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15:00, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Ryia Browne


Name: Ryia Browne


Gender: Female

Age: 19

Height: Five foot six inches.

Eye Color:  Blue, with tinges of a storm along the edges.

Hair Color:  Dirty Blonde/Brown

Distinguishing Marks: She had a circlular birth mark just below her left clavicle.

General Appearance: When one looks upon Ryia , they are in veiw of  features that would function within a house of ill repute. Not because of her style, but because her features in general. She is adequately shaded, not too tan, not too pale. Enough so that her health radiate despite being nothing more than a low born.  One of her most notable features happen to be brownish amber tresses that fall down around past her waist. She has pristine brow-lines that mimic her wealth of hair in a matching shade of color spaced neatly apart from each other. Wide-shaped stormy eyes reside just under that brow bone, set in her face, but not so deep they look sunken in. Her nose is long, and slightly broad but it fits her over all facial structure. Her lips, it is this particular aspect that seems to create notions of sensuality. They are full and often look to be pouting, in which she is slightly self conscious about, though few have mocked her for the shape they possess.

As far as her body type she  is slender. Her hips are wider than they should be putting her measurements off by a degree. She is small of waist and breast, though the mass of her hair often hides those imperfections from the view of the outside world.

She has no fashion sense as she wears what she can afford. There is not trace of opulence to herself, nor does she wish to present herself above what she is. She is humble enough to know that she likely will never have anything of great wealth, she is not bitter about it. Each and every person has a place and she knows what hers is.


Personality: She is rather a simple sort of girl. Not in terms of her mentality or her intellect, but with her, what you see is what you get. She is a soft hearted when it comes to many topics. She does not try to involve herself with courtly intrigue or stick her nose in places that it does not belong.  She does her duty to her family and the crown, and it is simple as that.

She was extremely close to her brother Tristan and found herself crushed when he was killed in battle. Even though she suffered heartbreak, the woman manages to keep her head up, and treat others with dignity and respect where as many would have turned to cruelty and bitterness.

She knows there is still a part of her that is missing, and that is her brother. She feels lost without him.

When it comes to the precept of love, she is shockingly unresponsive. With her station in life and her duties she has put the needs of family above her own, and she is content in that. She has not found love, and honestly she wouldn't know what to do with it if she did find it. In the core of her being, another reason she is so resistant to the notion, is the fact that her parents have obsessively pushed for her to marry into a larger family with prestige, that was something that never interested her. She has always wanted to be involved with someone for the right reasons, not for the flow of additional coin. If she wants more of that she will work twice as hard on her wares.

Sexual Preferences: Unknown. Virgin.

House (Major or Minor House): She is a low born. Her surname reflects that of her family. Which is that of Browne.

About Your character

In the summer , six years after the birth of their son Aillard, Corrine Browne became pregnant with her and Edmond's third and final child. They prayed to the Maker for a daughter, one who would work in concert with Aillard to expand the influence of their house by one day marrying into another. It seemed like their pleas to the Maker were heard as Ryia was born. They were very pleased to see the tiny babe as she left the womb. Finally, a girl. This could further strengthen themselves as they intended.

Ryia was born when Tristan was two, and from the very start the two were virtually inseparable. Tristan was always overly protective of his younger sister, and Ryia reciprocated by becoming his closest confidant and companion.  Aillard was always the apple of their parents' eyes, leaving them to bond and find their own ways of fitting in to their family.  Ryia was the first to know of Tristan's fears regarding his commitment to the King's Army, and often begged her parents to reconsider their plans for him.  Her and Tristan's pleas fell on deaf ears, and the night before his tenth birthday, Tristan ran away from home into the wilds of Siovale. She had prayed that he would be safe, but escape the fate that their parents had plotted for him on the very day of his birth. Her hopes and fears were both answered when he was found. He was to be taken to the King's Army where he would serve as a whatever was required of him.

She would never forget the day the carriage came. She grasped his hand tightly, never wanting to let go. Her parents loved her enough, but it wasn't the attention that she wanted. They desired fortune via their children. Tristan and Ryia merely wanted to live their lives. Both having a fondness for scholastic, and varying styles of learning. That was their desires. So many days they would hide away in the family library, if one could call it such, picking up books, reading them aloud to each other before hiding among the rows of parchment and leather bound covers in a friendly game of hide and seek. There would be no more days spent giggling over stories, nor playing a midst dusty coverings and rays of sunlight peeking through the room. The hopes of going to University together shattered when they followed tradition and sealed Tristan to his fate.

With Tristan fading from her life, she withdrew into herself. She strayed away from making contact with the other families in the area, despite her mother and father pushing her as much as they did. She had no desire to spend any of her time being taught the family trade. She simply shut herself in the library day after day, clutching Tristan and her own favorite book. The damn thing read so many times the pages were in danger of crumbling if it opened up just one more time. This is how her days passed. She was losing herself to a spiraling ebon of broken hearted-ness and it only increased each minute that passed for her. At least the first two years of separation.

As time started to move forward, she regarded her parents with curtness, but little else. There was no warmth for them in her heart anymore. If Maker wished to punish her for such a transgression then she would accept it. She had no idea how and why he would want any of his seed to suffer the fate of the Army. Volunteering for the life was one thing, but force surely should have been against some unwritten law.  Still there was no punishment to be had, unless her stone heart towards the ones who gave her life.

Aillard for a while attempted to fill the role of the elder brother, and best friend. She showed little interest in that. Aillard was busy getting doted upon by their parents. Her heart was also cold to him. So, he harbored a particular jealously that Tristan had something he did not.

She eventually started working on the farm to pass the time. Making cheeses and wines. Finally the family trade was actually starting to be learned. She found that she actually enjoyed it. Getting her hands dirty and having something interesting to do. So, she did all she could to keep herself distracted.

She was the age of sixteen when she saw the King's carriage. The news of Tristan's death effected her more than anything she ever thought could. He had been out fighting in the King's name, only to be slain the eve of his eighteenth natal year.

When she herself was the age of majority she left her family and settled in a different region, still preforming the duties of a cheese and wine maker. This is where her story starts.