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09:57, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


NAME: Xundrin Rilyn'ntar-Patron of House Rilyn'ntar

"Honor?  Stand in the ashes of a thousand vanquished souls and ask them if honor means anything.  The silence will be your answer."


Height: 5'6
Weight: 144lbs
Hair: White
Eyes: Light Grey/Crimson Flecks
Complexion: Dark Grey
Physique: Very well-toned with virtually no fat
Other: Cleft chin

Xundrin's snow-white hair is long (down to his shoulder blades), straight and is usually worn loose though he does, on occasion, wear it in a tail or braid.  His hairline also comes to a sharp widow's peak.  His skin is a nearly black, deep grey and is flawless in its complexion.  His chiseled features are the envy of many a drow male (and he is persued by many drow females) and he sports a cleft-chin, highly toned musculature and a rich voice.  His eyes are a very light shade of grey with crimson flecks within.


Clothing style
Xundrin dresses as most drow do, in mostly black clothing worn over his drow chain shirt and other equipment.  He is fond of wearing a frock-style coat with his chain shirt visible, form-fitting leggings, high black boots and gloves...all covering a form fitting suit of spiderweave silk.  When on a mission he usually sports a mask that shrouds his face while his piwafwi cloak further obscures his features in its hood.  His clothing is generally edged in light grey with red runes embroidered throughout.

Like any other drow Xundrin enjoys whetting his blades in the blood of his enemies (which is everyone).  Unlike most, he does not revel in it and is quick to clean himself, his clothing and his equipment.  He borders on being obsessively clean though he does not show his discomfort with filth and is quite willing to get absolutely filthy on a mission.  He knows he will get clean at mission's end.

Posture, Gait & Coordination
Xun stands erect and is as graceful and deft as they come.  He practically dances when he walks as he is so light on his feet.  His coordination is matchless even among the drow and he has rarely missed a target.  He does extensive calisthenics, balancing, tumbling and form exercises daily.

Xundrin comports himself as a consummate professional in all things and is always in control of his emotions (and most think him passionless though this is not true).  Everything he does and every word he speaks is typically used to accomplish some desired effect (usually some form of manipulation) and he never lets emotion cloud his judgment or rule his behavior...though he may act as if it does if it serves his purposes.

Again, Xundrin is always in control of himself.  He does not fidget and goes about his day with a casual ease as if he knows nothing will happen to him.  He is, in fact, supremely confident...but it is not foolish or reckless arrogance on his part.  It is because he is supremely capable and knows it and he has found that his confidence is unnerving to others...even other very capable drow.  His hands are never far away from his blades and his mind is always thinking of how to react to the people and environment around him.

Xundrin's natural voice is a melliflous, lilting voice more akin to females and he has a beautiful singing voice (capable of ranging from a higher baritone to alto and soprano tones).  However, he commonly speaks in a whisper or a mildly raspy voice.  This has been known to throw others off as they sometimes are unaware who they are speaking with and his voice tends to be intimidating.

Xundrin tries hard to mask any scent he may have (the better not to alert his quarry) but when he must indulge he will wear subtle scents that are light on the nostrils.  He commonly mixes two or three scents so as to 'tickle the nostrils' of those he meets.  But this is only when he deems it useful.

As mentioned Xundrin is always in absolute control of his emotions and never loses control of himself.  He does not tense or change his facial expressions even when angry so as to betray himself.  He is possessed of an underlying current of anger, however, and paranoia rules supreme in his life.  He recognizes this fact and works hard to mask them.


Xundrin chooses every word and every action to precise effect at all times and his true personality is very hard to guage.  He can be open and gregarious, silent and grim as death, or a storm of emotions as needed.  Xundrin is self-aware enough to recognize the paranoia rampant within him and the underlying anger in his heart (from the necessity of living under the weight of Lloth's clergy among other things).  He also recognizes that these feelings flow throughout the drow collective psyche.

