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Welcome to Belcoast

17:23, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Marcus Crowley

Age: 36

Species: Witch

Powers: Being a witch when surrounded by an abundance of supernatural creatures doesn't seem to be that strong of an advantage. Except curses were quite handy. In his younger years he was taught white magic; healing spells, floating objects, lighting candles and all other things considered boring. Later in life he taught himself the darker magic and spent some time away learning from a coven in New Orleans. That being said, it still takes it's toll on his well being and he's at his crankiest at these times.

As most of his coven, aside from spells he was gifted with two additional talents, as were his siblings. He's able to use power negation and cancel out someone else's magic or voodoo curse temporarily as well as telekinesis abilities.

Appearance: Tall and Nordic in appearance with blue eyes and short hair. Others have described him as handsome despite the fact that his features are often contorted in anger or annoyance. His dress is fairly casual but he cleans up quite well and fits the look with ease. He has a scar on his left arm about six inches long from when he murdered his family and one of his brothers fought back.

Personality: He is extremely sinister, vengeful and dangerous when wronged. At times he borders on deranged, the line between his  and madness gets blurry. When pressed, he is deadly serious but most of the time he seems unnaturally chipper. His mood changes from cheerful and amused to absolutely enraged in seconds making him unpredictable. Despite his seemingly erratic and scattered personality, he seems patient and capable of elaborate plans. When on his good side, he can be extremely loyal and would go to any ends to protect those that mean something to him. Meaning something to him however, that's the trick.

History: Growing up in London, his family was extremely well off and he never had to worry about money. Born into a powerful coven, he grew up learning the craft once he reached a certain age. He was the youngest of six siblings and because of this, he was overlooked and always looking for ways to get his parents attention. After years of trying, he realized that they weren't going to take notice. He got in trouble, they got him out of it but never was he reprimanded. He grew older and angry at the world, taking it out on whomever he could. It became a game to him, a way to see how easily he could manipulate people with magic to gain what he wanted. It was amusing to him, how he could mold people and then destroy them.

He was distant from his family, viewed as the recluse and he grew paranoid believing they were looking for ways to be done with him, to banish him to another realm. One year, he began to play the part of a changed man. He'd always been charming and polite to the outside world in order to keep up his family's appearance but he became more. He became that with them. Part of the family, truly accepted. For a couple years it would have seemed like bliss, he was recognized and adored but it didn't matter, he was still plotting. He wanted revenge for his life that had been spent in the shadows yearning for attention. It was Christmas morning when it happened. Six found, slaughtered within the family mansion, the only two not accounted for being his one sister and his oldest brother. The papers downplayed the scene from inside the mansion but those that had been inside spoke of the gruesome way the family had been slain. With his other two siblings he disappeared, choosing to cross the pond over to America and try a new start at things.

That he did and for a short time he even attempted to live a normal life, one without worry. It lasted a year; he had one year of peace when he first found Belcoast. He'd taken residence with a man named Jim Wright that owned a diner after applying for a job since he could take none of his wealth with him and was penniless. Life was different for him but he adjusted nicely or so he'd like to think he had. Not long enough for people to form a complete opinion of him, more like the 'he seems like a nice guy' opinion. It was two days before Christmas when it ended; a package arrived in the mail for him and changed it all. It was curious to begin with since he hadn't provided anyone with his address, even more so was that it had been shipped from London. Inside was a small wooden truck that he'd played with as a child and a Christmas card signed by his missing siblings. Understandably, he kind of lost it and may have murdered his roommate. It was drawn out though; things of this nature took time. Months even, but slowly it appeared as if the diner owner was losing grip with reality, people became concerned and then one day he up and vanished after having signed everything over to Marcus. There'd even been a letter left behind addressing any concerns properly so no one doubted that poor Jim had truly lost it. Reality, poor Jim met a much worse fate.

Since then he's owned the diner, his means of making a living and he did rather well. Business seemed to come naturally to him, food preparation no but that's why you paid people to work for you. He keeps a low profile and keeps informed about every creature that steps foot within the city limits convinced that his siblings would attempt anything to make him suffer.

Profession: Owns Belcoast Diner (Inherited from previous owner after he murdered them. Maybe.)

Hobbies: Murder. Spells. Curses. Painting.

Sexual Orientation: Doesn't really care.