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Welcome to Baybridge [The Chosen Generation]

22:58, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Amelia Lamb Todd

Name: Amelia Lamb Todd
Nickname: Amy
Birthdate/Age: October 2nd // 22 years old
Birthplace: Pennsylvania
Occupation: Amelia is currently incapable of holding down a job. She receives benefits from an a sympathetic ordanization and occasionally volunteers at an Animal Shelter as part of her ongoing therapy.

Supernatural Ability: In a word, Amelia's power is fear. While this could be said of everybody who has ever experienced that coursing of adrenaline when afraid, for Amelia, it's a little different. Amelia Lamb Todd actually becomes stronger, faster and smarter when she is scared. It is almost as if that natural secretion of adrenaline was like a steroid that makes her better in every way. She can run faster, jump higher and think more clearly than she could at any other time in her life. There are instances when time has actually slowed down the more she focuses through the dread and on the source of her fear. Of course, these heightened abilities do nothing to actually combat the source of her fear itself. She can get out of the way or fight it if she had the mind to but the fear itself remains.

Amelia also possesses the ability to bring on fear in others. This power may be similar to that of an empath but it seems that Amelia's control is limited to fear and fear alone. Perhaps it is because she is so accustomed to fear herself that she knows exactly how to bring someone to that utter point of terror.  From anxiety to paranoia, Amelia can make you feel it all though she doesn't want to. The only reason she has ever consciously made somebody so afraid that they were looking over their shoulder until they died of fright is that for this little girl, fear is food. Amelia feeds on fear. It is a continuous circle in that she needs fear to fuel her powers which revolve around the same fear that she needs to fuel her powers. Without fear, Amelia's life would stop and if she ever got brave enough so as never to be afraid, she might just die.

What The World Knows: Very little is known about Amelia, partly due to the fact that she no longer uses her last name. This has effectively separated her from the crimes of her Parents but the info is out there, online and in the papers, if one knows where to look. When it comes to her abilities, even less is know.

Amelia has ties to PHI but only the highest agents within the company are aware of this. Her abilities are a closely guarded secret. Nobody outside of PHI knows what she can do which is undoubtedly for the best as her powers are nothing but a danger to everybody around her.

Characters Model: Amanda Seyfried

Physical Description: Slight and delicate Amelia stands at 5'2 and weighs around 110-115 though, to be honest, she doesn't know. Her many medications can take a toll on her weight and so at the insistence of her Therapist she tries to eat regular meals but she does not always succeed. Her golden blond hair hangs to just below her shoulder blades with a soft curl when let loose. It can often look tussled or unkempt but with its hue, she is lucky that people simply assume she is returning home from the beach. Her skin tone, however, does not reflect this. Amelia does not have the unnatural tan and sun kissed flesh that most women her age have. The color of her skin is, in fact, an always honest indication of her emotional state. If it is fair and porcelain then it means that she has not been doing so well for if it were to be lightly bronzed with a warm glow then she would have ventured out from her room within at least the last two days. Her nails are kept short with the habit of weekly trims. This is supposed to prevent her from harming herself or orderlies if she were to become violent during a psychotic episode. Of course, if one is determined and truly desperate enough, there are other ways. The faint cuts on her arms could be inflicted from childhood abuse or self-inflicted in a moment of emotional pain. The question has been asked but she has never answered it without deflection.

Amelia's face has always been eye-catching and powerful. She has impeccable bone structure and natural beauty though she never seems to make the most of it. She could do so much with make-up and the right highlights but she doesn't seem interested. Some would argue that she doesn't need it. Others would say to flaunt what Mamma gave you. Amelia has no desire, however, to be reminded that she has anything genetically in common with her Mother if she can so help it. She is already consumed with the thought that whatever turned her Parents mad runs in the family.

The young woman's wardrobe is a miss-match of things donated and collected. She hasn't the funds to go shopping in boutiques and so she finds her clothes in thrift shops and consignment stores. If she does wear anything fashionable it will be at least 2 years out of date. She has a flair for romance and fantasy so she will often wear things ordinary people might turn their noses up at. The fact that she often dresses like a character from a fairy-tale only intensifies her unique and mysterious aura. What's stranger is that Amelia can go from wearing a corseted lavender cupcake dress one day to jeans and a t-shirt the next with little rhyme or reason.