Unlike most drow he does not bury these feelings under a facade of bloodlust (though he can and will exhibit such as an act).  Killing brings him no joy and is only a necessity to him.  If he does enjoy killing at all it is when his blades sink into the chest of a Priestess of Lloth...and even then he is little stirred by the triumph.  He recognizes drow society for the farce it is and would strike out on his own save for one fact: He is a follower of Vhaeraun and has tasked himself with curtailing Lloth's designs in his little corner of the world.  This means bringing down rival Houses.

What Pleases Him
He would never admit to this, but Xundrin enjoys the surface world.  Though the sun is painfully bright he enjoys the sights and scents of the forests.  The tranquility and solace he finds when alone in the forest are capable of moving him (though he still masks it).  Anytime he can find such solace pleases him.

What Angers Him
Priestesses of Lloth, their stranglehold on drow society and the inequality of males that stems from it.  The inability of drow to do the things they are told they will do (rise to the surface and build their own society there).  And paying homage to a goddess he despises.


Xundrin was born to unknown parents in the city (though at least one of them was of noble blood as evidenced by his abilities).  He knows nothing of his true heritage (nor does he care) and was raised by an aging rogue by the name of Knarfein.  He was abusive but taught Xundrin what he needed to know in order to procure what they needed to survive within the Braeryn district of Menzoberranzan.  He killed Knarfein, of course, when his mentor sought to beat him for taking too long one evening.  For the next few years Xundrin survived by his own cunning and remarkable skills at both stealth and single combat.

Only six years ago he was brought into House Rilyn'ntar when a young (and newly ordained) priestess watched as he single handedly killed three of her guards.  She stopped the others from finishing him and spoke at length about his background and possible future.  She offered him a position within her House if she would promise to serve her loyally (to which he agreed having no other choice but death).  She outfitted him in the finest arms she could procure at the time and took him as a personal guard.  She then ordered him to kill the other three guards-a task he completed easily-and ordered him not to speak of the incident.

He has served her ever since.

Xundrin has one simple goal in life: To be free to rule his own life.  To choose his own battles and to live in relative quiet one day.  He doesn't mind killing for a living, he simply wants to be in a position to choose whether or not he wants to kill a target.


Height: 5'6
Weight: 144lbs
Hair: White
Eyes: Light Grey/Crimson Flecks
Complexion: Dark Grey
Physique: Very well-toned with virtually no fat
Other: Cleft chin

Xundrin's snow-white hair is long (down to his shoulder blades), straight and is usually worn loose though he does, on occasion, wear it in a tail or braid.  His hairline also comes to a sharp widow's peak.  His skin is a nearly black, deep grey and is flawless in its complexion.  His chiseled features are the envy of many a drow male (and he is persued by many drow females) and he sports a cleft-chin, highly toned musculature and a rich voice.  His eyes are a very light shade of grey with crimson flecks within.


Clothing style
Xundrin dresses as most drow do, in mostly black clothing worn over his drow chain shirt and other equipment.  He is fond of wearing a frock-style coat with his chain shirt visible, form-fitting leggings, high black boots and gloves...all covering a form fitting suit of spiderweave silk.  When on a mission he usually sports a mask that shrouds his face while his piwafwi cloak further obscures his features in its hood.  His clothing is generally edged in light grey with red runes embroidered throughout.

Like any other drow Xundrin enjoys whetting his blades in the blood of his enemies (which is everyone).  Unlike most, he does not revel in it and is quick to clean himself, his clothing and his equipment.  He borders on being obsessively clean though he does not show his discomfort with filth and is quite willing to get absolutely filthy on a mission.  He knows he will get clean at mission's end.

Posture, Gait & Coordination
Xun stands erect and is as graceful and deft as they come.  He practically dances when he walks as he is so light on his feet.  His coordination is matchless even among the drow and he has rarely missed a target.  He does extensive calisthenics, balancing, tumbling and form exercises daily.

Xundrin comports himself as a consummate professional in all things and is always in control of his emotions (and most think him passionless though this is not true).  Everything he does and every word he speaks is typically used to accomplish some desired effect (usually some form of manipulation) and he never lets emotion cloud his judgment or rule his behavior...though he may act as if it does if it serves his purposes.

