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Welcome to Hive Mind

19:18, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: Felix Tobias Vallejos

Age: 24

Sex: Male

Species: Chupacabra.


[*] Dual forms-  Human and cryptid. Given this ability he can change from either from at will, but the process is tremendously exhausting.

[*] Cryptid- This form is very unique in appearance and has a pronounced spinal ridge, unusually pronounced eye sockets, fangs, and claws. Appears to be a type of dog.

[*] Blood Consumption- The power to gain power from blood and bodily fluids usually by ingestion. While it is commonly considered that Chupacabra ingest only goat blood, they actually can drink any sort of animal blood. Goat just happens to be the tastiest to them.

[*] Camouflage- The user can visually blend into surroundings by blending in with the coloration and form of their background to avoid optical perception.

[*] Claw Retraction- The user can project and retract razor-sharp claws from their fingertips for offensive purposes. Claws are composed of thick, but simple keratin.

[*] Enhanced Bite-The user has particularly strong bite, either because of sharp teeth, strong jaw-muscles, unusual jaw-structure. In terms of his jaws, the two mandibles are not joined at the front by a rigid symphysis, as a human jaw, but by an elastic ligament that allows them to spread apart much like a serpent.

[*] Enhanced Agility-User with this ability can go from one motion to another effortlessly, effectively dodge attacks, swing from things easily, sprint, do back-flips and numerous other gymnastic, athletic and martial implements with little effort.

[*] Enhanced Jump-User can jump incredible distances and land safely, covering frighteningly tall heights and long distances. Usually comes with strong legs. In some cases a jump can fool an observer into believing the person is "Flying".

[*] Hypnosis- The only aspect of this that works on humans is the ability to make one forget they had seen him in his cryptid form, sort of like a jedi mind trick, only without the waving hands and need for command. The effects on other supernaturals is unknown. He's not tried to use his ability for any other purpose. Color him surprised if it will actually work for anything other than the 'this is not the crytpid you are looking for' trick.

Appearance:  He has skin that grows dusky when he's out in the sun, which is more often than not. He has rather non-descript dark eyes, eyes in which he could change. He's always been jealous of eyes which harbor lighter colors. It's to be expected with his heritage. He's a slender build. Not exactly wiry, nor overly built. He considers himself to be fairly average in build, and he's slightly shorter than most men standing at five foot eleven.  He almost always harbors a goatee because without it he tends to look extremely baby faced. Beneath the curly facial hair he hides a bit of a cleft chin.  he has dark hair that is naturally curly so he has a tendency to keep the strands shorter to prevent a mop head effect.

When it comes to style, he generally doesn't have anything that is remarkable. He wears whatever the hell he feels like it. He rarely goes out of his way to dress up, because one never knows when the urge to be the other aspect of themselves will come up to the forefront. While he's not ugly, doesn't really go out of his way to make himself out to be hunky. He simply is. He has slightly thick eyebrow, a hairy chest and abdomen. He has physical flaws, but the things that he may consider to be flaws other people may enjoy. he learned a long time ago that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

In his cryptid form he is dog-like. A long whip like tail that is often seen tucked downward by haunches. The hairs that are upon the cryptid body are wired and rough, The color of the form is brown with black tiger like stripes moving along the rigid spine, downward to the tip of his tail. His eyes are shaded like pitch. His teeth are the most intimidating about him. And his jaw looks quite terrifying.


Positive traits-
- Loyal
- Passionate
- Resourceful
- Observant

Negative traits-
- Suspicious
- Manipulative
- Unyielding

He is a unique individual because of his intensity and contradictions. He likes to be aware of any situation around him, and when it comes to his friends he always wants to know what's going on. Even though he is technically a preternatural being, he is extremely interested in the occult, the paranormal, conspiracy theories and other types of similar unknown mysteries. He is are very capable of hiding their true feelings and motivations, protecting his identity in terms of his cryptid nature he often has ulterior motives or a hidden agenda.

There are many different layers of him that he often tries to keep people from seeing. He is impassioned, and bold at times. He can be with drawn. extremes and intensity. He can be very deep, intense, there is always more then meets the eye. He presents a cool, detached and unemotional air to the world yet lying underneath is tremendous power, extreme strength, intense passion and a strong will and a persistent drive.

He can tend to dominate and control anyone that lets him, or anyone that he may find weak. The person that he respects and holds close to them is treated with amazing kindness, loyalty and generosity. On the outside, a he has great secretiveness and mystery. This magnetically can draw people to him, even if he isn't trying to have such a charismatic nature.

Profession: Butcher.

Hobbies: He has a strong interest in cooking. He enjoys the flavor of foods, and exposing people to Mexican food and culture. Beer. He loves discovering new beer.

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual.


He is Mexican American.  His parents immigrated to the US two years before he was born. He was still raised in the culture and is proud of his heritage. He was born in Virginia, where there is a lot of rich farm-land.

He was born a Chupacabra. His father carried the gene and it was passed on to him.

It is said that the first was cursed from a Brujah. They live their lives like shifters, transformation takes effect by force once a month during a full moon and lasts until dawn.