Personality: There are two distinct sides to Amelia Lamb Todd. There is the manic side where she has more energy than a toddler on crack and then there is the depressed side where the true weight of her troubles show. Though she no longer uses her last name in hopes of maintaining some kind of anonymity, it doesn't take a genius to realize that something is bothering the young girl. She certainly isn't normal but just to what extent her troubles extend, nobody knows for sure. A relatively skilled internet sleuth might be able to find the clues, connect the dots to learn about her chilling Legacy but to the regular Joe, she's just another nutjob.

Amelia has been through a lot and she carries an awful lot of guilt. Her paranoia revolves around the fear that she was somehow involved in the horrific actions of her parents and/or that she will recreate them. For reasons unknown to her, Amelia finds herself drawn towards the dark and the macabre. Her Therapist believes that she is trying too hard to try and find a reason why her Parents did what they did and that she should simply accept the fact that there are bad people in this world and move on. She worries that young Amelia Lamb Todd spends too much time in her head and not enough time in the real world. Amelia will agree with this but adds that the real world is scary and if she can't feel comfortable and safe with her own thoughts, how on Earth is she going to find that feeling in the cold grip of reality?

Amelia can be timid and shy. She appears reserved and one might assume she was brought up sheltered but when pressed for conversation it is clear that she has a rather clear if not sad view of the world around her. She is intelligent and she can be very sweet but she has the potential to lose her grip on her sanity. In many ways, she sees the world as a child does but a child that was forced to grow up far too quickly. She can be overly sexual seemingly without awareness and she has a temper when pushed. She seems to live her life in extremes. Either she is curled up weeping in her bed or she is bouncing off the walls. Her meds do help to mellow her bi-polar disorder but only if and when she remembers to take them. At times, she will go without them on purpose in the hopes of catching a manic mood and having a little fun. She would rather be wild and forget about her past if only for a night than to wallow in her misery though she has a tendency to do that on days as well. Not a lot of what Amelia does makes a whole lot of sense to the regular individual.

Surprising to most who learn it, Amelia is what you might call a self-aware subject. Her life has taken such a strange path that nothing is really out of the ordinary anymore. So when a Man came to visit her at Willow Gate Psychiatric Hospital and told her that she was special, Amelia believed him. Over a several week period, the traumatized girl was filled in on everything. From where she came from to why she could do such frightening and remarkable things. Shocking perhaps, Amelia chose to eventually leave with the Man who had the power to get her released. Amelia trusts, more than she should those who look after her, that those who made her truly have what is best in mind for her.

Overall Amelia is simply struggling to pull herself back together and live a normal life. She has hopes and dreams of one day owning her own business. Whether it is a Bakery or she makes a living selling her art. So long as it gives her a sense of purpose and fulfillment, she doesn't want much. She hopes that she might one day find someone accepting of all her idiosyncrasies though at this point in time she has no desire to have any children. She simply takes one day at a time and hopes that she can hold it all together without showing the cracks. Most of all though, Amelia hopes that she can survive the coming days because something big is coming to Baybridge and it's making her scared.

Background/History: Background/History: Amelia Lamb Todd is burdened with a legacy or torture. The imprint of violence and blood was etched onto her soul from the moment she was born. She is the only daughter of the murderous couple that the media nicknamed 'The Torturous Todd's'. Though the name rings more like the name of a family of comic book super villains, the truth is far less colorful. Amelia's parents spent 20 years of their lives on a murders rampage through the North-eastern states of America. For the last 11 of those years, they brought their daughter with them. In two decades the Husband and Wife team had kidnapped, raped, tortured and killed 16 women. Their daughter, Amelia Lamb Todd stood terrified witness to most of this. It was only when the couple was finally apprehended, convicted and jailed that the young Amelia was offered a chance at a normal life but it could be argued that the damaged was already done.

