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Welcome to Blackfalcon 2.0

08:34, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Name: Abell

Age: 20

Gender: M

Languages: German, English, Latin, Greek, and Hebrew

Species: Angelic Descendant

Description: Blond hair with sky blue eyes that almost appear too bright.  He is slightly above average height and perfectly proportioned with an athletic build.  He has silvery/white with blue highlights wings that sprout from between his shoulders.  They appear feathery but are very durable and strong.  They are also quite flexible.  He can layer them over his shoulders like a cloak (his preferred method), wrap himself up like a blanket (they are warm and comfortable), and even fold them down to the point where they appear to be a fuzzy backpack for discretion (He does not like to do this because it is uncomfortable).

Personality: Abell is quietly pleasant.  While very friendly, he is hesitant to initiate contact due to his social awkwardness.  He is completely unaware how ridiculously physically handsome he is (which, of course, makes hime seem even more so to some people).  He is obviously pious but his gracious nature makes him very forgiving.  As long as as they are being the best they can be. (Favorite quote: "God does not expect you to be the the best Moses...he wants you to be the best you.")  Due to his upbringing, true evil, maliciousness, vindictiveness and cruelty confounds and confuses him.  Violence he can understand and even see the need for, but meanness and spite will often catch him off guard and he will not know how to respond.

Background: As a babe, Abell was left on the steps of the St. Ottilien Archabbey in Germany ( ) with a note that simply said his name.  Despite the current anti-gifted sentiment (or perhaps because of it), they took him in.  They hid him and raised him to be one of them.  He is currently known as Brother Abell by them.  The Abbey has a history of taking in the oppressed (they took in those from the concentration camps after WWII) so Abell was exposed to other gifted people even if they did not stay (those with obviously non-human features were sent someplace more isolated, while more 'normal looking' were quietly assimilated into the community.  Children were adopted to understanding parents.  Etc, etc, etc...).

Since he was raised by monks (and nuns from a sister abbey), he was encouraged to study and find his place with God.  He took lessons from many tutors on many different subjects... math, history, science, medicine, philosophy, linguistics (most monks were multi-lingual) sociology, theology (duh), botany, and even a little computer tech (someone has to help those old folks with their e-mails).  Unfortunately, he only really got to interact with people his age when they came through to hide.  Granted, as he got older, younger monks would appear and he made friends with them.  So, he is not completely socially inept.

As a young adult he grew very concerned about the welfare of his home.  Especially when his other powers began to manifest.

That is when he received his letter to Blackfalcon.  At first, he disregarded it.  He figured he could develop on his own.  His brothers encouraged him to go.  They saw it as an opportunity for growth.  Abell was still hesitant, but it was they state of the world and that his presence could be endangering his brothers and sisters that finally convinced him to leave for Blackfalcon.

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