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Welcome to Lords and Ladies

10:58, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

John Smithson


  Name:  John Smithson.  Servant to Michael Bartson, 27, new Lord after the death of his father, Henry.


Gender:  Male

Age:  24

Hair:  Non descript brown, worn fairly long.

Eyes:  dark brown.

Distinguishing Marks:  Evidence of scarring from a burn on the lower left arm.

General Appearance:  6'3" and reasonably slender.  Wears a velvet cap that has seen better days that came from Michael's father's servant that distinguishes him from the other servants.


Personality:  Quiet and subservient, but unbeknown to Michael, likes to hoard information in case it becomes 'useful'.  Reasonably loyal.  Surprisingly clever - reads and writes well.

Sexual Preferences:  Never really had the chance, but presumes straight and frustrated!

House:  Barston (minor)

Unmarried.  Only came into service thanks to an accident in his father's smithy.  Has been elevated to a Lord's manservant only due to the untimely death of Henry Barston; prior to that he worked in the fields with his master, but Michael seems to trust him well.