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20:38, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Terry Fellstark

Name: Terry Fellstark
Gender: Male
Age: 28 (Biologically), 3656 (chronologically)
Species: Human
Type: Jedi
Affiliation: Jedi Order

If Jedi/Sith fill out the following..

Rank: Knight
Lightsaber Description: A pair of Orange w/ Dark core sabers. Standard length with short hilt. (individual hilt are around 1 and a half palm length. Joint staff is around 3 palms length) Can be jointed end-to-end into a saberstaff or be use separately as individual sabers.

Combat Form: Practice - Ataru, Djem So, Juyo
             Specializes - Juyo

Physical Description: Terry is 6 feet tall, with dark brown hair and tanned skin. He had numerous scar on his body as a result of his training and his role during the Great Galactic War.

Personality: Terry is quick to anger but he has been consciously keeping his anger under control. Due to his past, he will actively tries to avoid fighting and prefer to seek alternate solutions. However, if a fight is unavoidable, he will not show any weakness and will do anything to end the fight as soon as possible.

Short Bio: Terry is born during the era of the old republic. He was a Sith Warrior under the Sith Empire during Galactic War. He eventually defected to the Republic and seek guidance from the Jedi Order. During his stay in the Jedi Temple, he was taught the ways of the Jedi. However, due to his background, it wasn't an easy journey. He was eventually taught to fight with controlled passion and anger. Due to his versatility in both Light and Dark Side of the Force, he became one of the best duelist in the order.

When Sith attack the Coruscant Jedi Temple, Terry defending the temple. However, an explosion collapse the floor beneath him and he fell into a cryogenic pool, freezing him in time.

3 years ago, the pool was rediscovered and Terry was recovered. He was awoken by the Jedi Order and has been in the Temple ever since. Sensing a both a huge darkness and light within him, his sabers were taken away from him by the council and he was kept under constant surveillance. As time passes, he is given more freedom to move around and is able to access certain area of the temple. Today, he is able to move freely around the temple but not out of it. Terry is currently helping the scholars who are researching the Old Republic.

Ultimate Motive: He wishes to find inner peace, however, due to his background and the fact that he keeps getting into galactic conflict, he believe the only way to find such peace will be to completely eradicate the Sith and all traces of it.

Others: Terry specialize in saber-to-saber combat due to the time he was born in. He is actually one of the best duelist due to his strength and versatility in both Light and Dark side of the Force. Although he can effectively defend himself against blaster fire, he can be easily overwhelm if there are multiple baster fire coming from multiple directions.