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Welcome to [PF] The Jade Empire

12:04, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Mi-ho Wai

At around five feet in height and slender as a marsh reed, Mi-ho Wai might be best described as "slight".  At the best of times, he's perfectly unimposing in physical terms.  Dark hair is worn long, most frequently bound in a topknot, less commonly in a long queue when travelling.  Clothing varies by the day, usually the robes and other impedimenta of his official office; at home it's less formal versions of traditional clothing suited to his station.  While travelling, he bends fashion to practicality, abandoning robes for trousers, vest, and outer coat.  Always, however, his clothing is of a fine quality, materials and workmanship alike.

A court wizard from Guanxi, he's currently assigned as an arcane attache to a diplomatic mission to the Jade Empire.  The mission itself is about the promotion of trade ties between the two nations, as well as for handling issues of minor diplomatic import.  While his duties occasionally require his attendance at diplomatic events, his primary responsibilities are in advising the Minister and completing special assignments as required by his own imperial government.

Born into the shi class, the young man had ample opportunity for a formal, classical education, but as a 5th son, stood to inherit little.  This left options for him as a soldier, priest, or bureaucrat.  Though intelligent and sound of body, given his lack of physical stature it was readily apparent that Mi-ho Wai would never rise to prominence as a warrior.  Further, he showed no particular inclination to mysticism or connection to the divine.  He was a firm adherent to Legalist priciples, however, so tutors were hired and he was trained as a civil servant.

Testing well, the young wizard entered the imperial university to study Legalist philosophy and classical texts, later specializing in the summoning and binding of lesser creatures from the Celestial Bureaucracy.  He graduated with honors and rose quickly through positions of minor importance.  With changes in dynasty, however, came changes in the desires of the rulers.  Rather than a society based on equal application of law to all, high and low alike, the new dynasty encouraged cults of family and ancestry, reinforcing lineage as the path to power, moreso than scholarly achievement and equal application of law.  Finding his paths to to promotion greatly shortened, he's taken to foreign service, leading to his current role where he's been the last two years.  He bides his time here semi-reluctantly, hoping for a change in the political situation which would allow him to return home.

Mi-ho Wai is married, with a number of young children at home in his own nation.  His marriage is one of political convenience, arranged by his family when he was at a very young age; there is little love between him and his wife, and he is strict in his expectations of his male children, but he dotes on his daughter.  While outwardly loyal to his wife, but he is a discreet hedonist.  Fine foods, beautiful works of art, exotic scents, unusual intoxicants, strange enchanted items, and foreign courtesans all draw his attention.  Though he's not a slave to his vices, he enjoys them cautiously, but intemperately.