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Welcome to Baybridge [The Chosen Generation]

16:37, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Johnny Kai

Name: Johnny Kai

Nickname: King of Masks

Age: 20

Birthplace: Honolulu

Sexuality: Straight

Drug Dealer/Drug Designer

Superhuman Ability:

Physical Description:
Johnny Kai descends from both Native Hawaiian and American blood. He stands at 6'0", weighing 170lbs soaking wet. These days, Johnny doesn't look entirely hale. His naturally medium-brown skin is paler than it used to be. However, most people don't get a real look at his features. Johnny always wears lots of theatrical costuming and a mask of some kind. His strange garb usually only reveals his jet black hair.

Distinguishing Features:
Johnny wears the strangest costumes and always wears a mask.

Personality Description:
Fragmented, spastic, sporadic, whimsical, rebellious, and more than a little crazy. Beneath all of that, Johnny is a caring individual that is capable of extreme empathy or sympathy. While it's true that he craves attention, Johnny also desires the joy and happiness of others through entertainment.

Characters History:
Johnny just hasn't been right ever since the accident. When he was still 17, on the day of his Highschool Graduation, Johnny was hit by a bus. It was a big thing that made the news. Technically, he died for a few minutes.

Even though Johnny was successfully revived, he spent about three months in a coma. After he woke, missing his graduation, he had to spend most of the next year in rehab. His school retracted his diploma due to the question of his neurological and mental health, but offered to let him earn it again if he went back to school for the remainder of the year and proved his competency in his old classes. However, Johnny soon dropped out. Not only was he not doing well in classes, but there were issues with his peers. Some of those issues stemmed from his odd behavior and new style of dress.

After dropping out, Johnny started dealing drugs. Technically, he tried to sell other less than legal things, too. However, his most lucrative trade by far was in drugs. So, Johnny got good at it. He kept his dealings secret from his parents and moved out on his own as soon as the doctors declared him a legally competent adult. It wasn't easy--- he had to convincingly fake his stability during therapy sessions for months.

Now, Johnny is known on the streets as the King of Masks. He's actually somewhat popular now, but has no real friends because no one can keep up or manage with his mental health issues.

Don't die
Don't get eaten
Don't get hit by a bus
Don't get hit by The Bus
Amass such wealth as to amaze the future scholars of the history that is happening now
Prove that the Other Stuff is real
Prove that Santa Claus is real
Don't take the bad government pills to temporarily hide the Other Stuff
Give other people good drugs so they can temporarily see the Other Stuff
Maybe get mom and dad a house

Theatre costumes
Some of the good Other Stuff
Santa Claus

Being told what to do or how to be
Doctors/Nurses/Medical Staff
Pretty much all of the bad Other Stuff
The Easter Bunny
All buses
The Bus
Pretty much all cars, too
Most big machines

What The Town Knows About The King's Magnificent Gift:

Everyone knows that Johnny has the ability to create powerful illusions. They can see what he has done to the Pier, as well as to his old home. It's also quite apparent that Johnny's illusions can create sound. It's impossible for Johnny's illusions to physically impact or interact with the physical world, and it's equally as impossible for anyone from the real world to physically interact with his illusions. Upon being touched, many of his illusions dissipate into brightly colored smoke. Those that have been around the Pier enough know that Johnny's illusory people can hold real conversations with the townspeople, seemingly displaying real sentience and intellect, but what is not known is whether these illusory beings have free will or follow direct orders from Johnny somehow. Some people have gotten lost within Johnny's illusions, witnessing the boy's ability to mess with a person's perspective so effectively that they can't reach their intended destination.

Everyone knows that Johnny's illusions are often nightmarish in nature, and rarely reflect something completely real.