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08:35, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

Grev Longtooth

Standing some 2.5 meters tall, and weighing in at nearly 500 lbs. of solid muscle, Grev is an imposing sight.  Stocky and muscular, he yet manages to move with an almost predatory grace.  Cunning green eyes gaze from beneath craggy brows.  His brindled brown fur visible in temperate climes.  He wears a pair of mid-thigh shorts, a utility belt around his waist, and a bandoleer slung from his lefgt shoulder to his right hip.  Strapped to his right thigh is a large knife in a sheath, two pockets on the sheath contain a striking flint and a small honing stone.  His feet are wrapped in close-fitting toed shoes.

When seen ready for scouting or combat, an enormous blaster rifle is slung over his right shoulder.

Character Name: Grev Longtooth
Species: Yuzzem
Gender: Male
Eye Color: Lambent Green
Template: Scout

XP: 20
XP Spent: 20 (6 to buy back Debt.)

Extraordinary Hearing  (−2D).
   The construction of this character’s sound collectors (ears, usually), has increased his ability to distinguish between similar sounds, determine the direction of the source of those sounds, and pick up whispers from a distance.

  Enemy (Scout Trooper:Name to come):1
  Fallback Plan: +2D
     This character cannot function unless she has devised a backup plan for every situation she puts her self into.  This applies to everything from combat to relation ships.
  Debt: +1D

Dexterity: 3D
   Blaster Rifle: 5D+1
 Brawling Parry:
 Melee Combat:
 Melee Parry:

Knowledge: 2D+2
 Alien Species:
 Planetary Systems:
 Survival: 3D
 Willpower: 3D
    Resist Fear: +1D

Technical: 2D
 Computer Programing/Repair:
 Demolition: 3D
 Blaster Repair: 3D+1
 First Aid:
 Repulsorlift Repair:
 Space Transport Repair:
 Weapon Engineering  (Advaced Skill.):

Perception: 3D
 Search: 4D+1
   Tracking: +1D
 Sneak: 5D+1

Strength: 5D+1
   Martial Arts: 6D+2 (Blind-Fighting)
 Climbing/Jumping: +2

Mechanical: 2D
 Beast Riding:
 Repulsorlift operation:
 Sensors: 3D
 Space Transport:
 Starship Gunnery:
 Starship Shields:

Special Abilities:
Large:  As large creatures, Yuzzem take a –1D penalty on Hide rolls.

Claws:  Do STR+1D damage.

Bite:  Does STR+1D damage.

Scent:  Yuzzem can detect opponents within 10 meters by sense of smell.  If the source is upwind, the range increases to 20 meters; if it’s downwind, the range decreases to 6 meters.  Strong scents double the range and overpowering scents triple it.  Yuzzem also get a +1D bonus to search: tracking.

Physical Intimidation: Yuzzem may roll Strength to intimidate.

Fearless: Yuzzem don’t frighten easily and gain a +1D bonus to willpower to resist fear.

Climbing Claws: Yuzzem use their sharp claws to aid in climbing and gain a +2 bonus to climbing.

Story Factors: Honorable:  Although  rash  and  volatile,  the  Yuzzem  follow  a strict code of honor and insist on paying their debts.

Move:  10/12
Size 2.5 meters tall on average

Source:  Ultimate Alien Anthology (pages 193-194)

Equipment:  Personal Comlink, combat knife (STR+1D+1), Exotac Arms EXP-7(a) Predator  (7D), Datapad, Datacard, Macro-binoculars,  Field Kit (
• 2 condensing canteens with water purification. A Very Easy survival roll is required for use. Average filtration time is 5 minutes.  The unit will notify user when cleansing process is completed. •  a bed roll •  a week’s worth of food rations •  two glow rods  • two breath masks, 24 filters, 12 atmosphere canisters •  and an all-temperature cloak.)
, Utility Belt (Containing a three-day supply of food capsules, a medpac, a  small tool kit, a spare power pack, a spare energy cell, a glow rod, a comlink, a liquid cable dispenser with a small grappling hook, coarse, medium, fine, and extra-fine honing stones, striking flint, lighter, and a couple of empty pouches for whatever else the wearer wants to add  (up to 0.5 kg per pouch), Bandolier, 4 Power Pack for Blaster Rifle.

Model:  Exotac Arms EXP-7(a) Predator (Raptor)
Blaster Rifle Type:  Precision hunting blaster rifle
Scale:  Character
Skill:  Blaster: blaster rifle
Ammo:  8
Cost:  7,000
Availability:  4, X
Fire Rate:  1
Fire Control:  2D (dual-laser targeting beams)
Range:  3-30/80/350
Damage:  7D
Game  Notes:
   Each time this blaster is fired, the user must make a Moderate  Strength roll to contain the recoil and be able to fire it next round. Source:  Gundark’s Fantastic Technology (page 33)

Model:  Merr-Sonn Targeter Ranging Scope
Type:  Weapon-mounted image magnifier
Skill:  Sensors
Cost:  750
Availability:  2
Game  Notes:
   Adds +3D to medium- and long-range shots from blaster and  slugthrowing rifles and carbines.  Requires a Moderate sensors roll to sight-in a target.  Has Low-Light vision in scope. Source: Rules of Engagement – The Rebel SpecForce Handbook (page  41), Arms and Equipment Guide (page  38), Ultimate Adversaries (page 154)
Background:   Never talked much.  Never seen much reason to.  Fact is, most of the time you don’t have anyone to talk to.  You’re out under  the high, wide skies of a virgin planet, pitting yourself against the  wilderness.  After you come the settlers, the big corporations and the traders — civilization.  But you’re the one to open planets.  You find out what the dangers are and deal with them.  You find out how to survive the strange weather, the dangerous beasts and the rugged terrain of a whole new world. You’d be doing that still.  But they won’t let you.  The Empire has cut back on exploration; says it’s too expensive.  You know the truth, though; freedom is part of the frontier.  You can’t control people when they can always up and move. If, say, one wanted to impose tyranny on a galaxy, there’s only one way to do it; stop them from upping and moving.  Close the frontier.  The Emperor wants to destroy your livelihood.  He doesn’t leave you with any alternative but joining the Rebellion, does he?  You’ll be an asset, you hand, and you know how to survive — in comfort — anywhere.  Need to set up a base on, say, an ice planet?  You know how.

Personality:   You’re laconic.   Close-mouthed.   You have a strong sense of humor, which shows through frequently.  You’re tough.  Proud of your abilities.  You take a perverse delight in tormenting “greenies.”  This character cannot function unless she has devised a backup plan for every situation he puts himself into.  This applies to everything from combat to relationships.
He thrills in the Hunt, enjoying the battle of wills & wits, till combat is joined.  It is one  of his driving pasions.  He is nearly obssessive about taking care of his equipmet, espescially his knife and "Raptor", his personally customized and gene-locked blaster rifle.

Objectives:  To blaze trails and open worlds from here to the end of space.
             To hunt the most dangerous game, and triumph.
A Quote:  “You call these bugs?  Back on Danos V, they got sting-insects the size of a house.”

Connection With Characters:  Anyone from a recently-settled planet (like a brash pilot) might know you as the scout who opened his or her world for settlement.  You might have met and made friends with any of the fringe characters — gambler, merc, smuggler, pirate, or bounty hunter, for example.