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Welcome to Divine Evil (anitaverse)

09:17, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Heke Ke'oke'o Mano

Full Name:Heke Ke'oke'o Mano
Age apparent:early 20's
Occupation:Bouncer/Tourguide/Beach Bum
Languages: English, Hawaiian, Polynesian
Species: Were-shark(Great White)Head of Clan
Powers:All Standard, Resist Moon's Call, Quick Shifting, Healing by touch, Feel the City, Summoning Cry, Call Animals

Overall Appearance: Tall, well built and extremely handsome, Mano draws attention without ever trying. His short dark hair is kept neatly trimmed. He has powerful dark eyes, seeming to draw you in or tell you to keep your distance, with him, it's all in the eyes. He has perfect teeth which are easily seen since he seems to have a perpetual smile on his incredibly good looking face. His skin is well tanned, partially due to his heritage, and partially due to the fact he adores the beach and sun. He is rarely dressed in more than a t-shirt, shorts and flip flops. The next most noticeable thing about him, the tribal tattoos he's covered in, shoulders arms, and legs.
Weight:270 lbs
Eye Color:black
Hair color:black
Hair Style:very close cropped
Complexion:flawlessly smooth skin
Body shape:athletic, well built
Clothing:simple and casual, hard to get him to dress up.
Character Model:Dwayne Johnson

Basic Personality:Laid back, mostly. It's tough to make him anything other than jovial. Talkative, loves meeting new people, hence the job as a tour guide. Everyone is a friend til they prove otherwise to him. Greets everyone with a smile and hug it seems. Mano is a ladies man, he has a hard time turning down a chance to meet and greet a new one. Makes one wonder if there are any little Mano's running around on the mainland. Mano is also very curious.

Sexual Likes:Women, everything about them
Sexual Dislikes:plain and boring
Sexual Strengths:Stamina, experience
Sexual Weaknesses:can't say no, not to anything a pretty lady wants to try

Merits:Trusting, kind, loyal to family and friends, curious

Flaws:too trusting, terrible temper once angered, curious

History:Mano grew up on the islands, it's been his home his entire life. He grew up in the tribal villages, and towns. Mano received the best of both worlds as far as skills and education, until puberty hit. It was then the changes began, Mano was a born lycanthrope. His great great grandfather had been bitten by a massive white shark many many years before. The gene it seemed was passed on to the first born of each new generation. At this point Mano's family pulled him out of the bigger cities and kept him near the village to teach him the necessary things he'd need to know in order to be an effective leader. His father taught him how to deal with the change, and the skills he would possess one day as head of the clan. It was Mano's destiny it seemed to lead his people. One day, his father was killed by a few mainlanders who had came looking for trouble, specifically trouble with lycanthropes. The gang of mainlanders were harassing a few young Lycanthropes when Mano's father interceded on their behalf. He was shot several times with silver, and left for dead. The EMT's came as fast as they usually did to the poorer districts of the city, by this time it was already too late. He'd lost too much blood. He did make it to the hospital where he was able to look at his son and wife one last time. He never complained, he told his wife he loved her, and had nothing but inspirational words for Mano. Mano decided then and there to live to the standard of his father, helping those weaker than himself and doing good in the community, both in the villages and the city. Upon his fathers passing Mano was made head of clan after he underwent many rites of passage. He has a profound curiosity, much like the shark he is attuned with. This led him back to the towns and cities on the islands, he craved knowledge or relationships with new people. Eventually, due to his size he got a job as a bouncer working around town, due to his personality he also gained employment as a tour guide.

Living or dead Family: