. In some small way, his soul had already been given to another before the fateful day of his demise. It was promised to Mephisto but Dorian could not help but give his whole heart and soul to the Daughter he loved as much as he could. Dora, reaching the same age as her Father when he struck his deal, was hit suddenly with the truth of her corrupted bloodline. With her Father gone, Dora inherited his debt, whether she wished it or not. The Demon Mephisto takes great pride in toying with people. There is another side to Dora’s abilities and it seems to be the Yin to the Yang of her Eternal Youth

Dora has a deadly touch. Through a touch, a kiss, her breath or in times of great anger, simply though her presence, Dora can rot and decay the things around her. Anything, living or dead is at the mercy of her touch. She can wither a flower or cause your flesh to slough from your bones. Over a Century of living with this ability has allowed Dora to learn to control it though only to a certain extent. If her control slips and during times of heightened emotions it can, she has the power to rot an entire forest, plants, people, animals and all. She knows for a fact that her Father never possessed this gift so one can assume that it is the Demons way of teasing and taunting her. It is not enough that she must outlive her loved ones but if she dare lose control a single touch will cause them to decay right before her eyes. Dora can often be found wearing a pair of finely crafted gloves. Though she has the ability to touch without causing rot, the gloves are a safety measure as well a reminder that she is cursed.

<img src=""Align="left">The Psychical

Physical Description: Dora, like her Father is exceptionally beautiful. The warm coco tresses are a family trait as are the large espresso coloured eyes. Over the years Dora has changed her hair to suit styles and fashions but she has never swayed far from her Brunette roots. Currently the woman is embracing some soft honey coloured highlights. Her silken tresses, when left to hang free, end around the middle of her back. Dora will often leave her hair free. She enjoys the way it frames her angelic face. Both Gray’s have impeccable bone structure, a face that looks like it was carved by God himself. Flawless skin, the colour of milk and honey. It is not necessary for Dora to wear make-up, she is stunning enough as it is but when the mood strikes she will paint her face with only the finest products, of course. Accentuating her large espresso eyes and lining her full pink lips with a shimmer of colour or a slick of gloss. Pressed powered and puffs of blush, creams and perfumes, all are wondrous things that are used at the Ladies pleasure.

Dora stands at a regal height of 5’9 and her body is proportioned to offer her maximum grace and elegance. Dora is not from this time. In her day women were full and lush. It was a sign of beauty for your hips to swell and your backside to be pert and round. Nowadays women strive for stick thin figures. They aim so high for this unhealthy image that they do themselves harm. Dora is a beautiful woman. Unmistakably feminine. She carries herself with grace imbued in her during a childhood of lavish living in the peak of London’s social era. Over many, many years, Dora has subscribed to many fashions. She is her Father’s Daughter and so vanity is in her blood thought she would like to think she is not as poisonous as he was. Dora takes pride in her appearance. She is always fastidiously groomed. Her hair is always brushed, styled to perfection. Her skin is always clean, the milk and honey tinted flesh without scare or blemish. Various scents cling to the woman’s body depending on which perfume she has decided to spritz against her flesh. Always rich, always decadent.

Dora’s wardrobe contains clothes ranging from the latest fashion of today, couture outfits of the highest quality, to gowns from yesteryear. Fine quality pieces that should be in a museum but Dora just can’t quite bring herself to part with. The one constant of Dora’s attire on any day is a silver locket. It was given to her at birth though unlike gifts of today, the locket was meant to grow with her and not be something she could only wear as an infant. The silver locket is oval in shape and is embellished with three raised roses, at the centre of each is a very rare yellow diamond. Dora treasured this piece not only because of its monetary value but because of its sentential value. The locket now holds a greater meaning however. Inside a locket that is never opened but in private is a sliver of her Father’s painting. At Dorian’s end he stabbed the canvas hoping to be rid of its curse but in doing so, he ended his life. He was linked to the painting through a bond stronger than he could have ever imagined. Dora was able to salvage a small piece of the painting which she now carries inside her locket. The image of her Father’s left eye is held securely and secretly near her heart. It is a reminder of the man she is linked to and a warning to take a different path.

