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Welcome to The Walking Dead: Remnants

19:41, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: "Princess" Diana Alves
Race: Hispanic
Gender: Female
Occupation: A little brown girl with big dreams
Age: 24
Height: 5′5¾”
Weight: 110 lbs
Measurements: 34-25-35

Base Attributes
Derived Attributes

  • Royal Duchess [Sawed-Off Shotgun]
  • Remington M870 [given to Dahlia]
  • Beretta [M92F]
  • ---
  • ---
  • ---
  • --- [3 uses]
  • Car Keys [x1]
  • Current outfit [Cowgirl boots, black long-sleeved blouse, white dress with red strip pattern, brown belt w/gold buckle, wristwatch]
  • Mag-Lite Flashlight [x1] [given to Heather]
  • BIC® Lighter
  • Hazen Knives Radical Fighter Fixed 7.5" 154CM Matte Double Edge Blade [amazing]

Backpack Inventory
  • Canteen [x1] [empty]
  • Binoculars [x1]
  • Walkie-talkie [x1]
  • Mag-Lite Flashlight [x1]
  • Lockpicks
  • Hiking Canteen [empty]
  • ---
  • Bar of Soap [x1]
  • Tube of toothpaste
  • 54" bootlaces [x2]
  • Golf Pencil
  • Remington M870 [given to Dahlia]
  • Butterfly Knife

RV Inventory
  • Flares [x6]
  • Bolt Cutters [x1] [given to Dahlia]
  • Power tools [scavenged] [miscellaneous]
  • Miscellaneous diva's clothing [trunks of this shit]
  • Personal camera [x1]
  • Length of hose
  • Gas Can [x4] [empty]
  • Remington M870
  • ---
  • ---

Background: Left without parents at an early age, Diana grew up rough on the dusty streets of one of the urban settlements that litter the great expanse of Mexico, with few friends and fewer comforts beyond a younger sister, Dahlia.

Life would revolve around the duo foraging for food, evading punishment for theft, and avoiding the attentions of the thugs that governed the town. Then one day, an independent raider band passed through the town. After searching it for anything salvageable, they cleaned out the trash and scum that had been running the place and in turn provided for the needy. And then as quickly as they had arrived, they left. Diana, seeing the chance for a better life, gathered her few creature comforts and her sister and followed. The "raiders" gave her a challenge, an Initiation to determine whether or not she could join their ranks.

14 years ago, the militia formed as a group of vigilantes who are dedicated to punishing the wicked to combat the corrupt drug cartels swarming their hometown. Finding the areas overrun with slavers and raiders, and finding large scores of corruption, the group set down permanent roots, forming a base called la Ciudadela, and began efforts to scour the region of hostiles and protect the civilians. They only target bastards that Mexico is better without. With their new-found authority, these untrained gunmen have taken responsibility for decisions of law and order, while federal police and soldiers mostly stand by and watch.

While they have an almost endless supply of civvies willing to be recruited, the quality of recruit is highly questionable, as they are often too young or too old, not very good shots, have problems following orders, and too eager to charge into battle that they are still stretched too thin against both the cartels and rival gangs.

It is because of her intelligence, and enviable skill with all things mechanical, that she was accepted. The militia found her ability with tools and cognitive thinking both refreshing and useful, to the point of making her a member. So much so that the militia charged her with gun-smithing under the direct supervision of a superior officer who doubled as the gun and ammunition smith. Diana made no protest since the alternative was probably a grotesque and horrifying death on the outside.

Having her in their ranks, even if only as a type of specialist, allowed them greater operational flexibility. She's been operating with them for close to a decade when the apocalypse swept through Mexico. If you ask her why their group is seemingly so small, she'll respond that the ones you see are only guards, assistants and/or bureaucrats, whereas the rest are scattered throughout Mexico.

Act 1: Act DLC: Big Trouble in Little Rock
Diana remembers Raymundo Alves, the old man that gave her a home once. Took Dahlia and herself off of the cartel-ridden Mexican streets -- sheltered, educated and slapped some sense into both of them, until they almost resembled productive members of of society. He taught them what he wanted to teach them. Taught them what he wanted them to know. Everything else was met with a wall of good-natured silence. He used to say, "You are the master of the unspoken word. Once it is out of your mouth, it is out of your control."

