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21:34, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Adeline Sosa

Name: Adeline Sosa

Age: 26

Job: Botanist & Biologist

Eye Colour: Sky Blue

Height: 5’7

Weight: 130lbs

Physical Description: Adeline is as fair and lovely as the plants and flowers that she cultivates and grows in her greenhouse. Her eyes are bright blue which stands out beautifully against her pale flesh and blonde hair. She chooses to wear the color white more often than not which is both a blessing and a curse. It is a blessing as it means that she always stands out like a star in the often dark atmosphere of the Station but a curse for her Job on board requires her to work with dirt and white is inherently unforgiving.

Addy always seems to look a little wild and carefree however. She is as close to a Flowerchild as someone from the 22nd century can be. There always seems to be dirt beneath her fingertips if not a little smudged on her nose. She has an easy smile, quiet and delicate. At the end of the day when she washes off the filth from her toil and hard work, Adeline is as pristine and fresh as anybody else and she is happy to bury her nose into the spine of a book and read until she falls asleep.

Personality: Addy, as she is often known is a quiet woman who has always and may always prefer the company of plants to people and she doesn't care much for technology. She is bright and kind but she has never been the center of attention and she is okay with that. The term Wallflower suites her just fine. Truthfully, she spends a lot of time in her head but her heart is bigger than her imagination and her imagination will never measure up to her wanderlust.

Adeline has always dreamed of the Earth. Ever since she was a child her mind filled in the blanks for what the texts couldn’t say and what people didn’t know. She dreamt of birds and butterflies and the possibilities for so much life on such a small little orb drove her to study Biology and Botany. Addy has always been one of those people who can’t sit back and watch something happen when she knows there is something she can do to help, which is why she signed up for this Mission. Truthfully, though, Addy is running from something and Outer space was just about as far as she could reach.

Sweet and subtle like her natural perfume, Adeline is a quiet woman but that doesn't mean that she has nothing to say. She is intelligent and knowledgeable in more than just her own little world of plants and organic lifeforms but she has never opened her mouth without considering her words. If Adeline says something it is because she feels it is important. She is a hard worker, dedicated to her cause as much as anyone though Adeline feels more invested in the healing of Eath than most others in her field. It is almost as if she remembers on a biological level what it was like to live upon the Earth. If she could play a part is saving it and have people return to their Home Plant within her lifetime, then all the sacrifices she has made would be worth it.

History: Adeline Sosa was born to loving Parents. She grew up like any other child so far from home. Their world was full of so many technological wonders but Addy seemed uninterested in the new and instead seemed to gravitate towards the old. She was eight the first time she got her hands on an actual real book. Such things were outdated and obsolete but there was something about the motion of turning the pages and the way the words sat just barely above the parchment that enchanted the young girl. From then on Adeline devoured everything that she could get her hands on.

She learned about Earth in school like all children did but perhaps unlike all children, Adeline felt a sense of loss and guilt for the beautiful blue dot in the sky. She couldn’t imagine walking on dirt and feeling the sun on her face but she dreamt of it. In fact, Adeline had always been a bit of a dreamer. It was her dreams that pushed her to overcome her fears and anxieties and enroll in the Acadamy. If she ever wished to play a role in healing the Earth that she already cared for so much, she would need to be qualified to join the mission.

Adeline worked hard as she always did but as life is known to take unexpected turns, her's did. Her entire life, from her conception to the day her world shattered, there had always been one person that she could count on and that was her twin Sister Isobel. Adeline and Isobel were as close as any Sisters. They two young girls had an unspoken bond that could be described as psychic but it wasn't. Adeline simply knew her Twin and her Twin knew her. In fact, it was Adeline who first noticed that something was wrong with Isobel. She was the one who fought for Doctors to treat her ailing Sister when all the test they did came back negative and they dismissed her concerns as overprotective. Adeline knew something was wrong. She could see her Sister deteriorating before her eyes but modern diagnostic medicine said that she was just run down and perhaps a little stressed. They told her to rest and that she would be fine. They were wrong.

Isobel Sosa passed away when she was just 20 years of age. Adeline felt like she lost a limb and her grief eventually turned to anger towards the technology that repeatedly told her that her Sister was fine. Human nature, natural instinct meant nothing and for all their progress, Adeline still lost the one person who meant to her than anything.

After the loss of her Sister, Adeline turned away from technology in a sense. She lives in a world where it is necessary and everywhere but for the most part, she avoids it. She believes like many do that maybe the progression of the human race has gone far enough. perhaps it is time to go back home, to live a simpler life, a more natural life. When the chance to join the Space-1 Mission came up, Addy jumped at it. It could be said that she is running towards Earth, towards a new home or perhaps she is just running away from her old one and the pain it brings with it.