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23:48, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Garrett Montilyet


Name: Viscount Garrett Alexius Montilyet

Sexual Preferences: Straight


Gender: Male

Age: 21 years old

Hair: Golden Blonde, thick with natural curls.

Eyes: Blue-Green

Distinguishing Marks: A thin, pearly white scar marks his face, or more accurately it climbs upward from the right side of his upper lip, and stops just below his nose. A reminder from his wild childhood days.

General Appearance: Garrett is a athletically built young man, slim and defined rather than thick and heavily muscled. Garrett is said to resemble his grandfather, with his fair skin, golden curls and eyes that are neither blue nor green, but a captivating blending of the two. He however earned his height from his father, and stands a respectable six foot one.

Garrett has a fair complexion, and usually keeps a little but of scruff on his face as a personal preference. His hair is mix of naturally wavy and curly, and a darker, almost golden blonde. Usually, he keeps it on the long side, but well taken care of.

He can sometimes be seen as closed off or serious, as he rarely smiles. That wasn't always the case, and those who encountered him as a boy would remember a dimpled smile that was given freely.

Garrett is always well dressed, and his manners are impeccable.


Personality: Despite or perhaps in spite of - His parents constant manipulations and attempts to mold him into the perfect son. Garrett has maintained his stubborn, passionate nature, though he is not quite as idealistic as he once was. Life is a harsh teacher, and he no longer believes in a world where everyone could one day be treated as equals.

He understands that his title and position require that he make the hard choices, and sometimes innocent people are unintended victims.

That doesn't mean he doesn't believe in doing good, and he can be quite generous. Like when he was a boy, Garrett can be quite romantic, and even bold on occasion, however he doesn't love easily, and is very guarded where his heart is concerned. Since he has long given up on the idea of marrying for love, he seeks to test and find himself a wife who he can hopefully stand to be tied to for the rest of his life. It's a practical, and perhaps cynical way to look at it, but that's what life has made him.

Occasionally sarcastic, Garrett tries not to judge people to harshly or quickly, but seems to have a low tolerance for silliness, and dramatics. Friendly enough, it isn't until he has really warmed up to someone that his playful, boyish side comes out.

Minor House: House Montilyet is a Minor House. They do not have the power or the influence as the five major houses, but they are not without their prestige and strength. Garrett's great-grandfather was given the title of Viscount, for services to the crown. Though the Montilyet's have always been nobility. It was a title and a job that he was honored to have, and happily passed on to his son William. In general, the Montilyet men are known for their intelligence and keen business sense, with a few having gone to serve and hold distinguished military careers.

As a young man, William briefly served, before retiring to take over his families lands and business from his then ailing father. His marriage to Marie brought with her a generous amount of income, and connected the family to a strong House with ties to Italy. Together they rule their lands and home with a firm grip, and have earned the respect that they have today. Now that his father has passed due to illness, It is up to Garret to continue building his family into a house that will be respected and feared, just as he has been groomed to do his entire life.

Perhaps due to the influence of a childhood friend, Garrett hopes that his reign will be less harsh than his parents, though he understands he can't afford to appear weak. It's finding that balance between compassion and cruelty, between being respected and loved, or feared and hated that he struggles with.

Personal History:

Garrett is the second child born to William and Marie Montilyet. As the second born son to the Montilyet Family, there wasn't much expectations placed on him in the beginning, nor his twin sister Greer (save that she make a smart match for marriage) But his life changed before he was old enough to even remember the details. His elder brother Wilham was five years old when he died in an unfortunate accident. That accident marked the turning point for Garrett, since at the tender age of two years, he was named his fathers heir.

His father William is a wealthy man, and the Montilyet family is well known in the trading of spices and other goods, which is how they earned their fortune.

That and smart matches that amount to little more than business transactions. William is not a warrior, though he was trained for combat as a lad, he is very intelligent, shrewd and a excellent businessman. But since he cares little for the affairs of court and his house beyond maintaining it, most of that has fallen into his mothers more than capable hands. Marie is a harsh and hard woman, from an old Italian+6 family, that has a dark reputation and more than enough money to silence gossips. But she knows how to play the game, she enjoys court life, and has a strong and growing circle of contacts from her own efforts and through her wealthy Italian family the D'Ambrosio's.

As a boy, Garrett was wild and passionate, and perhaps a touch idealistic as well. He'd often escape his tutors and caretakers to go play with the servants children, since his sister had been sent to live with his mothers relations, and one child in particular stood out from the moment he laid eyes on her. She was a girl with hair the color of a raven's wing, bright intelligent eyes, strong opinions and skinny legs. Garrett can't for sure say what started their friendship, just that it came as naturally as breathing, and they spent many years together, sneaking off to play as children, he taught her to read, write and even tried tempting her to learn the art of swordsmanship.

The relationship was considered improper, and his mother grew more and more impatient with him, and his 'friendship'.  When he confessed in a moment of passion his feelings for the girl, a mistake he has regretted his entire life, his mother put her plans into motion.

Garrett was sent to visit his cousins, a routine visit to check up on his sister and congratulate her about her upcoming engagement. While he was away, his mother coldly threw the girl and her mother out onto the streets.

He didn't find out until weeks later, when he returned home.

When confronted, his mother had merely smiled, and told him that was what happened when you weren't strong enough to protect what you loved. She went on to teach him that love had no place in his life, for she would never allow him to marry someone beneath him, he had a reputation to uphold, and his marriage, when it did come would be to a wealthy young woman worthy of giving him heirs.

It was a harsh lesson, and one he took to heart. Garrett blames himself for his friends fate, and has carried that guilt in his heart all his life.

Garrett's parents guided and molded him, controlled his life in every aspect. He always fought against them, perhaps not in obvious ways, and more often than not he played the role of dutiful son. But he was always plotting, and finding small ways to remind them that he wasn't just a piece to be manipulated.

His mother taught him the harsh realities of the world, forced him to take a hard look at the life he would have if he didn't learn to put family before love, before his own personal wants and desires. He was trained by her private mercenaries, learning techniques and skills not commonly taught to soldiers. He was given his education by the finest tutors, and his mother taught him all he needed to know about court life.

His father treated him more like a business partner, not really a son. But the old man did teach him everything he knows today, and helped Garrett discover his own a talent for business like his father and grandfather before him. When not learning with his father, Garrett was studying, reading, or enjoying the sport of hunting, which was a favored pastime, he also spent a good amount of his time learning the sword and bow, it helped him when he needed to clear his thoughts.

His mother in her usual fashion was responsible for his first two almost engagements. One when he was seventeen years old, that girl lasted a week before he sent her home. The second young woman he was introduced to at formal party, and she lasted a month before he sent her back home to her parents. His actions earned him a reputation for being cold toward potential brides, and perhaps a touch harsh in attitude.

When his father passed, which was just a year ago. The title and responsibilities officially passed into his hands, and his mother lost some of her power over him. Garrett knows he needs to find a wife, and settle into his life before his mother recovers enough to do more damage.

Like many young nobles, Garrett has been summoned to Rosemount by his king. He is resigned to his fate, and knows he'd rather find a wife for himself at Rosemount than risk his mother digging her claws even deeper and forcing him to marry someone of their choosing. Garrett is going into this looking for a suitable match, he only hopes he can find her.