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Welcome to Coupled in Paradise Season 2 (Fin-Archived)

14:50, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Vance Cole

Vance Cole

Play-By: Taylor Kitsch

Age: 25

Occupation: Musician

Birth Place: Savannah Georgia

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Physical Description: Vance is a tall broad shouldered young man who stands just over 6' His brownish blonde hair is shaggy and unkempt and his face often goes unshaven for a few days at a time leaving him more often than not with a five o'clock shadow. Vance has light hazel eyes that are sharp, alert and engaging. He almost always has a hint of a smile.  If not on his lips then in his eyes.

Distinguishing Marks: Vance has a single unfinished tattoo of a howling wolf dream catcher located on the inside of his left forearm.  If someone looks closely one of Vance's hazel eyes is slightly more green than the other.  He has a small scar on his abdomen where his appendix was removed as a child and his left collar bone as a slight hitch in it.  Reconstructive surgery on his left arm and several small scars mar his naturally tan skin. Down the front of his chest is a long faint scar from the heart transplant he received a little over 3 years ago.

Personality: Vance has a great since of humor.  It's not that he tells great jokes, in fact most of his jokes are comically bad, but rather he always seems to find the humor in life.  Vance is talkative but knows when to shut up and listen a skill he does well.  Although by no means lazy Vance has a relaxed air about him and seems to do things just a touch slower than most would.  A quirk that makes him a fairly attentive lover as well.

Back Ground:
Vance was born and raised in Savannah Georgia with his twin brother Jacob.  The two brothers were the best of friends growing up and even attended the Savannah School of Art and Design together.  Vance for music and Jacob for studio art.

Their closeness made Jacobs tragic Death all the worse.  On new years eve of 2013 Vance and Jacob were hit by a drunk driver on their way back from a show Vance's band had headlined.  Jacob was pronounced dead shortly after their arrival in the hospital due to massive head injuries.  A sever chest wound would have had Vance following close behind his brother into the great unknown but doctors replaced Vance's damaged heart with his brothers healthy one.

The road to recovery was a long one for Vance it was six months before he could walk again and almost a year before he could physically do all of the things he once could.  Vance will allways miss his brother but he feels like he is living his life for the both of them.  So he rare falls into depression feeling that's a disservice to his brothers memory.  The near death experience has brought a calmness to his heart he had never known before.  Vance sees each day as a gift and does his best to live it as such.

Music, Blonds (although not exclusively), Stormy weather, Being in the rain, Listening to a good story, Telling a good story, Garbanzo bean salad, The outdoors, Bad jokes, Kids, The feel of a woman's head on his chest, Trying new things, Photography, Quirky laughs, Excercise

Dislikes: Celebrating his birthday, Sweet pickles, Rude People, Coconut (the texture not the taste)

Open Minded, Artistic, Fit , Perceptive

Occasional Nightmares about the accident.  Is a little to laid back at times.
Lives in the now.  Isn't a natural long term planner.  His feet are a little tender

Very little.  He's still bothered by extreme heights.  Gets a little nervous if the person driving isn't paying attention.

Fun Facts: Vance cooks breakfast related meals pretty well and makes a mean batch of scrambled eggs.  He was voted most likely to join the circus in high school, Speaks a little Spanish, doesn't play basket ball but is an amazing trick shot so he's dangerous in a game of horse. His unfinished tattoo was one his brother had started doing just before he died.

The Perfect Girl for Me:
The perfect girl for me has a good heart with just a little kink in her soul.  She Likes music, enjoys dancing and loves life.  "Oh and it wouldn't hurt if she could cook.  Because I mean like one of us should be able to right?"

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