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13:56, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Alice Sweet

<img src=""Align="right">Name: Alice Sweet

Nickname: Birdie (Alice was given the Nickname Birdie by the woman closet resembling her Mother. When pressed for a reasoning behind the Nickname, Sister Margaret told Alice that when she was young, she would flit about her robes with glee. She also found the young orphan to be exceptionally spirited.)

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight (Alice has given little thought to matters of sexuality as she has been raised in a House of The Maker and such topics were strictly off limits. She does know however that when she catches herself entertaining that particularly lustful sin, it's Men that catch her eye.)

House: The only House Alice belongs to is the House of the Maker.

Title: Alice Sweet is known as Sister Alice by many though her official title is Novice Sister Alice as she has not yet made the commitment to become a Nun for life.

Occupation: Sister of the Faithful. Though Alice has yet to take her vows, she is still considered a Sister by her Church as it is expected of her to commit her life to The Maker.

Appearance: Alice is a darling young woman. Having only just past the cusp of womanhood, it could be said that she has yet to grow fully into figure but in reality, she has done all the growing she is likely to do. Alice does not possess those voluptuous womanly curves that many Ladies do. She is rather slender and a little on the small side. Lucky to reach the height of many Men's shoulder's she doesn't stand tall and statuesque. It is neither her raging sexuality nor her elegance that draws your eyes to her as she possess little of either. Alice will capture the hearts and minds of others because she is youthful.

A spring shower, a ripe peach, a glass of warm spiced wine and the feeling of moist earth beneath your feet. These are but some of the ways that people have described Alice in the past. She is jovial, spirited, carefree and delightful. A sprite, a nymph an angel sent to Earth to heal the world with her smile. Alice always seems to be in good spirits and it shows in the warm brown of her eyes and the pale pink of her lips. Alice possess a young face with skin the colour of fresh cream and a texture that tricks the mind into thinking they might be petting lamb skin. Her hair is the colour of corn though in winter it seems to darken to resemble the shade of fallen leaves.

Owning no perfumes or fancy paints and lotions, Alice’s face is pure and clean and she carries around with her the smells of soap and rain. Soap because she has been brought up to believe that cleanliness is next to Godliness and rain because she has been caught more than once in a summer shower due to her own lack of drive to get indoors before the Heavens opened. On a Sunday she has been caught with flour on her nose and stewed apples in her hair as she has been busy baking in the Church Kitchen since dusk turned to dawn but even that she seems to get away with for it only further shows her passion for keeping busy and doing good. Every cake and every loaf she bakes is either donated to the poor or sold with the profits going directly to the Convent itself. Alice never sees a dime and she has no desire to.

Alice is a simple girl really. She lives her life to help others. Any garment that she wraps her lithe body in has either been donated or stitched herself. Her style of choice is simple and feminine. She enjoys soft colours and pretty fabrics though she cannot afford to be picky as she has so few possessions of her own. Her favourite colour is blue and this is evident by the fact that she is most seen wearing her much-loved dress, a simple pale blue frock that is more often than not accessorized with a functional and well used dusky pink apron. Currently Alice is not held to the high restrictions of the older Nun's as she has not yet taken her Vow's. Alice does not wear a Habit nor a veil though she is expected to soon. For now, Alice is offered some small clemency’s from the Convent. They know that the Vow of Chastity, Poverty and utter Obedience is a heavy Vow to take and so they would like her to be certain.

Alice Sweet is beautiful, inside and out though she wouldn’t say so herself. She has no real insecurities but she has been raised in a very sheltered environment. An environment that will only grow more enclosed and shielded once she takes her Vows. More than her supple curves or the warm cream colour of her dewy skin, Alice is beautiful because she is spirited. Her light shines from the inside out. She truly is, Alice Sweet.

Distinguishing Features: Were she to stand in a line-up of Noble Woman and Proper Ladies, Alice would surely fade into the background. She is remarkably unremarkable when compared to other women her age. She owns no fabulous gowns and the shoes that she wears are plain and practical. She is beautiful. The Maker has not been unkind to her in this respect but beauty alone does not make one stand out from a crowd. She has a whimsical style about her that has turned heads in the past. She is rarely seen without her basket and her apron as both assist her in her charity and her work. Beyond that though Alice might be distinguished due to her constant star bright smile. There is little that can take that smile away from her.

Personality: Alice is defiance in the face of expectation. Born to Parents unknown, she was given up and abandoned. For any child, this would be a clear and defining moment of their lives that should forever taint the way they see the world and others around them. For Alice, she sees her past as a necessary and positive force for her future. Alice does not blame her Parents for giving her up. She is in fact, grateful to them. Clearly they could not care for her. The fact that they saw and accepted this shows courage. At least that's the way Alice chooses to think of it. It's how she sees most things really.

Alice is an optimist. For all the pain and suffering in the world, Alice possesses the unique ability to find something good and if on the odd chance she cannot find it, then she will create it. Alice has a passion. She is intelligent despite having little to no education beyond her Religious studies and she understands that the only way to change things is to actively do something. Nothing will change if people continue to turn their backs on those in need. The rich will continue to get richer and the poor will continue die. Alice leaves the Convent each and every day with the sole purpose of making somebodies life better. Some might say that she is a bleeding heart and that may be true but why is that considered a bad thing?

