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21:45, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Vladimire Azeal

Name: Vladimire Azeal [Tar' Valen]

Age: 120

Family: Azeal Coven, formerly Tar' Valen-Al' Maera

Alliance: Light - Good

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Status: Married to Nynaeve Al' Maera-Azeal

Height: 6'2"

Weight: 157 lbs

Skin tone: Pale

Eyes: Gold

Hair: Dark brown

Hair Length: Ear length - spiked in the front.

Body type: Muscular

Guardian: Drakkar Belikov

Location: Formerly Tar' Valen Castle in London; Azeal Island

Vladimire is compassionate and generous. He may not understand why a person is feeling a certain way (after all, certain things wouldn't bother him) but he does understand their pain. He is very helpful. Whatever people did in the past doesn't matter- for the most part. It is their actions in the present that can affect his opinion of people. Wanting to believe the best in people, he tends to be a bit too trusting. But trusting doesn't mean naïve.

Highly intelligent, Vladimire loves to learn. He is perceptive, some would even go so far as to say intuitive. He is also very curious. His curiosity can get him into trouble sometimes and he will often pressure people for answers and it is hard for him to "back off" when asked to. It is almost as if the word "no" isn't part of his vocabulary! He hates being left out of conversations or groups. Vladimire will interrupt people when they are talking to get his point across; that is because he thinks that what he says won't be relevant later. He is constantly asking questions and pushing limits. History fascinates him. He has a good memory and an even better imagination. He is a fast learner and gets impatient with others when they hold him back; incompetence frustrates him faster than anything else. Vladimire is creative and resourceful.

Candid and honest, sometimes he can be a bit blunt; he dislikes hurting others or seeing others hurt. He doesn't always think things through and he may act before considering the effect it will have on others. Vladimire tends to talk a bit too much at times; however, he can be a good listener and advice-giver; he is a good secret-keeper.

He is also strong-willed; once he has an idea in his head about something, it is very difficult to get him to change it. Fortunately, he tends to think things through before forming an opinion. He can see both sides of the proverbial coin, but in the end, there is no middle ground for him. Vladimire is adventurous and bold; he loves to try new things. His fears aren't of anything tangible, like spiders or water. Adaptable and open-minded, he can adjust to most settings and situations easily.

Vladimire is very friendly and outgoing; he has no qualms about going up to a complete stranger and introducing himself or striking up a random conversation. He doesn't judge a person before he gets to know them, although he is quite good about telling who he will get along with and who he won't after a first meeting. He gets along well with most people.

Loyal to the causes he supports and his friends, it is nearly impossible to shake his faith in those close to him or an idea he espouses. While he may question authority if he thinks that something could be wrong or interject with another way to get the job done, he is obedient, although he doesn't do "no questions asked." Vladimire dislikes being told what to do; he responds much better to a request or a politely phrased order than a command. If he wants something, he will get it. He is determined and diligent, unwilling to give up. He takes things seriously (sometimes too seriously) and is quite responsible. Vladimire doesn't take failure well and is hard on others and himself.

Vladimire is modest; he doesn't need constant praise or attention, although he does appreciate receiving credit when it is due to him. He doesn't really care what other people think of the way he dresses or acts, although he is careful not to offend anyone. He knows his strengths and weaknesses and it is hard to get him offended. However, he is competitive. He loathes cheating. He is easily angered, especially by injustice or the unfairness of a situation, which not everyone sees the same way. Vladimire always has to be right; if someone has facts or details wrong, he doesn't hesitate to correct them and it is hard for him to admit that he was wrong.

He is very patient. He hates it when a situation is unfair and hates to be blamed or punished for other people's mistakes even more. Vladimire is pessimistic about most situations. His seriousness makes it difficult for him to understand practical jokes and pranks. His ability to see both sides of a situation and the way he thinks things through also causes problems when he won't go along with a plan because of what might or will go wrong. He tends to "mother" people, making sure they know the rules and obey them or that they won't hurt themselves or forget something.

Personality changes:
Vladimire is more confident and courageous than ever before. Having the new found leadership title to his name, he is more leader-like, always thinking and putting the coven first before his family.

Vladimire has learned to grow up and become a fast thinking, making decisions  instantly, and being the great political vampire that he is now. His busy life and role within the coven have not changed his family-oriented lifestyle with his family however.

He is still a family man, loving his wife in more ways than explained and ensuring his son becomes the man he wants him to be.

Vlad never gives up anymore, and has learned to suppress his emotions and understand way more than he did 100 years ago.

With the wisdom his father passed down before his passing, Vlad has become a greater leader than his father ever was.