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Welcome to Divine Evil (anitaverse)

07:52, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Ciara Janssen

Full Name: Ciara Janssen
Nickname: Ci-Ci
Age: 22
Age apparent: 20
Gender: female
Sexuality: bisexual
Occupation: Dancer
Languages:  Smattering of Creole, Spanish, English
Species:  alpha werelion
Powers: All Submissive plus Pass as human, partial change, hybrid form, control animals, Resist moon's call, taming the beast.

Basic Personality: Ciara is the quiet type, at least off stage and away from the club, the pretty one who was always in the background because she wasn't outgoing and friendly at the outset. Not really shy, but keeps to herself, more apt to listen then to talk, to watch instead of participate. The quiet persona hides a girl who feels much too much, and her big heart often gets her introuble, especially when she offers to help those in need and ends up in danger herself. At work it is another story as she bumps and grinds with the best, and for all her wild antics on stage and on the floor during her dances, she isn't one to get close to the patrons unless told to. Those who push past the walls find a sweet girl who needs to laugh more, her fragile air real, even for a shifter. But when roused and in a protective mode....She is vicious and gives no quarter.

Character Model: Fabiana Tomasino
Height: 5' 1"
Weight: 125
Eye Color: blue
Hair color: warm dark brown
Hair Style: long waves
Complexion: Italian
Body shape: lush
Clothing: From stripper chic to floaty feminine, depends on the day.

Overall Appearance: At 5'1" and 125 lbs,Ciara isn't impressive size wise, seemingly small and delicate with the most fragile of looks in some ways, it is all attitude when she does decide to be the alpha that she is. Beautiful by any standards, her blue eyes don't miss a thing, reflecting light and seeming to glow at times, especially while on stage, giving her an otherworldly look that just hints at the reality of her nature while dark hair that hangs halfway down her back frames a face that is all high cheek bones under dusky olive skin. Quick to smile, she is friendly and engaging and curved in all the right places. As a dancer  her usual uniform is funky mini's, heels and any shirt torn or brief enough to show off that lush physique. When not on stage,  she favors light and floaty, bright colors and arty prints, craving a feminine look after a day acting out on stage.

Merits:loyal to a fault and willing help friends when needed with no thought to safety or implications till it is much too late.
Flaws: Stubborn, loyal to the point of pain, wicked hot temper
 and cannot seem to control her sexual addictions

History: Ciara had a marine father, her mother dying when she was very young. Shuffled from base to base, country to country, she never really had a chance to make friends, and finally just kept to herself, the 'weird' girl, and was often teased mercilessly because of it.

Because Marines guard Naval bases, Ciara has a deep love of the water, and is and advanced swimmer and diver, and if not at work, can usually be found at the closest pool. This too was an activity she didn't need friends for, so it allowed her to relax without having to be drug along as and afterthought.

Her father got his honorable discharge when she was 15, and they moved to Haiti of all places, because her daddy had the hots for some aid worker down there helping the natives with medical and other issues in the warm caribbean air. It wasn't hawaii but it was close enough. She made friends at school, hung on the beach with the locals..even dated one, becoming so much involved and in love that things progressed in the usual fashion. Who would have guessed....what a mistake taking it to third base would have been, giving him a handjob would have had such consequences for a 16 year old girl?

Her boyfriend was out without the okay of the local pride, and when Ciara let him ....finish, he shifted in the middle of it, tearing apart the car and in part the girl, but he had enough control to take off and leave her bleeding in the front seat. The police were called, by some concerned another member of the pride.

Her father and his girlfriend were appalled but her recovery was swift, and before the full moon the Rex and Regina of the island were knocking on their door with the bad news. Her daddy stood by her and she was accepted by both family and pride as well. And life went on, she finished school and started helping out with her father and now new stepmom.

Finding her way in the pride was just as easy, the Rex, the Vampire who ran the island...all were quite enamored of the delicate lioness. Then one fateful night, her life collapsed like a balloon pierced by a needle. Another storm, a four wheel ride up to another shanty town and Ciara, her father and stepmom did their best to set things right, till a collapse of the roof in one cause a collapse in a section and all hell broke loose. Both perished but Ciara, a lycanthrope managed to soak the damage. Grief stricken she was taken in by the Regina..seeing much of herself in the little creature so bereft by loss. And finally Ciara buried the grief while the pride had her help here and there. Ciara embraced her beast, finding solace in the world view and in the arms of the pride. Totally devoted the pride as well, when Haiti fell to the ground, she was as devastated...and those that remained did their best to pick up the pieces. Finally she could take no more and with a heavy heart moved, to a new place with more beaches than she could handle and a pride that needed her just as much.