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Welcome to Detroit: Broken Traditions [Vampire: Blood and Smoke]

10:49, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Bartosz Bucowski

A quiet Nosferatu, Bartosz is that rarest of things, a mortal whose form was physically handicapped when he was chosen for the Embrace.  Known among the kine he tends to as the "Blind Librarian," the Parish Archivist is rumored to hold a great library within Bishop Gustaw Bosko's towering metal fortress.  His empty eye sockets continually weep foul smelling puss, though unlike many of his brethren among the Lancea et Sanctum, he is careful to never allow such to stain the front of his robes.  Not to say that his clothes are clean, but they lack the stains of blood and darker things that so many of Detrot's Sanctified chose to wear proudly in keeping with their Arch-Bishop's peculiar fashion sense.

The Archivist is a soft spoken Vampire, prone to speaking in his native Polish when surrounded by his Covenant.  His hands shake when he is otherwise still, and he moves with the pain of arthritic joints clear in his every motion.