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Welcome to Detroit: Broken Traditions [Vampire: Blood and Smoke]

19:04, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Anna Marshalls

Pale gray skin, cold and rough to the touch, eyes covered in a thin white film, there is no question that Anna Marshalls is one of the undead.  Wrapped in the rags of the Street Preachers, this honey tongued Haunt carries with her a saccharine sweet smell wherever she goes, the sweetness giving way to nauseating sensations if it lingers for more than even an instant.  Despite her horrific appearance and presentation, the redeemed sinner is almost never seen without a warm smile on her face.  Be she preaching the glory of salvation, or breaking the collarbone of an unrepentant sinner, her rictus grin is unwavering.

It is rumored that Anne is related to the Arch Bishop of Detroit's Lancea et Sanctum, Philip Jancowski.  They are both Nosferatu, but the usually tight lipped Sanctified Primogen has neither confirmed nor denied the matter.