The Emotional

Personality: Dora has lived a long life and she has an eternity awaiting her. It’s understandable that there would be some things that just bore her to death. While her face is young, her soul is old. Dora is over the petty games that couples play, the ridicules bickering between women and the arduous task of looking pretty but sounding dumb. Dora speaks her mind but of course she has inherited her Father’s gift of the gab and so she can be charming when she chooses. Manipulation and domination are in the bloodline. Though she tries to separate herself from her Father, Dora inherited more than just his debt. As Dorian was vain, Dora is too though not to the extent where she turns her nose up at everyone around her. Vanity isn’t about snobbery. It’s a belief that you are beautiful and honestly, when you body clock has been stopped at your peek of beauty, it’s the truth.

Aristocratic. Dora is a woman of status and class. She does not only enjoy the finer things in life but insists upon them. The woman was raised with wealth beyond her understanding and all her life, she has been spoiled. Deserving of such attention however, Dora commands an air of importance about her. Walking with grace and confidence, it seems that every action she makes is meant to entrance and to tease.

Dora is a confident woman and she makes no apologies for that fact. She will let nothing and no one get in the way of what she wants or needs. Self reliant, self respecting and occasionally selfish, the questions arises of whether she would sacrifice another for her own needs. Her Father made a lot of mistakes and Dora has followed his path to an extent. She is devious and she follows her desires but where her Father was unable to, Dora has learnt from his mistakes. He stands as a reminder that she can be different. That said, while she does care and she does try, there have been times when she has stumbled and her deal with Mephisto is a prime example.

Often to be found staring at the stars, Dora does have a softer quality about her. She enjoys being taken care of and treated right. There is no denying that she is a fine plum to have if you can handle her. The woman is ripe. Not a girl but a woman. Dora is capable of love and unlike her Father she does not wish to hurt the ones she cares about. She can be sweet and kind. She has capacity for great love both physically and of the heart. There is the other side to her however than can be manipulative and cruel. Dora is paying a price for a crime she did not commit. You would be a little bitter too.

The Intimate

Sexual Orientation: All Inclusive

Sexual Likes: Dora Gray is a hedonist, like her Father. She believes in the theory of indulgence. When it comes to her lovers she desires time and intimacy. She wants long languid kisses and building passions. She craves those moments of agony and bliss. Two bodies moving as if they would never stop craving the touch of the others skin. Dora is a romantic. She doesn't fuck. She is and she will be love. Whether it's for a night or a lifetime. She will give you everything if you give everything back.

Sexual Dislikes: Dora dislikes the crudeness of sex. Bondage beyond the holding of wrist or the pinning of hips is not interesting to her. She wants to indulge not be tortured. Humiliation, verbal or physical is not a turn on. She will treat you with respect and she demands the same.

The Biographical

History: Everybody knows the story of Dorian Gray. What they do not know however is that the book, written by the great Oscar Wilde, is actually much more fact than fiction. Dorian Gray did have his portrait painted and he did make a pact that it would age while he did not, the price he paid for this was his soul. This much is true. What wasn’t told however was that the demonic force that took his soul was a demon by the name of Mephisto. With his own ability to manipulate time, it was easy to provide the beautiful but vain man with what he wanted. It was not recorded in the book that Dorian Gray had a daughter. His only direct descendant, the continuation of his bloodline. Mr Wilde was actually a friend of the family. He took a shine to the young girl and upon knowing the debauchery deeds her Father preformed, he wished to spare her name from being associated. It was hoped that young Dora would grow and be spared from her Father’s curse but no such luck. Dorian did not live long enough to see his Daughter inherit his gift. Dora is only grateful that by the end of his life, her Father had found some modicum of guilt and regret. In the end, he had attempted to repent. He had learned what true love was.

