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Welcome to Divine Evil (anitaverse)

09:24, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

Ecatarina Santino

Full Name: Ecatarina Santino
Nickname: Cata
Age: 24
Age apparent: 24
Gender: f
Sexuality: straight
Occupation: Nurse
Languages: Romanian, Russian, Italian, French, English, Portuguese
Species: Human/witch
Powers: Witch -- Wiccan Healing (She can heal with her hands and herbs if given the time to prepare a concoction),

Protection (uses spells and other forms of magic to protect herself and others she cares about...cannot/will not use magic offensively, to attack , just defend),

Empathic (Senses feelings emotions of others and reacts accordingly)

Overall Appearance: Tiny, just barely five foot tall, Ecatarina still favors the floaty clothing of her heritage, just with a hell of a lot more style. In love with shoes and the latest designers, there is no way this small woman would ever appear in public without looking her very best. At home though, loose light fabrics that float around her lush body and outline every curve as she moves. She was born a Rom...gypsy from birth, so black hair flows down her nearly to her knees, and eyes that are the lightest of amber. Her face is sculpted perfection. Every move is like a dance in itself, and the inherent grace is evident even if she only walks across a room, drawing eyes with her stature and ethereal fragility.

Height: 5'
Weight: 115
Eye Color: amber
Hair color: black
Hair Style:long, waves that are nearly to her knees
Complexion: olive
Body shape: small but lushly curved
Clothing: floaty, feminine, height of fashion
Character Model: Monica Belluci

Basic Personality: Ecatarina draws the eye and the senses as she moves and talks, hands wave, eyes widen and every story becomes an event as she tells it. Loving by nature, she is devoted to her job and her craft, but being empathic also feels a bit to much, so seems to attract those who need advice, need the sympathetic ear. She listens, she advises and always keeps her own council. For all this, the small woman also likes quiet, and will often slip away if things become too much for her, the empathic abilities increase with time, and she can be overwhelmed if things become too heated, sometimes lashing out without thinking just to get the noise to stop. No nonsense, she takes on what needs to be done, and doesn't shirk her duties as a witch, or as a protector of others, even if the price is the highest.

Merits: As a witch, she has extensive knowledge of the occult and preternatural creatures that inhabit it, but often keeps her head low. Ecatarina will help those in need with a spell or two,human or not, can heal and can also protect herself as well, having a black belt in Judo, but hates weapons of any kind except magical ones of course.

Flaws: On the negative side, she is often judgmental and hard to convince once she has made up her mind, being one who sees things in black and white, no shades of grey. Cata is know as well as one who will rush headlong into the fray if one of her friends is in trouble with no thought as to her own safety, which can often cause issues for the very ones she is trying to protect. Because of her parents accidents..Cata is terrified of storms.

While some fear her, some will frequent her house for any sort of homeopathic remedy, all of which are amazingly efficient compared to OTC drugs. She is also know to cast a spell or two, but follows the wiccan rule of three, so the darker magic is not messed with. She will step up to protect others if pressed to as her powers allow.

History: Talia was born in the house where she lives now, part of a long tradition of wiccans dating back six generations if not more. Her mother began teaching her the path as soon as she could walk and the shy little girl took to it like she was born to it...a long line of Rom healers dating back to the 14th century. When both parents were killed in a car crash on a stormy night, her grandmother took over, making sure she was skilled and trained in not only the right hand path, but the ways of protection as well. She did well in school, but the family tragedy made it hard and she became a quiet and introspective creature, seemingly skittish but with an iron backbone if needed. Her bent towards healing led her to nursing, and truthfully she had a gift. So top of her class, she started working at the Oahu medical center...low profile, but her patients have done outstanding compared to other nurses in the hospital. So she does her job and lets the lord and lady guide her hand.