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Welcome to Divine Evil (anitaverse)

13:30, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Hideo Miles Kalani

Full Name:  Hideo Miles Kalani
Nickname:  "Miles"
Age:  36
Age apparent: Late 20s
Gender:  Male
Sexuality:  Straight
Occupation:  Tattoo Artist/Surfer
Languages:  English, Hawaiian, bit of Japanese
Species:  Lycanthrope (Amur Leopard) :: Alpha
[*] All Standard Powers
[*]  Alpha Powers
1) Partial Change
2) Taming the Beast
3)  Call Animal
Overall Appearance:

Miles had decided that when he was mustered out, there’d be no more hiding what he is.  He moves with the grace that his Infection grants him, with that unmistakable predatory air that accompanies the steps of any of the Great Cats.  He stands a solid six feet in height, all solid, compact muscle, which lends him both a sense of solidity and strength.  His skin is golden, described as having a sunkissed or even bronzed quality, and he keeps his hair neat, though longer than he once did.  His eyes are a deep brown, like an autumn leaf, and he occasionally allows himself to grow a neat moustache and goatee.

With his clothes off, one might be struck by two things; his musculature is very well defined, years of active service, a naturally enhanced metabolism, and constant training have all conspired to make him perhaps more attractive without the clothes he wears so very well.  Then, there are the tattoos, all having been rendered with a special ink and silver needles; upon his back rides a Japanese Traditional piece that covers him from the neck, to the elbows, down his back, and to nearly the middle of this thighs.  It is a depiction of the journey of the legendary Dragon Koi, rendered by ancient methods.  He has his Unit’s Tattoo just under his ribs on the right, and his left arm is festooned with swirls and patterns that seem Tribal, but are what he would call Live Doodling.  His right arm, from the elbow down, done in the style of a Maori ‘glove’, the dark lines going down to the first knuckle of each of his digits, making it seem almost as if he were wearing fingerless gloves.  Tribal lines of black ink flow over the lines of his definition, spiraling over his pectorals, running along his ribs, though they miss his Patrol Tattoo, and they frame his abdominals.  His legs are largely bare, save for the very large back piece, and he considers that space to be ‘room to grow’.

As a Leopard, Miles is a huge, even for a Lycanthrope, Amur Leopard.  His Species, already the largest of its kind, has translated itself into rendering him one of the largest Were-Leopard’s one might encounter.  He has longer legs than the standard leopard, adapted for walking through deep snow, but now they proportionally make his Beast form tall and solid.  The animal radiates strength, and yet remains nimble, and moves with the ‘pulling’ gait one sees in the Great Cats adapted for life in the snow.  Also somewhat unique to his species; in the summer, Miles’s coat is short, no more than 2 to 2.5 centimeters in length, and is usually a striking strong reddish-yellow hue, with the yellows being quite bright.  In the winter, this changes, his hair becomes as long as 7 centimeters, and his color becomes lighter, as if grey were mixed into his over all coloring.  His rosettes are widely spaced, with thick borders, which can become spots running down his legs.

Miles also has a hybrid form, somewhere between Man and Leopard, and this is, as expected, a very large expression of his Beast.  He stands nearly nine feet in perfectly proportioned height, and while the form is heavily muscled, strength rippling under the fur, he is also feline grace personified; the form is compactly muscled, and despite his size, the Wereleopard seems almost acrobatic.  His markings and coat are that of his Amur Leopard, with its length and texture changing with the seasons.  Because of the agility and flexibility of this form, he can run on all fours as easily as he can run on two, and often will drop to his hands if he is covering rough terrain, or seeking to close the distance swiftly

Height:  6'
Weight: 175-185 lbs depending.
Eye Color:  Brown
Hair color:  Black
Hair Style:  Medium Length, straight
Complexion:  Golden and clear
Body shape:  compact and defined, like an acrobat
Clothing:  Board shorts and tee-shirts at work, usually.  Has suits for business.
Character Model:  Jason Scott Lee

Basic Personality:

Miles is a Soldier, more than that; he is former Navy SEAL.  He was Special Forces, amongst the most elite in the world, and there were few quiet moments in his life.  In the Civilian World, this translates to a deceptive calm – he doesn’t sweat the small stuff, after all, no one is shooting at him, usually.  He’s friendly, polite, and caring – he served so you didn’t have to, and he still has that sense of responsibility.  However, there are things that will call to that very alert, very well trained side of him,that will doubtless earn him strange looks from bystanders.

He has, for the most part, an Artist’s temperament, but this can change at the drop of a hat with the right stimulus.

