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18:41, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Alhanna Ambrygyles





Alhanna (Lanna to her friends) is a tall (5'10) and muscular (140lbs) young woman of 18 summers with sable-black hair and bright blue eyes.  She has regal features with buxom curves that cause most men (and many women) to stair longingly.  She walks with an elegant gait and an upright posture and is possessed of a beautiful singing voice capable of both soprano and alto tones.  She is seldom without a quiet smile on her face and always dresses in a manner that accentuates her beauty without being overly revealing.  She favors all colors of the dawn (gold/yellow, any shade of pink, white and blue tones).  Her natural skin tone is somewhat pale (but not overly so) and (oddly) refuses to tan.


Clothing style


Posture, Gait & Coordination






Alhanna has been described as a 'serene beauty' due to her habit of walking quietly about observing others, often with her hands held behind her back and a small smile on her face.  She is a thinker and seems always to know things before others are even aware that there is something to know.  She is seldom surprised by the acts of others and often provides insights into the reasons for people's actions and reactions (what she calls the 'why' of things).

Alhanna is possessed of a quick and impish sense of humor, often playing small pranks on those she cares about (and knows will not take offense).  She is quick to smile and is always ready to lend a hand, an ear, or a shoulder to those in need.  With the exception of those who are wantonly cruel and evil, she genuinely likes and cares for others, regardless of personal habits, poor intellect, points of view, or lack of manners.  She is a stranger to no one and is just as comfortable speaking with a drunken sailor, tired farmer, or pompous king.  She is friendly in a quiet, reserved manner, more prone to listening than to talking (though she is quite adept at making conversation).  Alhanna wishes to experience the world around her but, more than anything, desires to make the world a safer place and to one day have a family of her own.  Due to her experiences as a child, Alhanna will not abide any child being hurt and will go to great lengths if it means easing a child's pain.

Alhanna has no real conceits, but she is very proud of her gardening skills and has developed an arboretum at the temple.  She enjoys cooking, dancing, and singing...and loves nothing more than languishing for hours in a hot bath after intense lovemaking (having willingly given herself to a young acolyte at the temple at a rather young age...the boy, Karamon, died in the attack at the temple, Cyril believes this was the final catalyst for her transcendence that night).  She has also loved a young woman named Diana, though she left the temple some time ago and her whereabouts are unknown at the present time.

If there is a flaw in Alhanna, it lies in her hatred for the undead.  Despite an amazing ability to cope with pain and loss, the night her family died has scarred her deeply.  She is still little more than a youth and is haunted by nightmares (often seeing her parents beckoning to her for some unknown purpose), even in her wakeful hours.  It takes a great deal of will power on her part not to attack the undead on sight, especially the intelligent variety.  To this end, she has spent her last years at the temple honing her skills and researching the undead.  She is wise enough to know that eradicating them is impossible, but she will do everything in her power to see to it that her little piece of the world is free of them.

What Pleases Her

What Angers Her

Alhanna (originally named Varanna Myrimar) was raised in Daggerdale by her foster-father Cyril Gavrielov, Grand Dawnknight of Hall of the Aster.  Cyril was part of a caravan traveling between Daggerdale and Shadowdale when it was attacked one night only a few miles from that village.  A number of undead swarmed the camp, slaying most of its people before being driven off by Cyril and his adventuring band, the Dawnheralds.  He rescued Varanna from certain death, but not before she witnessed her family's death firsthand.  Her last memory of that night was seeing her parents devoured by the undead and her sister Ranna being spirited away by a darkly handsome man (she believes this individual to be a vampire) before Cyril smote them with rosy fire.  Soon after, Cyril and his band settled in Daggerdale and founded a temple to Lathander.  There he cared for and raised Varanna, a child he would come to love as his own...and soon discover that she was touched by the hand of Lathander himself.

Varanna was certainly as quick-witted as she was beautiful, but she was also wise beyond her years.  One evening, as the temple was holding a vigil in preparation to herald in the dawn, undead attacked.  It was the eve of Midsummer morning...and Varanna's 16th birthday.  A battle ensued, and Cyril ordered the laymen into the temple, including his daughter, while he and his priests and knights destroyed them.  But she did not obey him this evening.  Filled with the power of the Morninglord, Varanna moved to destroy the blasphemous creatures.  Cyril would later describe her as moving with a tranquil wrath as she smote ghoul, after ghast, after wight in her path.  As the morning sun crested the horizon, the tradition of the priesthood of Lathander, took a new name...proclaiming herself Alhanna Ambergyles, Dawnmaiden of Lathander.

Personal Relationships
Lanna genuinely loves her foster father and has come to regard Rhiannon with affection as well (their relationship was somewhat cool for years as the young Lanna was desperately attached to Cyril and resented Rhiannon as competition for his affection).  She freely calls Cyril father and he refers to her as his 'little rabbit' even though she has come into her own as a young woman and Dawnmaiden.  Lanna has come to regard Rhiannon more as a friend (actually a secret confidante, there are some things that a young woman just can't share with her father).

Lanna is secretly very infatuated with Jaegreth whom she regards as nothing less than stunning.  Rhiannon has come to suspect this fact but has not broached the subject with her (she knows Cyril would not approve but also knows that Lanna will do what she pleases in matters of love and lust).  Jaegreth views her marginally apparent infatuation with him as nothing more than youthful vivaciousness, though he is (secretly) very flattered by her affection.  He acts more as a friendly uncle towards her than possible lover (though he has yet to experience just how heated Lanna's affections can be).  For her part, Lanna knows the strain such a relationship may put upon Jaegreth and Cyril's long friendship and is unlikely to act upon her feelings.

Lanna adores the halfling Fildfast (she calls him Giggles) and has spent many hours playing games and talking throughout the night with him at the Wishing Well.  They share a similar sense of humor and they laugh often, but Llanna loves his stories of the world beyond Hadreth's Glen most of all.  Fill realizes that she is stricken with wanderlust and, though he will hate to see her go, knows that she will soon begin exploring beyond the Glen's borders.

Lanna finds Sauk a bit rigid but admires his dedication to the Glen's security.  She understands his dislike for the fey in the region but wonders if there isn't some way of making peace with them (or at least a way of securing a non-aggression agreement).  Sauk will hear none of it, however, and generally prefers that the (admittedly likable) girl keep her 'foolish' thoughts to herself.

Tanfael Winterwood has made several attempts to bed her in the past (several years, in fact) and she finds herself receptive to the idea.  She finds that he elicits darker desires in her and this makes her quiver with anticipation, but she has not been able to bring herself to yield to his desires because something in his eyes makes her wary of him.  Tanfael has also become increasingly bold in his attempts, a fact that both thrills and terrifies her.  Lanna has shared this fact with Rhiannon who has advised her to be cautious.
