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15:41, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Annabelle Dilly


Name: Annabelle Dilly

Nickname: Anna or The Lost Princess

Age: 18

The Pyshical

Gender: Female

Hair Color: Chocolate

Eye Color: Honey

Distinguishing Marks: Annabelle Dilly has no tattoo's or piercings. She has never had her ears pierced or ventured into a tattoo parlor. Beyond her big honey colored eyes, her thick brows and her subtly sad smile, there is only one thing that is unique to her and her alone. Annabelle possesses a birthmark on her right shoulder. The soft brown mark is in the abstract shape of a bird in flight.

General Appearance: Annabelle is a pretty little thing. She stands at around 5'5' and upon admission, she weighed in at 120lbs and measured 32-24-33. Her skin is pale, though not from lack of sun. All of her Family is fair skinned. Annabelle will tell you that this is because Clarion is cloaked in snow for most of the year. The truth is that she is simply genetically predisposed to fair skin and freckling.

Her honey-colored eyes sit beneath thick chocolate-colored brows and her oval shaped face is curtained by the same chocolate-colored hair. There is a depth in her eyes that people often find mesmerizing. This may be because, at times, it feels as if she is not looking at you but straight through you. She sees what isn't there and it can either bring her joy or sadness. Her facial expression change slowly and subtly but her emotions can always be read through the shape of her lips. A soft upturn, higher on the left than the right means that she is amused. If those pretty bow-shaped lips part to show her ivory teeth then she is genuinely happy. If those same pink lips fall flat however in a straight line, then Annabelle Dilly is distressed and more than likely, her wide doe eyes are about to fill with tears.

Annabelle will boast that when she was in Clarion, she would wear gowns crafted from butterfly silk and jewels plucked from obsidian stone by dwarves loyal to her Family. She is a Princess and although she no longer has access to the things that would have once announced this to the world, such as her copper colored crown that housed a firestone forged in dragon's breath, she still holds herself with a certain amount of pride. Of course, Annabelle only has earthly clothes and few at that. She lives out of small closet with a selection of things that she is forced to rotate. Her style tends to fall between feminine and classic though she does own a pair of yoga pants that she likes to sleep in and a hoodie that she will often throw on not when it's cold but when she is upset.

The Lost Princess is not only lost in this world but in her mind. She sees what you cannot and she makes leaps and rationale that might seem strange to everybody but her. Though she floats through life with a smile on her lips, a skip in her step and a song in her heart, if she pauses for too long or if you stare too deeply you will see that Annabelle isn't happy at all. She is deeply, deeply depressed and what is sadder still is that she doesn't seem to know why. She wears her mask well but her delusions are still just a mask and life isn't a masquerade ball.

The Emotional

Personality: On the surface, Annabelle Dilly is as chirpy as a bluebird and the picture of positivity and light. Look a little deeper though and you will see a broken young woman who lives in a world of make believe to protect herself from the truth. Annabelle suffers from delusions but they do not come and go. She believes that she is a Princess from a fairytale world and that she is trapped here. She will tell you that Pirates stole her from her home when she was small and she is fighting to get back just as hard as her Parents, the King and Queen are fighting to bring her home. The truth is not all that different from the delusion though less fantastical of course. Annabelle was stolen from her home when she was small. She was kidnapped and to cope with this truth, she hides away in fantasy.

On a normal day, Annabelle can be charming and very sweet. She is kind and cheerful. She is intelligent and receptive to help from staff and Doctors. She will smile sweetly at you when you try to tell her that perhaps what she believes isn't real. She smiles like you're the crazy one but Annabelle will only get aggressive when her delusions are challenged to the point where she can no longer hold them together. She has been known to lash out at times if a Doctor or fellow Patient pushes her too far. When she can not come up with a rational excuse or reason for your challenges, then she panics and becomes defensive of her world which Doctors say is normal. Clarion, Annabelle's fantasy world is what is holding her sanity together. It protects her and so she protect it.

Sexual Orientation: Annabelle is looking for her Prince Charming.

The Biographical

What are you in for: Annabelle Dilly suffers from a severe and deeply rooted Delusional Disorder. She has created a fantasy world and a fantasy life that she believes she rules and that she has been stolen from. This is her minds way of coping with the trauma she suffered as a little girl. Believing that she is a Princess and that her entire Kingdome is fighting to get her back helps her cope with the knowledge that even though they were looking, her real Parents never found her. Her Delusion has some ties to reality in that she believes she was Kidnapped and she has a desperate need to go Home. Sadly she cannot go Home until she learns that what she believes is a fantasy and what she wants, is waiting for her and has been for the last 4 years, ever since she was found.

