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16:33, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Virginia Valbuena

Mummified my teenage dreams
No, it's nothing wrong with me
The kids are all wrong
The story's all off
Heavy metal broke my heart

-Fall Out Boy, Centuries

Name: Virginia Valbuena

Nickname / Alias: Val / "Vendetta"

Gender: Female

Age / Birthday: 18 / 24 June

Height: 5'1"

Character Model: Ellen Page

Appearance: On any given day, Virginia Valbuena is just like any other typical teenaged girl (if any girl can be considered typical). She dresses in modern clothes that tend to downplay her inheritance. She wears her hair long and has a knack for being quite an effective wallflower. She's not an outcast or an outsider, really, she's just ... unnoticed. Which is just the way she likes it. Val's also something of a chameleon. Much of this is her natural flawless face, but with proper application of makeup (or lack thereof) she's capable of looking a few years younger, or a few years older, than her actual age. Unfortunately, though, this has not allowed her skip getting carded for alcohol except at the sleaziest of establishments.

At night, when she becomes Vendetta, she wears a tight leather body suit, black, built with bullet and slash proof material, and equips herself with an array of small, concealable weaponry. On the collar of her suit is the only ornamentation she allows herself, a small pendant featuring two letter V's, one inverted, their points touching at the middle. She has a small, sleek, motorcycle to get around town on.

Personality: Despite her tragic past, regimented upbringing and violent nights, Val tries to maintain her humanity. She's got a good sense of humor, though it tends to be barbed, and while she doesn't typically make friends, her nature is such that she'll likely bond with anyone she deems worthy of the attempt. It's not that she's above her classmates or peers, it's just that they really have no idea what's going on in the world and she's not about to pull the curtain back for anyone else.

That said, she knows what she does, who she is and takes her actions and work seriously. She's no Buffy the Vampire Slayer, this shit is real and she accepts her role with all the weight and gravity it bears. As "Vendetta", she is cold, calculating and ruthless when it comes to eliminating the vampire threat.

History: Val's history starts centuries before she was born. The Monasterio de Santa María de Valbuena was founded in 1143 by Estefanía, daughter of Count Ermengol V of Urgell, in Valbuena de Duero in Valladolid Province, Castile-Leon, Spain. The official purpose of the foundation of the abbey occluded the true mission of the Cistercians that served there. While the abbey itself prospered early, spreading out into three daughter houses of it's own, it would eventually decline and ultimately be dissolved nearly 7 centuries after its formation.

During that entire existence, and through the centuries long thereafter, the Cistercians of the Valbuena Abbey existed for one reason - the slaying of the undead.

In the long years since the dissolution of the Abbey and it's reversion to more publicly acceptable use, her sons and daughters have moved silently through the ages, hunting those that would hunt and feast upon the souls of humanity. Val's father was not one such hunter.

Ignacio "Iggy" Valbuena and his wife, Helen Rappaport, welcomed their first born, Virginia, into the world late one evening in June of 2014. Helen had come from a long line of old English nobility and had quite a family fortune behind her. She'd moved to the U.S. with her family, and met her future husband at college at U of W in Seattle. Eventually, the pair married and used their money in several sectors that saw their wealth grow. The couple was happy and healthy and soon settled down into forming a family.

Neither Ignacio nor his wife knew about his family history, or the dark secret his estranged and slightly-crazed brother hid from them.

Rodrigo "Roddy" Valbuena had been something of a black sheep in the family but it was the price he paid for keeping the families' history from the branches of the family who were better served by not knowing. Roddy was a true adherant to the Cistercians of old, and he, along with the few remaining enlightened Valbuenan's scattered around the globe, continued the centuries old fight.

Much of the Abbey's lore has been lost to the ravages of time, nature, and mankind, and if they once knew the secret of the vampires - their affiliation with the Greek Gods, the existence of Artemis and her Dark Hunters, even of the existence of other creature hunting the night - that knowledge has been long lost. Rodrigo's trainer didn't know it. Rodrigo didn't know it. And of course, his brother and sister-in-law had no idea what might be lurking against them.

Rodrigo had become a successful hunter in the streets of Seattle and Olympia, and even across the border into Canada, fighting off the vampire threat to mankind. And, though they were not as powerful as they had once been, the Valbuena name still carried a certain amount of weight and fear within the vampire community. They were, after all, mere humans who had managed to threaten them for centuries. So, it was no small concern this Valbuena rampaging in their midst.

Unfortunately, the target for their ire was not Rodrigo Valbuena, but his much more visible brother.

They came in the dead of night when Virginia was just 6 years old. She awoke with a start when the glass broke and raced out of her room. She arrived just in time to see her father's head be messily removed from his body. Even then, she excelled at being overlooked and while the vampires ravaged her parents, soaking the room in blood and viscera, Virginia just watched and blended and was spared.

The police and media attributed the attacks to drug-crazed robbers, but only Virginia and her uncle knew the truth. Per her parent's will, drawn up long before Rodrigo had distanced himself from the family, her uncle was granted custody of her and named her legal guardian and the custodian of her inheritance until she came of age. The businesses were handed out to corporate functionaries, though Virginia retains nominal ownership.

She was moved out of her parent's home and Rodrigo settled on a modest but comfortable house for the two in Newport, WA. Though he tried to distance Virginia from his mission, the things she'd seen would not allow her to give up her questioning. When she turned 7, he told her the entire story of the family line from it's origin's to it's place in the modern nights. Her training began 6 months later.

Since that time, Virginia, Val as she prefers to be called, has maintained a careful balance of mundane life with rigorous training and, eventually, nightly hunts. She has become a master hunter, excelling at parkour, martial arts, melee and ranged weaponry, stalking, stealthing and any other skill that can be directly or indirectly used to kill vampires. Recently, she filed the necessary documentation to become an emancipated minor, and moved out of the house she and her uncle shared. It just seemed safer that way.

The house was firebombed two nights later, killing her uncle instantly.

Luckily for the young slayer, their supplies and weapon's caches are scattered all across Northwest Washington and she lost only a valuable ally, friend, and mentor. The vampires have taken everything from her and now, regardless of her families' past, she hunts them. Not out of duty or obligation.

She seeks revenge.


She is Vendetta.

And she is coming for them.