And then Dahlia took off. Left it all behind. Killed a man of influence. Tried to start a new life after that. It's been eight weeks since she or Raymundo have heard Dahlia's voice. Until out of the blue she received this cryptic message, a plea for help via homing pigeon. And folded into the neatest way possible, U.S. currency to negotiate for travel and then some.

The descent into the U.S. is rough. A storm of fire and famine have compromised what was once a formidable nation. A solid sheet of rain punches into her subcompact transport. With a ragged shudder, the Ford Pinto finally skids to a halt at the edge of Arkansas. A day and an indeterminable number of abandoned military checkpoints she bypasses later, Diana "hails" a taxi to Pulaski County. Little Rock looms ahead, the pulsing energy of the populous city eerily vacant...

Appearance: Diana sports a fit physique coupled with delicately hued skin that glints under the scrutiny of the golden sun like oiled bronze. A mass of raven locks cascades down like tropical waterfalls that accentuates bright, almond eyes and wonderful cheekbones. Thin eyebrows and naturally long eyelashes compliment soft, youthful features. She has a pointed, narrow nose and lips that curl into an easy smile.

The curve of her body is a sign of one who has graduated from her childhood years. Looking at Diana most wouldn't question whether the appellative 'Princess' is appropriate for her.

Personality: While she occasionally indulges in swearing, Diana is a prim and polite person. At least that's how she wants people to see her. To this point Diana projects a certain aura of supremacy and maturity, which is to be expected after she has grown more into her role as a figurehead of her people.

In reality, Diana is more dysfunctional and unwieldy than she lets on. She disdains life in the towns and villages of the wasteland, finding such an existence boring and futile. Stealing, and the thrill of possibly being caught, adds the excitement to her life that she always seems to be missing. Hanging out with the wrong crowd of people also adds a level of adventure that she cannot find any other way. Her amateur smoking habit is indicative of her freewheeling attitude.

Character traits

• Nice voice, nicer legs.
• A smile from Diana is a beautiful thing.
• Bilingual, speaking fluent in English and Spanish.
• Has a very put-on English accent. It's not certain where she gets it.
• No matter which side you think she's on, she can be quite polite and affable when it suits her purposes.
• Not a woman easily shaken.
• Focuses on maintaining an aloof, calm, and collected composure in any situation.
• Has a very prominent scar stretching along the right side of her rib-cage. A reminder that not every situation can be solved diplomatically.
• She'll help you out if she can, but expect her to be gone the very second she's finished.
• Strictly a non-combat unit. More accustomed to talking her way out of situations.
• She grew up in the streets and has been operating since her early teens. Unlike the other street urchins she seems to have enjoyed it, or at least doesn't seem very bothered by it.
• Talking with people around her hometown will very quickly reveal just how well-liked and important she is to the running the Resistance once she came of age. Yet despite this, her reputation is not spotless: she seems incapable of comprehending there's no such thing as a "milk run" which has led to unnecessary deaths and her bad advice left a childhood friend addicted to narcotics. Some other members also point out the hypocrisy of Diana advocating for an anarchist state but having so much personal influence that she was practically its monarch or "Princess".
• Is nothing short of beautiful.
• The Technician to Dahlia's Performer.
• Shows no qualms about using her medical equipment and training to permanently disassemble people instead of healing them.
• Diana is by no means able to fight on the level of Dahlia or the other members of Group DLC, but she's still able to stay alive and occasionally defend herself when the need arises.
• Jealous of Dahlia's very muscular yet voluptuous figure.
• She sees herself as an icon of kindness and nobility, preferring peace and diplomacy to war and aggression. Yet she has never hesitated to use lethal force when it was needed.
• Has a unique and dramatic way of speaking, but her past experiences mean that behind the histrionics, there is a strong will and a deep intelligence.
• Favorite movie is To Kill A Mockingbird.
• She displays all the tendencies of a sociopath, but Diana is very capable of empathy and kindness.
• Desperately needs therapy with a mental health professional.
• Gifted in the the application and utility of a variety of styling products and makeup accessories.
• Mixes never-say-die spirit, idealism and optimism, yet averts her eyes from reality.
• She's a little girl at heart. While it's a significant part of her charm, it causes no small amount of headaches.
• Often makes a big deal over little things, at times driven to angry tears while ranting.
• Is a verifiable Dude Magnet. Despite her appearance and the amount of time she lavishes on herself Diana feels astonished gratefulness whenever complimented.
• Fond of dresses, pearl necklaces and so on. The Rule of Glamorous is often a law for her.
• She can't cook typically "simple" dishes due to her presuming to getting creative with the recipe.
• A friend to all children. Children don't always return her affection.
• Cares about the members of her stuffed animal collection--deeply.
• Isn't blind to imperfections but elects to assume the best in people.
• While intelligent, she's nowhere near as smart or highly-regarded she thinks she is.
• One of the major sources of angst for Diana is the fear that she will always be an outsider amongst others.
• Tends to tilt her head down and look up from beneath her eyebrows at people. Half the time it's just how she looks when she's speaking or listening intently to someone. The other times she does this is when she's struggling her hardest not to explode at someone who has gone too far.
• One of her main goals in life is to be a lady and a scholar.
• As much as she prides herself on being sophisticated, she can be incredibly immature. In a way her entire relationship with Malcolm is based on this. All of their arguments are instigated by the fact that one is just as petty, vindictive and competitive as the other, always trying to have the last word in any discussion.
• Used to be quite obsessive compulsive--but insists she's much better, now. She's not.
• Typically asserts her firm belief that everyone has some good within them--and will frequently try her best to appeal to someone's better nature.
• Loves finding ways to work in her sesquipedalian loquaciousness.
• Has trouble realizing that nobody's opinion of her is as high as her own.
• Quite fond of the music of Bob Dylan.
• Is verbally devoted to feminist dogma and makes a point to undercut chauvinism, among other things. Is hardly militant and man-hating, however, and is drawn to alpha-males; the implication becomes stronger over time that her feminist ideals are far more problematic for her life than they're worth.
• Romanticism's a point of pride with her. She wants an "enchanting" proposal and can readily provide a rather embellished example of what an ideal declaration of love would be like. So naturally she falls for tall, strong-built and stronger-willed men who are the opposite of her in so many ways.
• Can be considered at her sexiest even when unkempt.
• Puts on make-up before being intimate.
• Cannot hold her liquor.
• Makes it a point to never directly discuss her age.
• Her major defining trait, along with her relationship with Dahlia, her intellectual pretentiousness and her lack of real-world know-how, is that she is a wide-eyed idealist.
• Diana can be very insightful--and often serves as the conscience for Dahlia when her pragmatism would otherwise border on amorality. Still, Diana and Dahlia have their failings, and either one can call the other out on it, at any time.
• Finds older men stimulating.
• Possesses a beautiful singing voice.
• Allows herself to be vulnerable in front of other men, and is often hurt for it.
• Has never had a healthy relationship with a man.

