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Welcome to We Are Bound

21:55, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

Thilo Brighthand

Thilo Brighthand's past is a story of tragedy.
  The bastard child of the incredibly affluent lord, The Lord Earl Azorius who hails from the Western Empire.  Earl Azorius ply's his trade as a black marketeer of slaves in the Eastern and Southern Territories controlling roughly eighty percent of the market.
  Thilo's mother one of the many mistresses of Azorius, who was no more then breeding stock in the lord's slave business that he took fancy to many a nights.  Which ended up with the conception and birth of Thilo and five other older siblings.
  Taken from his mother at age of five and put in the care of a powerful wizard whom the lord has under his employ.  Thilo was nothing more then child labor to the mage and did as he was told by the mage or Earl Azorius.  If he did not his mother would be brought in front of him and beat.
  Quick to learn Thilo made sure not to incur the wrath of his owner's.  By grace it was discovered that Thilo was actually quite brilliant, but even that grace was turned to a curse by the lord.
  At the lord's direction Thilo was not taught scholarly things but educated into a master forger who produced any number of forged documents for the lord.  At the same time though the lord wanted him also educated as a mage, to which no expense was spared.  Thilo took to it quickly and applied himself intently for in his mind he was planning an escape for himself and his mother.
  The opportunities did not present themselves and Thilo continued in the service of the lord.  In those years the lord forced and coerced Thilo into preforming the spirit cauldron ceremony.
  The first time although some what successful was so traumatizing that Thilo was left with very serious mental scars.   When told to preform the ritual a second time Thilo attempted to refuse but the trauma inflicted to his mother was great he proceeded with the ritual.  What the lord was after was for Thilo's magic knowledge of spells to increase, which could then be sold.
  Thilo lied on both occasions has to how much he had learned learned from the incredibly dangerous ceremony.
  In a fit of rage the second time the Earl Azorius set Thilo on fire, burning hundred percent of his body.  Thilo is now covered in hideous scars from head to toe and his muscle were severely damaged.  A year had passed after that and the lord was called back to the west and left with the mage in tow.  Finally giving Thilo his opportunity for escape.
  When Thilo went to grab his mother, he found her dead by her own hand and a letter addressed to him explaining the decision she had made.  Thilo was furious but would not miss this opportunity to stage his own escape using the compiled knowledge and some of the newly acquired spells to stage his death by fire.  He thought it would be fitting and some what ironic.
  Thilo fled to the Northern Eastern Territories across the sea to the library of Bletherad where he has hidden for the last three years.  Using the library as not only cover but also research into the ways of magic.  Thilo has also taken this time plot his revenge upon the lord and the mage and anyone else involved with the Lord Earl Azorius.  He had hoped to find something in the laws to entrap the lord but there was nothing.
  Now Thilo gets ready to leave for mainland to pursue his enemies.
  Thilo wears soft linen wrappings to cover his whole body and a finely crafted mask over his face.  A Thick rag tag shirt and pants and hooded robe with a belt cover the linen wraps, on the belt are leather pouches as well as some oddly carved trinkets.  Worn around his neck is a heavy wooden beaded necklace worn out side, resting on his chest, various symbols carved into them.  The hooded cowl of his robe always shrouding his face and mask from view.  The mask is clearly professionally carved also with ornate symbols and scralling, leather straps with a unique buckling system holds it to Thilo's head.
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