As a child, she was abandoned and people with no blood tie to her took her in and cared for her because she, like every child born into this world was a child of the Maker. She had a purpose, even if it was unclear to her. The elderly Nun Sister Margaret took it upon herself to not only name Alice but to raise her as well. Each and every day, up until her last Sister Margaret taught Alice to have courage and be kind. Alice has embraced this and to this day, she live her life with those words forever in the forefront of her mind.

Alice Sweet is committed to do good and this commitment will never be shaken but her faith on the other hand is not as solid as she hopes it would be. Alice is not above doubt or uncertainty. She worries about what is expected of her and she has had moments where she is utterly terrified at the thought of turning her back on the world simply to pray for it. Surely the Convent could do more good if they actively interacted with the people they are trying to help. The thought of being locked away for the rest of her life is a thought that will often keep the young up at night. She is uncertain and it is this uncertainty that she has been warned may one day be taken advantage of.

Bubbly, vivacious and sweet, Alice is truly an enchantment. To her friends, she is pure light. To many of the more traditional Nun's, she is a pain in their well concealed backsides. Meetings have been held for the sole purpose of deciding 'How to solve a problem like Alice'. Alice is not so much a problem however as she is passionate. In this regard, she has been known to stand up for what she believes in just a little too loudly. It has been said that she is not so much a lady as she is a foghorn but really, when has an impassioned speech not been welcomed? Possible at the funeral on the Monsignor but that was a onetime mistake that Alice vows she will never make again. She simply felt really strongly about not using poisons in the Chapel Garden as the Ladybugs had just as much right to live there as people did.

Alice is young. She is going to make mistakes but her heart is in the right place. The biggest decision she is going to have to face is whether the Convent is the right place for her. Can she really turn her back on the only family she has ever known and if she cannot, can she give up all of life’s pleasures and devote her heart, mind and body to the Maker for all of eternity? She wants to want to.

History: Alice has no History. None beyond speculation that is. Just days old, she was found on the steps of the Church. No blanket, no basket, no note. Alice was found screaming by one of the older Nun's. Taken in, a child of the Church, Alice was raised as any orphan would be. She was given the basics and taught about the Maker. She said her prayers and did her chores. Nobody knew where she came from but to be honest, nobody really cared. There was no search for her Family for it was believed that she simply had none. Perhaps her Mother was a whore who had given up her Baby because she knew she lived a life of sin. Maybe she was found after the attack and raid of a small village. Someone could have taken pity on her, delivered her to the one place where they knew she might be taken care of. In the end it didn't really matter. She was no one and she had no one.

Sister Margaret appointed the dear child with the name Alice Sweet and to this day, Alice knows herself by no other name. It has never been discovered who her Parents are or were should they sadly no longer be with us. There was a time when Alice attempted to find the answer to this pressing mystery but without the Church's support, she had no idea where to look. She is an orphan. That is all most people ever wanted to know about her. Despite this, Alice grew up very happy. Sister Margret a Nun of 74 upon Alice's birth took a shine to the young thing and raised her with more attention and devotion than perhaps allowed. Sister Margret remains to this day, the closest thing that Alice has ever had to a Mother.

Alice was only 12 when her 'Mother' passed away. It was a particularly traumatic time for her but she threw herself as she always does into her work to keep her mind off her grief. It worked for a time until it was discovered that Alice had been sneaking out of the Convent at night to visit Sister Margret’s grave. Disobedience of curfew earned the young girl 30 lashings and a week without supper. As all young children tend to do, Alice blamed herself. She was a bad and wild child. It was a small crime when compared to the true deeds of evil but for Alice, it was as horrible as it could get. She did not understand how she could be punished for loving the woman who loved her. If the Church truly saw her actions as punishable, the she must truly have done something awful. For a long time she honestly believed this and this new found sense of self-loathing wormed itself way into everything that Alice did. Her commitment to helping others did not lesson though her reasoning did. She did not give so that others may be lifted up, she did it so that she might slow her descent into her hell.

It wasn’t until Alice turned 16 that she finally began to understand the truth of the world. To this day she has never told a single sole about why she rose out of her depression and her self-loathing. She gives the credit to prayer and hard work as is expected of her but the reality is a little stranger. On a summer night, Alice was visited by Sister Margarete. She was not a ghost or a ghoul. This was no vision or fevered dream. The woman actually walked in through her bedroom door and sat upon her mattress. The pair talked for hours about how Alice blamed herself and she was so ashamed for disobeying and disappointing those that had taken such good care of her. She told her ‘Mother’ that she missed her and that she was having a crisis of faith. It was then that Sister Margarete spoke and her words were simple but powerful. Sister Margarete took the young girls hand and she told her that to be kind was the greatest power that had ever existed and that to possess the courage to be kind took extraordinary strength. Alice had always been kind and she possessed courage but she was not kind to herself because she was afraid. Fear would only ever prevent her from doing the good that The Maker had placed her upon this Earth to do. As Sister Margarete left, exiting the same way she came, she told the young girl that if her heart told her that something wrong, then something was wrong and that if her heart told her that something was right, then something most defiantly was right. If visiting her grave felt right then no Church should ever convince her otherwise.

It is because of this visit with what Alice believes was the Angel of her ‘Mother’ that she does not always listen to the rules that are placed upon her. She makes mistakes and she breaks them but only when she believes with all of her heart that it is the right thing to do. One day, this may very well get her into trouble but if it does, Alice will have courage and she will forever be kind.