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Welcome to Blood, Honor & Sacrifice

13:13, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

GSN 1701041631

Two-bit's eyes are haunted by the thousand-yard stare of a man who has seen too much in his relatively short time in the service of the Guard.  Yet despite that, the Zakurian plasma specialist handles his plasma gun with a confidence and ease that belies days of focused training, no doubt lessons learned the hard way (if his bionic arm is any indication).

His comrade, on the other hand, walks around in a seemingly oblivious haze, eyes half-lidded until they alight on any sort of vehicle.  Despite belonging to a Mordian regiment well-known for its strict sense of discipline, "Sleepy" somehow manages to look completely bedraggled while still matching every disciplin-able metric for alertness and cleanliness.

Two-bit's Weapons
Combat Shotgun (common) 4 clips: 30m S/2 1d10+4 I Pen 0 Scatter
3 Frag grenades: 2d10 X Pen 0
6 Krak grenades: 2d10+4 X Pen 6 Concussive 0
1 knife: 5m 1d5 R Pen 0
1 inbuilt blade (mono): 1d10 R Pen 2, Balanced
Plasma Gun (common)+red-dot sight 2 clips: 90m S/2 1d10+7 E Pen 6 Maximal, Overheat +10 on single-shot


One uniform
One poor weather gear
One rucksack
One basic toolkit
One mess kit and water canteen
One blanket and sleep bag
One rechargeable lamp-pack
One grooming kit
One set of dog tag
One Imperial Infantryman’s Uplifting Primer
One 2 weeks' rations
One lascutter

One red dot sight: 10
one inbuilt blade: 10
one pair photo contacts 8
one sling (common): 3
...extra underwear: 1 [seriously, nothing is listed as having Ubiquitous availability]

Sleepy's Weapons
1 laspistol w/ 2 charge packs: 30m S/2 1d10+2 E Pen 0 Reliable Lasgun variable rule
1 lascarbine w/ 2 charge packs: 75m S/2 1d10+3 E Pen 0 Reliable Lasgun variable rule
1 Best Craftsmanship knife: 5m 1d5+1 R Pen 0 +10 WS
1 knife: 5m 1d5 R Pen 0
1 Leman Russ battle tank (squad)

1 fire bomb 1d10+3 E Pen 6 Blast (3) Flame
1 injector
5 stimms
1 anointed toolkit

One uniform
One poor weather gear
One rucksack
One basic toolkit
One mess kit and water canteen
One blanket and sleep bag
One rechargeable lamp-pack
One grooming kit
One set of dog tag
One Imperial Infantryman’s Uplifting Primer
One 2 weeks’ rations

One firebomb: 3
One microbead 8
One lascarbine: 5
One guard flak: 10
One extra uniform: 2
One chrono: 2