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Welcome to ADnD First Edition (Temple of Elemental Evil)

09:06, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Clayne Merlsonn

Shaven headed with a whispy dark beard flecked with a little grey this human stands broad shouldered and carrying his gear with ease.

He leans lightly on a long knotted piece of wood. Sweat stained leather cord wrapped around the haft of it in places for his hands to grip and a bright curved leaf of a blade that catches the light tell you this is no travelers staff but a long hafted axe, a vicious weapon if wielded correctly.

The stained hilt of a long bladed sword sheathed at his hip and the spiked morning star hanging from his belt suggest one used to handling weapons.

His dark leather boots and leather trousers show the travel worn status of one used to the road.

Despite this grim appearance his smile seems to contradict his ready violence and he seems comfortable in his surroundings.