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22:34, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Barrel Birger

Name: Barrel Birger


Gender: Male

Age: 30

Hair: Muddy brown with peppered gray hair

Eyes: Hazel

Distinguishing Marks: Oh, you mean besides the granite-hewn jaw and the devil-may-care grin to match? Barrel has fourteen and one-half tattoos on his left arm, each one a simple ashen line that draws a circle around his limb. Except for that one, that semi-circle. Unlike the others it is a blazing blue, almost incandescent in the right light.

General Appearance: Barrel is of a stocky build. He is of average height, but is wide and dense. Call him big-boned or thickset, he doesn't care, just don't call him chubby. He hates that. But that's how most folk see him, at a passing and casual glance. It could be true, because he has a solid chest and strong back, and his legs might not be out of place when displayed next to a mighty oak tree. And, indeed, his shoulders are bulky and inch towards his ears, effectively eliminating most of the presence of his neck. Even that stony jaw is disguised under pinch-able cheeks.

But when Barrel digs into some heavy lifting, when he really has to get underneath it, there won't be a dry eye in the house as his form solidifies into something more akin to a shaved bear than a mere man. His hands, solid mitts without a smidgen of grace in form or function, they are riddled with scar tissue and callouses, and he refuses to wear gloves of any kind. He claims they make his hands too sweaty, but I'm pretty sure it's because he thinks it makes him look like a badass.

Besides the dense build, Barrel is built for travel and the demands of the road. He is an accomplished long-distance runner, holding many bragging rights for competitions back home, but his skill is owed more to the tremendous amount of slow-twitch muscles in his frame and his utter inability to give up. He wears utilitarian garb with an almost charming vagabond style, usually earth-toned canvas shirts and pants, soft-soled leather shoes, and a long jacket during the cold weather. A leather backpack hangs from one shoulder carrying most of his earthly possessions (the rest are assorted in his pockets), and he carries a plain hunting knife on his belt. An otter-skin quiver holds no less than 20 goose-fletching arrows and he carries a bow on his person at all times. If an establishment won't allow him to carry it, he will take his business elsewhere.

And yet, although he isn't exactly handsome, he's far from repulsive. He carries his dingy demeanor with enviable charm and an easy smile. He's rarely clean but never filthy. His nose is probably his best physical feature, because despite the bare-knuckle boxing he grew famous for he's never broken it out of shape. Sure, it's been snapped and shattered more times than he count, but it's never lost that perfect shape.

Or maybe it just got pounded into it, who knows?


Personality: Barrel's mood and manner seem to follow a cyclical pattern, ranging from light and affable attitude to a sullen, fatalistic demeanor. These are not mercurial in nature but will manifest for a week at a time.

However, even though he may be the life of a party or then, alternatively, manifesting brooding nihilistic thoughts, there are some constants in his demeanor. Unless professionalism is strictly called for Barrel will make what he thinks are witty jokes at every opportunity. He does get many laughs, but that's primarily because he tells so many jokes that he's bound to get a good one in here and there. Barrel's tremendous skill with fisticuffs makes him feel relaxed and in control during violent scenarios, not to mention he is used to being struck repeatedly by practiced brawlers. He is naturally inclined to be forgiving of personal slights and insults, but will make stern warnings that his patience has very definite limits.

Barrel's face and manner visibly lighten up when a conversation turns towards talk of boats and sailing. His family traditionally built boats, and in all likelihood when Barrel finishes his journey of revenge he will return home and continue the family tradition. It is worth noting that he suffers a terrible fear of the open ocean, but chooses to confront that sensation until he has mastered it.

His interests include wood carving (he frequently carries a block of wood and a few blades to sculpt it in his belongings), drinking, and fighting. Many a fool has woken up on the bar floor after challenging Barrel to a bout. He is entirely fearless in this approach, probably too much time spent around his Jorvik cousins, and will not blink an eye when confronted by an armed opponent. He has suffered and nursed many wounds from this unwillingness to back down, and is fully aware that he will likely suffer a very stupid death.

Barrel is loyal to his friends, without fail or pause. Somebody who earns Barrel's trust and warm regard will always find this hard-headed fool covering their back.

At any given encounter, folk would consider Barrel to be a reserved man with an eagerness to spread laughter, and a surprising depth and fatalist core.

Sexual Preferences: Straight

House (Major or Minor House): None

About Your Character: Barrel is from Holstein, and he comes from a long line of ship-builders. Family is of vital importance to him. Unfortunately he has only one surviving sibling.

The rest were killed when Barrel and his brother Lars were traveling to another town. Raids on port towns were not uncommon. The surviving Birger Brothers were inseparable and did their best to keep making ships like their family had done for centuries. During the evenings they would wager on themselves in bare-knuckle boxing matches, eventually (de)volving into some primitive form of kickboxing where groin shots were encouraged and stomping was lauded. Lars made the bets, and Barrel took the fights.

A few years went on and the Birger Brothers developed a legitimate fan base. Lonely in their own way, Barrel and Lars would welcome the hardiest and grittiest into their brotherhood. Before long the Birger Brothers weren't two ship builders clinging to their family; they had grown into a large and extended family. Street fighters and gamblers from Breiton were drawn into the camaraderie of the Birger Brothers, and sailors as far away as Jorvik allied themselves with the Birger's. The Birger Brothers were actually a collective group of extended cousins (by title alone, mind you), but their bonds were stronger than those of blood.