It seems important to share how this horrific series of events could ever have happened in the first place. Of course, there is no real answer to that question but the country has spent many months speculating. It is known that Mrs. Sera Todd was raised in an abusive household with an alcoholic father and an unsympathetic mother but in this day and age sadly this is nothing unique and it is not a guaranteed recipe for a killer. Mr. Jeremy Todd was raised by a single Mother who made her living in the oldest profession but again this does not automatically turn a man into a killer. Perhaps evil lay dormant in both of them and was released catastrophically when they met in their teens. Perhaps they recognized something in the other. One was a manipulator and a psychopath, the other a submissive sociopath. Honestly, it truly doesn't matter. No amount of analyzing and dissecting now can change the events of the past. Of course, this does not stop Amelia from trying.

At age eleven, with both her parents awaiting the death penalty Amelia was turned over to the state and entered the Foster Care system. For the next four years, she bounced from home to home. Many of the Foster Parents returned the young girl stating they were unable to deal with the media circus constantly hounding the child and the outspoken individuals of the world stating their opinions in the medium of vandalism. Amelia began to grow accustomed to being cast off and as she hit puberty her troubles began to take on a more frightening face. She became paranoid and withdrawn. Her depression grew darker and she began to talk of suicide. There was no possible way to shield the young girl from the media and though she knew better than most what her Parents had done she was now faced with the families and loved ones of those that they had killed. The guilt that Amelia placed on herself was more than a young child should bare and no amount of counseling or therapy could convince her that she did not deserve some kind of punishment for what happened. She seemed unable to understand that she too was a victim of her Parents abuse.

At 15 after a suicide attempt, Amelia was admitted to a Psychiatric Hospital where she spent the next 2 years of her life.  At first, the Doctors thought the young girl might be suffering from early onset schizophrenia but the tests did not prove this theory. It was no surprise when they realized that she was suffering from PTSD. After everything she had been through it would be more surprising if she wasn't traumatized. The Bipolar disorder is argued by some doctors to be but a symptom of the young girl's early traumas. Other Doctors say that she was predisposed to mental illness. Neither side will argue however that life has dealt her a bad hand.

She was 17 when she first learned that her life may have been more than just a series of unfortunate events. It was at 17 also that Amelia first learned about Precision Horizon Industries and the role that she played for them. When she was told that she had a visitor, her first thought was that it was yet another Fed or Lawyer wanting to talk about her Parents. Now that they were captured, that was all anybody wanted to talk about. Professor Lewis had other desiers however that surprised the young Amelia. He wanted to talk about her and how very special she was.

It was that very first day that Amelia learned that she had been chosen. That she had been picked and perfected and then placed in the womb of her Mother because those who loved her, her true Family, PHI needed to make sure that she was strong before coming home to them. They knew her Parents would do terrible things and they knew that it would be hard for her but she had done so very well. She had passed the test, surpassed all expectations and now she was ready. Those frightening things that she was capable of doing, they were what made her special. PHI had given them to her as a gift and they had kept her safe, hadn't they? In fact, it was the fear and paranoia that she had placed in the backs of her Parents minds in those final days that had allowed them to slip up and get caught.

Of course, this was all very difficult for Amelia to understand. She was only 17 and had lived such a hard life. The offer of a better life though, of a purpose and a Family, it did sound wonderful. Professor Lewis wished to take her home. Back to PHI were she would learn more about what she could do and about what she would do. There Amelia lived until she was finally ready to move out on her own and try to live a normal life. They would let her know again when they needed her.

Amelia is currently 22 years old and has been living on her own for a year. With a heavy dose of medication and constant in-depth therapy, she seems to be doing a lot better. She can even pass for normal most days though it is quite possible that she has just gotten better at faking it. On her bad days, however, Amelia has difficulty dealing with the outside world. There are days when she will describe her state of mind much like Alice falling down the rabbit hole and honestly, who's to say otherwise?

Just a few short days ago, Amelia was called up by Professor Lewis, her Father for lack of a better term. He told her that he thought it was best for her to move. There was a little Seaside town called Baybridge. She wouldn't need to pack a thing. Everything was taken care of. One of their own, one of the Family would be taking care of her. All she needed to do was learn to listen and obey and everything would be just fine. Knowing nothing else, Amelia did as she was told and moved to Baybridge. Aparently, this is exactly where she is suposed to be.

Sera Todd [Mother - Currently on Death Row]
Jeremy Todd [Father - Currently on Death Row]

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

--- Amelia's Playlist ---

Runs In The Family - Amanda Palmer
Human - Christina Perri
Crazy - Diana Salvatore