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Welcome to X-Men: Worlds Turning

13:10, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Character Name: Kitty Pryde
Character Aliases: Shadowcat, Sprite, Ariel, Half-Pint, Kitten
Gender: Female
Age: 21

Cast Description: Kitty is a pretty young woman in her late teens. Curly brown hair tumbles down on either side of her face, and she often ties it into a ponytail in the back during moments of high intensity. Hazel eyes that glimmer with intelligence light up the soft features beneath including round cheeks and a defined, but slight nose. Her rounded and appealing lips are often seen stretched into a smirk. She is a naturally petite woman, slightly taller than the other women in the Pryde family from her father's influence, but her curves are soft and slight and her musculature is lean due to her athletic training. When it comes to fashion, Kitty will never be seen without her favorite accessory: a golden Star of David that she wears on a necklace around her neck.

Personality: Kitty is a young woman of passion and adventure above all else. She throws herself completely into anything she sets out to accomplish, seeming to care little for recognition and praise but rather seeks the satisfaction of a job well done. This may not be immediately apparent depending on her mood at the time. She is well-known by her friends for her masterful command of wit and sarcasm, and depending on said mood, she will either react to something that she disagrees with by delivering an impassioned speech ("Charles Xavier is a jerk!" is a well-known example around the student body) or a snide side-comment. Though she appreciates her downtime, particularly when she gets to indulge in binge watching science fiction films or tearing through a stack of comics, Kitty often needs a direct goal in order to stay motivated and active, and she seeks these voraciously. Not one to sit on her laurels, she will jump at almost any opportunity to try something new, exciting, or to see a new place, and this has caused her to be affiliated with a number of organizations, team-ups, and adventures over the course of her short life. There's also occasional hero-worship too due to her relative youth, such as her longtime mentor Wolverine.

Mutant Powers: Kitty's primary ability is to phase out of sync with reality, allowing her to access a number of applications. The most apparent of these is the ability to allow herself to become incorporeal and allow things to pass through her. Of course, walking through walls is the obvious application, and this extends to many other possibilities such as phasing objects through a person, phasing people into floors or walls, or her ability to phase through electronics to cause them to shut-down. Another trick Kitty can perform is the ability to literally walk on air, though this is typically a slow and impractical application of her powers. All of these abilities require concentration, and lack of concentration could lead to either returning to a solid state when incorporeal, or unconsciously becoming incorporeal.

Non Mutant Abilities: Kitty Pryde is a genius, and her skill with computers is nearly unmatched. Though she has not finished any doctorate programs, she has finished several master programs through various institutions in things such as computer science, engineering, and math. She puts these skills to good use in the field and is able to teach them to others. She is also a fairly skilled dancer and has kept up her childhood hobby into the present, though she's slightly out of practice currently. Her other hobbies include fencing, blogging, and other nerdy passions that she often hides from the 'uninitiated.'

Weaknesses: Though she seems to hide it well, Kitty can become a bit obsessive at times. When her passions reach such a point that everything else seems to fade in their wake, she has a tendency to push other people away, leave teams, or even travel for an extended period of time which could make her seem disloyal or flighty. Additionally, she is terribly stubborn, and this can make her seem obstinate, particularly if she is refusing to budge over something that may seem petty. Emotions, whether worn on her sleeve or hidden behind a disapproving glare, run strong in Kitty, and she gets all of the benefits and drawbacks of feeling everything so strongly. This is a lynch-pin in combat situations as well, and a solid tactic to defeat her is to distract her enough that she loses concentration on her abilities.

Equipment: Not one to wholly rely on equipment, Kitty is often armed with her smart-phone, her signature katana (if she thought it necessary to bring along), and her X-Men uniform that is form-fitting and perfectly suited to match her phasing ability.

Previous History: Kitty Pryde was recruited to the X-Men at the tender age of thirteen and had her first real moment of heroism when she saved the team from the wiles of Emma Frost. Since then, she has joined the team on many adventures including bouts into space, combat against Magneto and his Brotherhood, inner-team drama and turmoil, and the ever-present pressure of homework. During her teenage years, she has left and rejoined the X-Men at various points over certain issues, received training in Japan, and has even worked for the British spy agency Excalibur for a time.

Significant Relationships: Wolverine (Mentor), Charles Xavier (Mentor/ Father Figure), Summanus (Significant other)

Currently: In the wake of Sylvain's disappearance/ sacrifice to the Brood, Kitty's taken his spot as field leader until his return. She refuses to accept that this might be a permanent promotion, because she's lost too many people already. For now though, it's business as usual and she refuses to let anyone see her mourning.