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Welcome to Divine Evil (anitaverse)

11:21, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Davide Armstrong

Full Name:Davide Armstrong
Age: 26
Age apparent:26
Gender: m
Sexuality: straight
Occupation: VP of Armstrong Industries
Languages: English, Spanish, French and Japanese
Species: Wereleopard, rogue HoC
Powers: Standard plus Partial Change, Quick Shifting, Resist Master's Call

Overall Appearance: Davide is a beautiful man, as in model beautiful. Hair in a careless mess that is cut that way, eyes that see you and look thru if you are beneath his notice and his face sculpted by an artist.  The expression interested with just a hint of friendly amusement, like whatever has caught his fancy is just out of reach but he doesn't really care, he will get it sooner or later. A bit taller than average, his body isn't body builder huge, more along the lines of  a runner, lean muscle without bodyfat, each muscle clearly sculpted under skin that is tanned, everywhere due regular trips to the tanning salon when no-one knows better. Often, he is in a suit, tailor made and Italian silk without fail, and rarely in casual wear even on his day off. Then if it is is expensive over the top casual, money talks and he knows how to find the best.

Height: 6' 1"
Eye Color:blue
Hair color: brown
Hair Style: tousled but artistically
Body shape:athletic
Clothing: Tailor made suits, designer ties and anything expensive.
Character Model: Gale Harold

Basic Personality: Davide comes off as friendly, winning with just a hint of arrogance that can be attractive or irritating. His derision is usually very well hidden, and that is where people make the biggest mistake, being at ease around this beautiful man. Davide is as selfcentered as the come, only out for himself and seeing others as a means to an end. There is no war of conscience when it comes to getting what he wants, he will get it and destroy what and who, gets in his way in the process. So he can be sweet and cajoling, the guy you take home to mother... then have him dump you on the way home.

Sexual Likes: anything rough that gets him off
Sexual Dislikes: having to worry about anyone else, and the word no
Sexual Strengths: stamina and can actually woo a partner if it means he gets something
Sexual Weaknesses: Sex can be used against him if he wants it bad enough, but that is very situational,

Merits: single minded, strong and helpful when it suits his own ends

Flaws:  everything else...

Basic History: Davide was born with a silver spoon in his mouth...literally. His parents Karen and Tomas had money to spare, the company that Tomas runs, Armstrong Industries became a leader in everything from home security to some of the most high tech modern spy gear known to mankind. He had a normal childhood if you consider the best preschools, a private nanny and tutor and a manservant as his father called Edouard. When it was time for higher education, it was private and expensive, rubbing elbows and dropping names with the children of billionaires and politicians. No choices to make but what clothes to wear and what to do with the freetime he had loads of.

One little little mess that couldn't be cleaned up with daddy's cash. Davide picked the wrong girl to date for who shifted as he made love and tore into him with the intent of her beast. Davide survived, barely and his date was executed when they found her days later, but the damage was done...a leopard forever. There was a period of upset..but the power was something he loved and reveled in every new trick he learned, unaware of what he was doing or how powerful he would become.

Davide never wanted for anything, he had the cars..the woman and anything his heart desired, whether he got it by asking nice or manipulating and scheming his plans into fruition. College was a blur, parties with the best of the best and his name linked with the hottest names on the social page. Any messes were quickly covered up with a bribe here and a donation to the new campus library there. There was no frantic job hunt after graduation...he went right to work at daddy's company.

And Davide didn't start in the he ended up at a high level marketing thanks to the degree he had managed to get thanks to tutors and money tossed in the right directions. Now Davide is not he has a whip smart way of looking at things and excelled at the job...working his way to VP in now time. But the wild times didn't stop..and after scandal after scandal Tomas finally had enough.

Davide wrapped his car around a tree....driving while intoxicated and the money needed to make it go away was considerable. The pregnant assistant was the last bit that he was willing to cover up and Tomas sent his son to Oahu in disgrace. The smallest of the branches and easiest to run, he figured Davide would be in a nice quiet place that would be far from the center of commerce and embarrassment. Little did he know what lay in store for his son...and the rest of the company if what was going on in that tropical paradise ever got out.


Tomas Armstrong - Father, living in NYC
Karen Armstrong - Mother, living in NYC