Princess Diana

• Is selectively oblivious.
• It isn't easy to gain her good will, but there is almost nothing she will not do to protect those she loves.
• Can be very cold, self-centered, temperamental, and willing to do most anything to get what she wants.
• Has a habit of placing her own feelings, impulses, and wants above other people's. Usually because she thinks she knows what's best.
• Flat out ignores how much harm she does to others.
• For all her manipulation and lies, she is truly sincere about her friendships and sisterly instincts.
• Is a consummate liar in that she never really lets slip what her goals, past, or knowledge of the situation are.
• Do not trust her personal accounts without hard evidence or third-party testimony.
• Holds a number of seemingly contradictory beliefs and opinions. Lies by omission and implication.
• Affably Evil. But not purely evil. Though she is violent, sociopathic, unstable, and manipulative, she is very much capable of concern for her fellow man. Though this concern is largely kept to her closest allies. Everyone else means little to her.
• There are a number of paradoxical gaps in her worldview.
• When intensely stressed, she literally dissociates from her actions and is incapable of controlling herself,
• Diana is loyal to exactly two people — herself and Dahlia. Everyone else, be they ally or enemy, is a tool to be used.
• Killed her first man at age 16. Has caused a lot more deaths since, whether directly or indirectly.

Character Keys

The Key of the Sentinel:
"This is war, hermana, and war is hell. But take heart - while our brothers and sisters will die a delirious, vomiting death, they will do so to help restore civilization from the ashes. Not everyone out in the wastes of the larger cities would be so lucky."
The Key of the Pragmatist: "It all comes down to how much sin we're willing to live with."

Royal Duchess
"Mexico is a smuggler's den, is it not? Our entire economy is based on people having things that they shouldn't. Royal Duchess...'fell off a truck,' you might say."

The RV
2003 American Coach Eagle 40G - Dixie Chicks Top of the World Tour Bus