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Welcome to From the Ashes

10:24, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Ariya Blackfist

This is a player's second character, hence some of the brevity.

Name: Ariya Blackfist
Age: 50
Gender: Female
Race: Half Elf/Dwarf
Height: 5'5"


The first thing you'll notice about Ariya is that she only has one arm. That is, unless she's traveling and wrapped in her traveling cloak. Otherwise, it's her bone-white hair. Or even possibly the slight gap between her front teeth. She has a cool silvery gaze with eyes the colour of blue ice.

She's of average height for an elf, but not quite as slim and wiry, denoting her dwarf heritage.

Her armor is is a dull steel, almost blackened look that's been through many battles. Her helm has so many notches that it must be comfortable. Easily recognized, though only because of the rumors spread about it. The Wraith-Captain of the Peas-mak army. It has a tell-tale bloody handprint across the visor and a raven gouged into the breastplate.

The sword she carries is known as the cursed-sword Blackfist. It looks like a regular bastard sword but it seems to drink in the light.

Truth be told, that's the only enchantment on it. It drinks in light. Its true ability is simply exuding a slight magical aura to mask another magic going on.

Her typical attire is quite plain though of good quality. Knee-high black leather boots with brown woolen trousers and a linen shirt with a black overcoat and cloak. She has her sword where it always is, on her hip, opposite her sword arm. (Her only arm.)Her coin purse is stuffed to the brim, but hard to take. She also has many gold stashes around the realm. Some may have been found/taken/washed away/etc.

Current outfit
Cloak and leathers. Mostly black. One-strap backpack with light belongings along with belted sword with a buckle to make the scabbard removable from the belt. Her clothing is worn but normal for the average person. The blade, scabbard and belt are of high quality but well worn. Also well maintained.

Personality: Ariya is cool and collected though not too keen on fighting. She's more of a traveler now-a-days, and prefers the solitude of gambling and taverns to the rough life of a warrior.

Strong willed and calculating, she has no qualms about running away. Ariya is also well educated, able to read, write and count.

She enjoys all forms of music but is not overly expressive. To befriend Ariya would take time and a little bit of effort. However when trust is gained and friendship is established, she opens up in private settings and will trust you and your words.


Natural Leader
: She takes charge easily, though only when she feels necessary. She can follow when necessary too.

Sword Master
: Ariya is a master of bladework with the bastard sword she carries.

Survival: Has a warrior's training in survival as well as combat and can live in the wilderness indefinitely. Though larger game is harder for her to catch as she cannot use a bow.

Magic: She can use illusion magic to make herself appear larger than she actually is, and make her voice boom further. It is her only magic.

Neutral Aspects

True to her Words: Ariya will stay true to her words and won't promise things she can't keep.


Age: Ariya isn't as young as she used to be. Truth be told, she uses her legend as much as force to keep would-be attackers away when she can.

One Arm: She lost an arm in the war. It hinders her a touch. Though she can't really be handcuffed.

Hydrophobic: She doesn't like large bodies of water. At all. Maybe it's the dwarf in her. Or maybe the armor she wears. Without the armor, it isn't so bad. So it's probably not the dwarf.

Notable Equipment:

Ariya has her armor, sword, horse, and everything else a person would need to live on their own in the wilderness for an indeterminate amount of time. Her backpack has one shoulder strap and one waist strap/belt. Everything she has has been altered with her handicap in mind.

She has a gray horse and leather saddlebags, a bedroll to keep her warm on nights in the wilderness. Everything a soldier might need to wander the wilderness for a few years.

Likes: Taking care of herself,(Bathing/exercising/eating properly and regularly.) Music, Gambling
Dislikes: Sadists, nobles who look down on commoners, feet, large bodies of water(Rivers are fine.)
Habits: Ariya flexes her hand when she waits. Almost like a nervousness. She also prays before every battle.


Ariya was born another hybrid in the empire of the Peas'mak. Empire, Country, Republic. Call it what you will, It mattered little in the long scheme of things. Ariya was yet another young noble who was born to the unusual circumstances surrounding the people of Peas'mak. Her father, a dwarven blacksmith of surprising talent had married his primary merchant, an elf with a silver tongue. Both of high standing simply because of their trades, but also because of their previous military careers.

The half-breed's parents were a little later in life when they had Ariya, in their fifties when Ariya hit her teenage years. From a young age, Ariya had always displayed a take-charge attitude and a knack for combat and strategy. Yet she was surprisingly humble.

Despite herself, Ariya enlisted when she was twenty. Even from early on, she was clearly better than a simple soldier. Promotions came quickly, in plenty, and quietly. Before she (or her parents) knew it. Ariya was conducting secret missions for the country, in charge of her own troops.

That was twenty years and a lost limb ago. There are things in her past that Ariya regrets. There are things she's proud of. The fact that the country fell doesn't mean that everything they did was wrong, it meant they lost. Ariya knows that the Peas'mak were a people. They weren't all bad, they weren't all good. They were... Normal.

Not the nightmarish children's stories that are now spun to make the children eat their vegetables.