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10:29, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Tanyth Nightstar

QUOTE: "If you don't shut up I'll kill you myself."

NAME: Tanyth Nightstar


Height: 5'6"
Weight: 180 lbs.
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Light Brown
Complexion: Dark
Physique: Muscular
Other: Lightly Bearded


Clothing style
Tanyth rarely dresses in anything other than black, brown, grey or dark green.  He tends to dress in layers to obscure his form and wears (studded) leather armor.  Given his tendency to range far on foot he wears buckled boots to prevent them from coming off easily.  He sports a hooded cloak, a longsword, shortsword and longbow.  All of his gear is in good repair but has a worn appearance.

Tanyth favors his human heritage over the elven and, though he is always clean, he doesn't necessarily look clean.  His shoulder-length hair is usually worn loose and he almost always sports a beard or at least stubble.

Posture, Gait & Coordination
Tanyth isn't very tall but has a normal gait for his height.  He moves with a fluid motion and has excellent hand-eye coordination.  His posture is strong but he tends to go into a slight crouch when alerted to a possible threat (assuming he doesn't drop into a full crouch).

When not engaging in other activities, Tanyth habitually cares for his weapons and makes new arrows.  He constantly surveys his surroundings and would rather be alone scouting ahead than in the company of others.  Thus, he often keeps to himself or moves ahead of those he's traveling with.

Tanyth speaks in a raspy, gravelly voice.  This is due to damaged vocal cords caused by an injury he once sustained during a hunt when he was set upon by a warg lead by an ogre.  Tanyth slipped on some ice and the worg bit into his throat but managed to kill the worg (though barely survived the attack and had to flee from the ogre).  It was this near-death experience that caused him to begin learning all he could about the wilds (a decision that eventually culminated in his becoming a ranger).

Tanyth takes great pains to reduce and/or mask his scent.  He bathes regularly and, if he uses any scent at all, tries to use those naturally appearing in the wilds (such as mint, pine or local berries).

Tanyth keeps an even keel most of the time and is of a generally serious disposition.  He rarely raises his voice (or makes much noise at all) and it isn't uncommon for people to 'forget' his presence.

As already mentioned, Tanyth is usually quiet and serious.  It's not that he doesn't have a sense of humor or dislikes others, he's simply more comfortable alone with his own thoughts.  Unknown to those closest to him, he always has a way to quickly kill those around him in mind, even those he cares for.  He doesn't know why this is other that simple prudence but the truth may be far worse.

What Pleases Him
Those who are observant will notice that there always seems to be an undertone of violence to Tanyth.  He has no desire to kill or otherwise harm innocents...but he has a need to kill that isn't simply quelled through hunting.  Luckily, he directs this need toward evil beings...especially humanoids.

What Angers Him
Despite his admittedly antisocial tendencies, Tanyth cares deeply for his family and those he comes to consider friends (though he is slow to befriend someone).  Bringing harm to any of them can send him into a rage (his sister once described him as a banshee).

