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Welcome to Coupled in Paradise Season 2 (Fin-Archived)

15:32, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Jeffrey Taylor

Name: Jeffrey Taylor (often called JT)


Age: 29

Occupation: Vessel Agent

Birth Place: Jacksonville, Florida

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Physical Description: Jeffrey has an average build and stands at about 6'3" in height. He has short well groomed red hair with a beard to match. His eyes are a deep crystal blue full of life and energy. He has a charming smile.

Distinguishing Marks: none

Personality: Jeffrey is a kind and generous person. He has a slight sense of adventure and a good, versatile sense of humor. He's the friendly sort of person that tends to get along with most people. When there's conflict he's among the first to jump in to play mediator.

Back Ground: Jeffrey was born into a middle class family in Jacksonville, Florida. It was a good life growing up and was largely uneventful. He got into a wide range of activities growing up. He played baseball for a couple of years up until he was a preteen. Then he tried football in middle school but wasn't quite good enough he wanted to continue in high school. From an early age he developed a love for chess as it was how he connected with his grandfather (who died when he was 12). That led to a love for go. All through his teen years he was into theater. He even went to an arts high school for acting. In his time doing theater he fell in love the one stage combat class he took which led to him taking up fencing.

Out of high school he went to college locally at UNF while working part-time for his father's vessel agency. He finished out his bachelor's degree in general psychology but by the time he graduated he'd fallen in love with his job. It offered the opportunity to meet lots of different people from all over the world and to travel (even if only in the southeast regionally). So, when he graduated he went to work full-time at his father's company.

Life was good but there were two things that didn't sit well with Jeffrey about his life. He didn't get to travel far enough, see enough of the world, in his current job. He also really didn't like the prolonged excessively hot weather in Florida. So, two years ago he took a job at a major vessel agency on the west coast. He worked out of the office in Seattle, Washington but it allowed him to travel the entire west coast for work. He even got to travel all the way to Alaska and Hawaii to handle ships once or twice.

Since season 1: Jeffrey got promoted and reorganized the scheduling so everyone was only on-call evenings/nights/weekends every four weekends, alternating in rotation to make everyone's hours more reasonable and reliable. He started taking advanced cooking lessons in his free time. He also started going out dancing about once every other week when time permits.

Likes: fencing, chess, go, the theater, music, cooking, reading, movies, singing

Dislikes: Back to back flights, not being able to stay someplace long enough to enjoy it.

Strengths: Kind, open-minded, good shape.

Weaknesses: His hours for work can be brutal sometimes and he is always on-call. Sometimes has trouble ordering his priorities. Can be indecisive when he's worried about hurting someone.

Fears: Dying alone, never getting to see certain things in the world.

Fun Facts: In 2012 he tried out for the US Olympic fencing team. He fell about three spaces short of making one of the reserve spots. His chess rating is just high enough to enter major tournaments.

The Perfect Guy/Girl for You: Honestly don't know. I'm hoping I'll know it when I meet her.