Again, Xundrin is always in control of himself.  He does not fidget and goes about his day with a casual ease as if he knows nothing will happen to him.  He is, in fact, supremely confident...but it is not foolish or reckless arrogance on his part.  It is because he is supremely capable and knows it and he has found that his confidence is unnerving to others...even other very capable drow.  His hands are never far away from his blades and his mind is always thinking of how to react to the people and environment around him.

Xundrin's natural voice is a melliflous, lilting voice more akin to females and he has a beautiful singing voice (capable of ranging from a higher baritone to alto and soprano tones).  However, he commonly speaks in a whisper or a mildly raspy voice.  This has been known to throw others off as they sometimes are unaware who they are speaking with and his voice tends to be intimidating.

Xundrin tries hard to mask any scent he may have (the better not to alert his quarry) but when he must indulge he will wear subtle scents that are light on the nostrils.  He commonly mixes two or three scents so as to 'tickle the nostrils' of those he meets.  But this is only when he deems it useful.

As mentioned Xundrin is always in absolute control of his emotions and never loses control of himself.  He does not tense or change his facial expressions even when angry so as to betray himself.  He is possessed of an underlying current of anger, however, and paranoia rules supreme in his life.  He recognizes this fact and works hard to mask them.


Xundrin chooses every word and every action to precise effect at all times and his true personality is very hard to guage.  He can be open and gregarious, silent and grim as death, or a storm of emotions as needed.  Xundrin is self-aware enough to recognize the paranoia rampant within him and the underlying anger in his heart (from the necessity of living under the weight of Lloth's clergy among other things).  He also recognizes that these feelings flow throughout the drow collective psyche.

Unlike most drow he does not bury these feelings under a facade of bloodlust (though he can and will exhibit such as an act).  Killing brings him no joy and is only a necessity to him.  If he does enjoy killing at all it is when his blades sink into the chest of a Priestess of Lloth...and even then he is little stirred by the triumph.  He recognizes drow society for the farce it is and would strike out on his own save for one fact: He is a follower of Vhaeraun and has tasked himself with curtailing Lloth's designs in his little corner of the world.  This means bringing down rival Houses.

What Pleases Him
He would never admit to this, but Xundrin enjoys the surface world.  Though the sun is painfully bright he enjoys the sights and scents of the forests.  The tranquility and solace he finds when alone in the forest are capable of moving him (though he still masks it).  Anytime he can find such solace pleases him.

What Angers Him
Priestesses of Lloth, their stranglehold on drow society and the inequality of males that stems from it.  The inability of drow to do the things they are told they will do (rise to the surface and build their own society there).  And paying homage to a goddess he despises.


Xundrin was born to unknown parents in the city (though at least one of them was of noble blood as evidenced by his abilities).  He knows nothing of his true heritage (nor does he care) and was raised by an aging rogue by the name of Knarfein.  He was abusive but taught Xundrin what he needed to know in order to procure what they needed to survive within the Braeryn district of Menzoberranzan.  He killed Knarfein, of course, when his mentor sought to beat him for taking too long one evening.  For the next few years Xundrin survived by his own cunning and remarkable skills at both stealth and single combat.

Only six years ago he was brought into House Rilyn'ntar when a young (and newly ordained) priestess watched as he single handedly killed three of her guards.  She stopped the others from finishing him and spoke at length about his background and possible future.  She offered him a position within her House if she would promise to serve her loyally (to which he agreed having no other choice but death).  She outfitted him in the finest arms she could procure at the time and took him as a personal guard.  She then ordered him to kill the other three guards-a task he completed easily-and ordered him not to speak of the incident.

He has served her ever since.

Xundrin has one simple goal in life: To be free to rule his own life.  To choose his own battles and to live in relative quiet one day.  He doesn't mind killing for a living, he simply wants to be in a position to choose whether or not he wants to kill a target.