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23:23, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Iridessa Nymphalidae

<img src=""Align="right">Name: Iridessa Nymphalidae

Nickname: Dessa

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Fluid

Titles: Princess of Naath, Daughter of Butterflies

Homeland: Isle of Butterflies, Naath

Current Residence: Castle of the Sun


Hair: Iridessa's hair is black like soot but those natural curls aren't just one tone of black but hundreds of shades of midnight, obsidian and ebony. Iridessa's hair shines like a still and starless ocean night. When those long tendrils are released they fall to around the middle of her back but the Princess is most often seen with her locks twisted into roses and held up and back by colorful scarves.

Eye Color: Iridessa's has her Mother's eyes and her Grandmother's and her Great-Grandmother before them. Wide golden eyes are typical of her people and Iridessa's are stunning.

Height: 5'9

Weight: 120lbs

Physical Traits: The Daughter of Butterflies is an exotic beauty. Her skin is a warm brown, like amber stones tossed onto a fire or the golden glow of dawn. Like her hair, the Princess's skin is not one shade but many. Her face is round and her eyes are wide and bright. There is a small gap between her two front teeth which is not a fault in her appearance but a rare and beautiful oddity. Her small nose is pert but slightly wider at the tip and it is said that roses are ashamed to bloom in the presence of the petals of her lips.

Iridessa is not like most women. Among a crowd of Western pale beauty, she stands out like a lush oasis in the Red Waste. Everything about Iridessa is lush and vibrant though. From the bold shocks of color that she wears to the way she carries herself, the Princess of Naath is full of life. She is always sporting a smile as truly, she has little to be sad about. That is the way of The Peaceful People. They find the beauty in everything.

It is as if the life of her Island has flooded every pore of her being. She has spent her life on pale sandy beaches, backed by forests of vibrant green. Her feet have never gone a day when they have not been dipped into cool topaz ocean water. There is a life to her appearance that can catch the breath in the back of your throat but there is never any reason to fear for her company will restore it. She is a breath of fresh, sweet air.

Attire: Iridessa wears the fashion of her people. Her clothes are often bright and vibrant in both color and style. She is the Daughter of Butterflies and so her fashion evokes a sense of beauty in flight. She loves long flowing dresses dyed with natural colors and beads made from cloth or stone. Her Homeland is tropic and warm and so she has no insecurities about showing off her golden flesh. She has been known to tie back her hair with bright scarves and occasionaly paint her face in a nontraditional fashion with markings and dots that tell a story rather than just enhance her beauty. Iridessa is different from the vast majority of women of Westeros and that makes her special.

Personality: Iridessa is one of those people who truly are beautiful on both the inside and the outside. As her people have before her and will continue to do long after she is gone, Iridessa walks through life with a quiet spirit and a loving nature. She treasures life in all it's forms and it is for this reason that she does not eat the flesh of animals or wears their skins. Iridessa is of the Peaceful People. She is kind and gentle but she should not be mistaken as meak or a fool. It is true, she will never fight you. Iridessa is a pacifist. It is why her people have been enslaved for hundreds of years. They refused to fight back and although times are changing, she does not need to wage war to protect her people or herself.

Tall and elegant, Iridessa carries herself like a Princess. She is royalty and a day will come and it will come soon when she will become Queen. She knows this and she has accepted the weight of responsibility that comes with the title. Unlike many Princesses however, Iridessa carries with her no sense of entitlement or snobbery. She is more comfortable in the gardens than in the ballrooms and she does not worry herself about what people may think of her when she mingles with those considered lesser than herself.

A romantic at heart, Iridessa is a star gazer, a music maker and a lover of all things. She is friendly and polite and those she has met have described her as easy to talk to and easier to like. Though she may not always say what she is thinking, she will always be honest when asked. Iridessa believes in people. Despite what they have done to her own people, she believes that the good outweighs the bad but she is not naive. She knows how much work must be done to ensure that the freedoms her People have gained over the last hundred years continue to grow. Slavery may never be abolished, though she can hope and she does.

Skills/Education: Iridessa learnt her lessons as all children of Naath do and that is from her elders. The old teach the young. This is the way it has always been. Not only do the very old hold a wealth of knowledge but also a wealth of experience and the very young have always gathered around them to learn their lessons and expand their minds.