About Your character: Annabelle Dilly comes from a world very different to your own. Annabelle is royalty and this might possibly be believable if it weren't for the rest of her fantastical story. Annabelle Dilly is the Lost Princess of Clarion and her Family has ruled the world of Clarion for generations. As the only Daughter of the Ruling Family, she is next in line to take the Throne and as her Father is growing ill, she is naturally, eager to get home. There is just one problem. Annabelle was stolen from her home when she was just a child and dark magic has sealed the doorway back. She's trapped.

Records show that Annabelle Dilly was born to Luke and Esther Dilly in Brooklyn in the month of May. She lived a happy life up until the age of 3 when she mysteriously disappeared from her front yard and was never seen or heard from again for the next 11 years. Searches were conducted and her big honey colored eyes were plastered across every news station for years before she eventually faded into the background and became just another statistic. Her Parents never stopped looking of course and they never gave up hope but after so many years, they were eventually forced to move on with their own lives and as hard as it was, they did.

Annabelle Dilly was kidnapped. Lured away from her front steps and through the gate by a girl just a few years older than herself, Annabelle was taken. Driven from her House she was taken to a little place where she was given new clothes and her long brown hair was cut. Her new sister kept her calm while her new Father packed a new car and her new Mother helped her practice her new last name. It was an adventure and she had nothing to worry about. She was safe, she was loved and soon enough, they would all be living their new lives in Georgia. Annabelle liked peaches so she was okay with this.

It was a long drive but they sang songs and her big sister played with her hair. It was short but still long enough to put into little ponytails that stuck up at the top. Annabelle was confused of course and the first few months were hard. She didn't understand why her Parents had given her away and though her new Parents loved her, something was off. Daddy got angry a lot and Mummy always looked sad. Soon enough though, Annabelle forgot about her real Parents and began to accept her new life. She even got used to Daddy throwing things and Mummy crying. It was the night when her big sister died though that things for Annabell shifted.

Annabelle was 14 years old, her sister was 17 and though she does not remember all the details from that night as it was the night that her mind snapped, she remembers shouting and then a very loud bang. The Police suspect that Nora had grown tired of her Parents charade and threatened to turn them into the Police. Unconcerned with losing one Daughter when they had another, Annabelle's kidnappers shot Nora. The young girl witnessed it all.

Neighbours heard the shot and called the Police. When Annabelle was found having been stuffed into a footlocker in an attempt to hide her, she told the Police that Pirates had taken her from her Parents and that she wanted to go home. When asked where Home was, Annabelle said Clarion and began to describe a world that seems to fall somewhere in-between Narnia, Wonderland and Oz. Not willing to leave a child in the custody of suspected murders even she was their own, the Police took Annabelle in and ran her Prints and DNA against the Database for missing and exploited children and they got a match.

Annabelle Dilly had been found and her abductors were put away for Kidnapping, Murder and a number of other charges that ensured they would never see the light of day again. All should have been well. Her Birth Parents were overjoyed to see her again but Annabelle had no memory of them and despite extensive talks with therapists and experts alike, Annabelle just couldn't seem to let go of her delusion. She was convinced, completely and utterly that what everybody was telling her was a lie. She was born in Castle Clarion in the Everwhite Forest, she was a Princess and this world was strange, frightening and so far from Home.

There was a time, after Annabelle had been recovered and returned to her real Parents that everybody thought that she would be okay. Psychiatrists advised that she simply needed time. She had been taken at an impresstionalble age and years of being read Fairytales had given her mind a place to retreat to when she grew scared. The trauma of Nora’s murder and learning that her entire life had been a lie had simply been too much stress and strain on the young girl. At 14 years old, she was still young enough to fracture from reality and retreat into that world of her own creation where she felt safe and in control. Finding her way back would be the most challenging thing.

Lucky for everybody involved however, Annabelle’s Parents were commited and they even forgave her for her outbursts against them when she grew irritated or angry. Annabelle held no emotional connection towards her Parents. She did not reconizie or remember them nor would she accept that they were Family. In truth, they could have lived with this. Simply knowing that Annabelle was home and safe would have been enough but things changed when her behaviour became erratic and dangerous.

The breaking and enterings were one thing but when Annabelle had tried to throw herself from a cell tower, they knew something had to be done. Her reasoning that she had been trying to open a doorway back to Clarion had fallen on deaf ears and desperately, Mr. and Mrs. Dilly called in the services of The Center for help. They wanted their Daughter back and when asked what Annabell wanted, she said she wanted to go Home. The Center has been working for the last year to make both these goals come true. Annabelle cannot and will not be allowed to go Home however until she lets go of her delusions. What is truly sad though is that the people she says misses so much, miss her just as much. If only she could see them through the mystical fog.