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Welcome to Silver Crown Academy

02:38, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Shira Edelfelt

Name: Shira Edelfelt
Age: 14

Appearance: Shira has wavy brown hair that for special occasions get tied up into a rather tall and strange style. Often forgets to wear makeup, but puts on way too much when she does remember. Her style if left to her own devices is gaudy because she never knows when to stop adding things. She carries herself with a flashy and somewhat dashing grace, and often strikes dramatic poses as she speaks.
Uniform:  TBD

Personality: Outwardly acts charming and elegant, but inwardly she is overenthusiastic and tries too hard to be cool. Her charming act is intense enough that it comes across as embarrassing to people with normal sensibilities. She frequently speaks in flowery language more suited to a romance novel or a drama than to real life. Inwardly, she thinks about how awesome this makes her, and cheers herself on in her pursuits to be the next princess.

Strengths: Calm, creative, generous, graceful (when she's paying attention), strong willed
Weaknesses: Inattentive, embarrassing, puts on airs, sucker for flattery, naive
Dream in life: Become an admired role model
Song: Barenaked Ladies - Falling For The First Time

Shira was born to a librarian mother, and a healer to the king's army who was largely absent in her life. She idolized her mother from a young age, clinging around her at any chance, and staying up in her bed with bright pleading eyes until her mother read her a story.  Sometimes Shira would get up again, and visit her mother reading books by the fire's light. She wondered what stories her mother read to herself; that was when Shira was introduced to poetry.

She frequently played games with her mother and with her friends, making up silly rhymes and childish songs, loving it when those dear to her inevitably ended up in a fit of giggles with her. Her cleverness and charm occasionally earned her praise, so Shira always felt like she was special. She dreamt of those fairy tales, of girls whose virtues earned them their dreams come true, of some storybook ending filled with every blessing.
She knew that someday she could be the one to inspire others, to light children's faces with smiles and awe. For that dream, she would reach for the stars.

Fun Facts:
-Loves the arts; particularly poetry.
-Has a secret journal where she writes poems about her friends