While there was a time when traditional learning was not as prized on Naath as spiritual learning was, much has changed since the Naathi people have been freed. Many of those who have spent their lives in the service of Kings and Lords in foreign lands have returned home and with them they brought new languages and skills that they have shared with their Island brothers and sisters.

Children are still encouraged to learn about their homeland and the many forms of flora and fauna that make it what it is. They are taught how to care for the animal life and protect the many butterfly species that keep them safe from slave traders and pirates. They are taught the stories that have been passed down from generation to generations but they are also taught the tounges of their neighbors across the greats seas. They are schooled in the History of their people and the lessons that they learned. Most of all however, they are taught how to be kind.

Iridessa has been offered an education as well rounded as any High Born. She can navigate a forest with the skills of a tracker or a hunter though she leaves no such destruction in her wake. Iridessa can read and write in many tounges and she is highly skilled, as all her people are in the art of weaving silk. She can play several instruments beautifully though she is most skilled in playing the woodwind flute. She had no talent or penchant for fighting but she is not weak.

Though many still see the color of her skin and her place of birth as a hindrance to her success in life, nothing could be further from the truth. Iridessa Nymphalidae is not a slave. She is intelligent and capable woman. Her people are the Peacefull People and one day, she will see that they are the Free People as well.

History: For thousands of years, the people of Naath have lived in peace. In fact, they were known as the Peaceful People. They made their homes and raised their families. They loved one another and they worshiped the God of all, who they knew as the Lord of Harmony. Everything was perfect. They had no war, no violence. Naath was as close to Paradise as one could get before entering the golden halls of their Maker. Then the ships came.

Iridessa was not alive when the first slave ship reached her shores. It was thousands of years ago but the stories are shared around feasting tables to this day. Men of a different color walked the sand and it was the first time that the Naath people became aware of a world beyond their own island. Though they attempted to befriend these men with gifts of fruit and the joy of music, they were not interested in friendship. The Lord of Harmony protected the people of Naath that day. It was less than 48 hours before the evil Men fell ill and died. It was the Butterfly Fever. Naathi people are immune but outsiders were not. No children were stolen that day but it was not the last time that thieves came.

The evil Men grew wise and they coveted the Peaceful People. They came back in larger numbers but waited for dusk when the Butterflies were sleeping. They stole the Naath people and in large wooden crates, hundreds of men, women and children were taken. Frightened, peaceful people were herded up like cattle and shipped to all corners of the globe to serve as slaves. Towers were erected on their shores and pens were built to confine the Naathi people. It was a sad time but still, the Peaceful People did not fight back. They were pacifists. They harmed nothing. Not the Men who came to steal their children nor the animals that shared their home. This was the way of things for centuries. The Naathi people, once known for making some of the most beautiful music and harvesting some of the finest silk were now known for being the most compliant slaves.

Much has changed in the last 200 years. The Naathi people were looking for a leader and one Woman stood up. With her guidance, the Peacefull People reclaimed their homeland. The butterflies that are known to be so toxic to outsiders were protected and allowed to breed in greater numbers. The Island is now a wonder to behold with millions of butterflies of all colors and species allowed to fly free and in return they protect the Naath people. Slave raiders still come but in smaller numbers and their ships are few and far between. The Naathi people have taken back their beaches and the silk trade has slowly been growing.

The people choose the Nymphalidae Women to represent them. They ruling Family of Naath have not always been known by this name of course. Nymphalidae is the family genus of the butterflies that protect the Naathi people. The Daughters of the Nymphalidae are raised to one day take the throne for the title of Queen is passed down through the Women. One day, Iridessa will be Queen but for now, she is just the Daughter of Butterflies.

Iridessa was born into a world still healing from past atrocities. She knows her future is to rule her people but she also knows that the title of Queen does not mean the same in Naath as it does in Westerors. As Queen she will guide her people, protect them and rejoice in their prospering. She will not stand above the Naathi people but she will walk before them to see that the path is safe and true. Part of her duty is seeing that her People remain free from slavery and she intends to do that by venturing out from the Summer Isles and walking amongst those who have enslaved her people for centuries. She will break bread with them, talk with them and possibly even fall in love. If The Lord of Harmony wishes it then Iridessa may join her House with that of another. For stability, security, prosperity and the future of everyone. Most importantly though, she will marry for love because there is only one thing in this world that truly frees us of all the weight and pain of life: That thing is love.