Dora was raised in wealth and comfort though she was privy to the seedy underbelly that London tried to hide. It is unknown exactly who her Mother was. Her Fathers one great love was carrying Dorian’s child but sadly her broken heart claimed her life before she could give birth. The story of Sibyl Vane is a tragic one. The way that Dora’s Father cast her off and inadvertently but not indirectly lead her toward taking her own life is truly awful though Sibyl’s story is not the one of interest here. Dorian Gray bedded many women, sometimes at the same time. There was no possible way of knowing who left the baby girl at his door. One might think that a man as self-centred as Dorian Gray would have left that baby where she was or at the very least called for the Sack Man to come and take the baby to the Orphanage but he did not. Looking down upon that sweet face, seeing those familiar brown eyes stare back up at him, Dorian took the girl in because his heart would allow him no other choice.

It truly wasn’t until Dora hit the age of 28 that her life hit any major bumps. Before that, she was raised well. She received all the education that a woman in that time was offered which for one of wealth was quite a lot. Private tutors taught her of literature and of History. She learned about etiquette and about business though this was at the request of her Father. He wished his Daughter to be not only the most beautiful but the most intelligent, though not so much as to frighten of a suitor. Dora was raised in the company of a wide variety of people and while her Father kept her hidden from the bulk of his ‘dealings’ she saw enough to soon catch on what was happening. Of course this was no shock to Dora. Her Father had also taught her the delight to Hedonism, within the ranges of what it was acceptable to tell a child of course. Dorian was a good Father all things considered. He honestly believed that his lifestyle was the very best. Life was to be enjoyed, love was to be shared. Beauty faded, time moved quickly. Dora still believes these things and honestly if it wasn’t for the fact that with every debauchery deed, her Father lost a piece of his soul, his story may not be looked upon with such disdain today. Dora does not excuse her Father or forgive him completely for his crimes but she is the only one who can understand the reasons why. It needs to be said, there is a link between the two. Dora was not immune to temptation and when she was of age, she too delved into some of the same dark habits. It was in the blood after all.

<img src=""Align="right">On the day that her Father died, Dora had been out of town. Returning the night after the ordeal, she arrived at her home to find the gruesome scene. The details of that night and the ones that followed aren’t terribly important. It is of note that Dora salvaged a piece of her Father’s painting but once the body was cleared, the gossip had subsided and the grief had lessened, Dora moved on with her life, unaware that she was any different. Nobody sees themselves ageing so it wasn’t until Mephisto visited her one night that Dora was exposed to the entirety of her fate. The Demon revealed that night that it would be on her shoulder to carry her Father’s debt. There had been no use arguing with the demonic bastard, he enjoyed toying with the beauty far too much.

What was she to do? This was her burden, her fate, her curse. She was the only descendant of Dorian Gray so the debt fell to her. She would inherited her Father’s abilities and in payment, she would lose her soul. Piece by piece, with every sin she committed; a tiny sliver of her soul would waste away. Dora remembered what this had done to her Father and she knew without a doubt that she did not want that kind of life for herself and so she bargained. Mephisto loved a bargain and he made a deal. Dora would win the right to her own soul if she could find three people who would willingly give up their own souls in trade. Without gaining a thing, three innocents would have to be convinced to forfeit their souls all so Dora could avoid her Father’s fate. She agreed. Why should she have to pay for her Father’s mistakes? He made the deal, not her.

The years wore on and Dora eventually moved from her Father’s estate. She had the pulling need to travel and that’s just what she did. From country to country, Dora saw it all, indulging in everything the world had to offer. She knew what she had to do but it wasn’t until the 21st Century that she found someone vulnerable and pliable enough that she could manipulate into giving up their soul. It was a cruel game and somewhere inside, Dora knew it but it was them or herself and she picked herself.

Currently, Dora has made her home in America. The recent boom in evolution is an interesting thing to observe. The world is changing at a remarkable pace and Dora has ring-side seats to it all.  She aims to misbehave.

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