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04:29, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Ruby Valentine

<img src=""Align="right">THE BASICS

Name: Ruby Valentine

Nickname: Lil’ Red

Origin: Louisiana

Template: Fledgling Vampire


Gender: Female

Age: 18 years, 2 days, 3 hours, 52 minutes

Height: 5’7

Weight: 110

Hair: Ruby hasn't cut her hair since she was around 15. This of course means that her dark red tresses are unbelievably long. A soft wave of hair flows down the woman’s back and ends in a choppy cut just above her soft rounded rear.

Eyes: Ruby once possessed a set of brilliant blue eyes as bright as the sky itself and with a depth just as vast. Sadly though, after her,.... metamorphosis, the young girls eyes have turned a dull gray. During rare moments of joy however, the colour of her eyes will flash a little brighter.

Distinguishing Marks: Two spherical puncture wounds on the side of her neck. (Theses marks are now healed but she will occasionally touch the side of her neck as if she can still feel them)

Appearance: Ruby was always an attractive woman. It was not her long flowing hair, porcelain skin or heart shaped lips that made her so appealing however. It was the way that Ruby carried herself that turned heads. Ruby seemed to somehow embody an old Hollywood starlet. She had never been up to date with current fashions or trends yet her look worked very well for her. Lace, silk and satin, always combined with a romantic detail here or there. Ruby was the softest face and sweetest soul you were ever likely to see. Although petite in stature the weight of the woman’s body was perfectly shared from the gentle curves of her hips to the soft swell of her lily white breasts. She was such a pretty little thing.

Post death, having clawed her way of the hole she had been buried in, her appearance was a wildly different story. Her regal red curls had lost their bounce and hung loose and limp. Her skin was ashy, her eyes were dull. A once perfect set of cotton candy lips had lost their ability to smile. She looked underweight, underfed and appeared to have not slept at all. She was awkward, frail and always seemed to look as if she had just been crying because she honestly had, much to the discomfort of her companion.

The young woman has been offered the chance to remake herself however and she is looking better. A warm shower, a new wardrobe and a hot liqued meal have helped.

<img src=""Align="left">
Relatives: Mother - Emma (Living) Father – Justin (Living) Younger Bother – Max Living)

Close Friends/associates: From her human life, Ruby has quite a number of close friends though she doubts she will see many of them again. She is still struggling with the possibility that it may be months before she is able to see her Parents. She finds comfort in the few people she has met however. Dravin, Logan Mitchel and Ms Kyle are all people that Ruby would like to call friends.

Clothing style: (See Appearance)


Power Rank: 1 Ruby is a Fledgling Vampire, fresh from the grave, still teething as they say. She has no training and runs on instinct and fear alone.

Extent of training/abilities: She took Ballet and Gymnastics as a child if that counts for anything.

Fighting/weapons preference: Teeth though she might possibly talk to you death if you let her.

Weaknesses: Ruby has many weakness. She is young, inexperienced, untrained. She knows nothing abut this new world how to protect herself in it. Her only true skill is her unrestrained rage, her instincts. She kills with the brutally of a wild animal and the mess she leaves behind is just as horrid.



Personality: Ruby is the kind of girl that one can remember being friends with as children but somehow can’t remember what ever happened to them. There was a time when she was bubbly and vivacious but life or shall we say death seems to have successfully snuffed out her flame to but a smouldering wick. As pretty as she is, it’s heartbreaking to see the sadness in her eyes. Whatever personality she might have once possessed is buried beneath a thick layer of fear and instinct. Ruby has no understand of what has happened to her or why she is so very hungry, all the time. There ins’t an inch of her that doesn't ache. It’s almost as if pain is all she is.

People scare her. She hides from them in terror like an animal. She hunts them just the same. The world Ruby once knew, once loved is but a dream she awoke from in a cold sweat. She knows she can never back. She just doesn't know why. What is she?

It is only when she feels comfortable enough in your presence that she might display some of the vibrancy she once had. When pushed Ruby can be surprisingly bold. She is still learning to trust her inner strength. Forced into a world she knew nothing about, she is understandably naive and a little cautious but given everything she has been forced to deal with, Ruby is coping surprisingly well. She has even managed to find somewhat of a sense of humour.

Hobbies: Nothing that matters anymore.

Likes & Dislikes: Ruby likes Blood, blood and more blood. Her dislikes come in far great numbers. She dislikes people, loud noises, sunlight, loneliness, the hunger, the darkness, the fear.......

<img src=""Align="right">
About Your character: When Ruby was born, when she learnt to walk, her first word, where she went to school, who she played in the year four play, none of it matters anymore. That life is gone.

Her new life began at 4:37 am, 2 days after her 18th Birthday. It had been a weeklong celebration. The days leading up to the momentous day and the days after. She’d had the party with family but then it was her friends chance to take her out. Ruby had never been much of a drinker and hard partying wasn't much her thing but she agreed to try the new club her friends all raved about. She should have stayed home.

He was such an ordinary guy. Not ordinary as in boring. No, he was far from boring but people always talk about the hairs on the back of your neck and the little voices in your head. He set of none of them. He was cute, he smiled and she felt her stomach flip. It seemed safe. It seemed expected. She was 18 now. Wasn't this the kind of thing she was meant to be doing? He was charming and gentle. He was her first. It was 4:37 in the morning when she rolled over in the big hotel bed. Her back to him she smiled softly as she clutched the white sheet around her naked body. Her light grip on fabric became a knuckle white grasp for life as she felt the searing hot pain of teeth against her neck. She was terrified and in agony as he killed her. Ruby has only recently recovered the memories of the exchange that was required for her to be living now, if living is what you call it. The last thing she saw was the clock. 4:37 was when she died.

Inside this life, under its spell.
I close my eyes but will never tell.
The hands were dealt, I disappear.
Death, she grows near.
People change and instantly I’m not the same girl I used to be.
I can’t erase all the memories or rid my body of this foul disease.
Locked up in silence, a living hell.
My heart is still, I bid farewell.
The loving hand that squeezed too tight.
It’s darkness weighs on me at night.
Death, she is here.