Sexual Likes: Women; Confident Women
Sexual Dislikes:  Dominant; However, open to possibilities with a woman/women
Sexual Strengths:  Dominant, Strong, Attentive and Preternaturally Creative
Sexual Weaknesses:  Serial Monogamist, prefers such, but not above sharing/being shared


USMC/US Navy SEALS Training
Practical/Applied Combat Experience
Gifted Artist and Illustrator
Excellent Surfer
Guitar Musician/Singer


Technically; Still on 'Reserve' Duty
Cannot Ignore a Cry for Help
Public, or at least not hiding, Lycanthrope
Not Entirely Used to Civilian Life


Hideo Miles Kalani is the Son of a Hawaiian, Harvard Educated, Professor, and a mixed Japanese Mother.  His Mother, Anna, ran her own cleaning business whose staff included her alone. The somewhat absent-minded Miles Sr., hired her to clean his house once a month whether it needed it or not – and after awkwardly and tentatively asking his cleaning lady out for a drink one night, the rest became history.  The Kalani’s were not a wealthy family, but neither were they poor, and they believed in hard work and perseverance, as well as blowing off steam and having a great time when the work was done.  Miles had a good childhood, had plenty of time to be a child, but did not quite have an interest in higher education, as his History Professor Father had and had hoped for in his son.  Hideo, called Junior by his parents, thanks to bearing his Father's name as his middle name, was much more like his Mother; both were very intelligent, but both preferred hands-on things, rather than books and theory.  As a child he was a gifted artist, surprising his parents and his teachers with how quickly he learned new techniques and methods; he made his own comic book at ten years of age, and the art was easily as good as anything in actual publication, but while it was and remained his love and hobby throughout his life, it never quite occurred to him that there was schooling for such a thing.  When Miles came of age, at Sixteen, wanting a hands-on life, he joined the local Navy ROTC in his school, with the intent of enlisting, with both of his Parents’ blessing.

He was a Junior Sailor for the first year, and discovered a talent for leadership and inspiring confidence in his mates; all by accident.  Miles, as he was quickly dubbed in the Marines, liked the feeling of winning as opposed the lessons of failure, and he thought he was just egging others on to victory.  By the time he was nearly nineteen, he went up for the Navy SEALs, and while he had very high marks, he did not make the cut.  He tried again at twenty-one, and made the grade, becoming a member of one of the World’s most elite forces.  It was during his time in the service that he discovered and learned about the world’s traditions behind the Art of Tattoos.  This interest persisted throughout his career, perhaps because he was not allowed to get any.  Identifying marks were frowned upon in the various lines of his work.  Miles spent the next three years on active duty with the same Unit; men that he came to love as true brothers, men that he trusted utterly and completely, because a) he had to and b) they constantly proved worthy of that trust.  One of them learned his family nickname, and to those three, he became ‘Junior’ and the jokes among them ran rampant.   They, however, would not tolerate any others calling him that, it was theirs, and they kept it to themselves.

At about the age of Twenty-Five, deeply into his duties, his Unit had decided to risk a small tattoo, and they all agreed that Miles was the man to design it.  It troubled him for days; they were breaking regs a wee bit, but it was also something only the four of them would have, and each would have to get it someplace not likely to be seen easily.  It was place in the same spot on all of them, just under their ribs, on the right.  Miles had to enlist his Brothers to design it.  In the end, they settled on the central symbol being the SEALs Eagle and Trident and around the Eagle, one of each suit of playing cards; A Spade, A Heart, A Diamond, A Club.  Once designed, they found a shop willing to inscribe it upon their skin.  The Tattooist was Russian, and thanks to ‘Junior’, he understood precisely what the men wanted.  But also thanks to him, Miles was infected with the Lycanthropy virus, thought they wouldn’t know it until later.  A couple of nights before they went to receive their tats, Miles was attacked while collection an info-drop from the city.  He had to make an overland trek part way, and encountered some kind of wild animal.  He escaped, though not unscathed, and the Unit Medic surmised that it was some kind of Great Cat; though how one got out there was a mystery.  When they went to get their tattoos, the Artist saw the winds, and confessed.  He was a Lycanthrope, a Leopard, and he felt terrible about his loss of control.  He hadn’t expected to find anyone in that part of the countryside.  The Artist immediately agreed to help Miles, should his infection take hold.

Their Medic, long used to watching for such signs in their world, luckily put it together before the Moon was full.  The Unit went immediately to the Tattooist, as ‘Heart’, and Miles underwent his first transformation.  The Russian confessed that he was a closeted Leopard, and that his strain of Lycanthropy was quite rare, usually solitary, and often hunted by Pards of other types due to their size and strength.  Because of their assignment, they were able to convince the Russian Leopard to take Miles under his wing through any Full Moons during their entire stay in the area.  The Patrol decided that they would hide this from their Controllers and their superiors; they’d sworn to stick together through blood and mud, and they’d all be damned if a little thing like Lycanthropy would lose them their Brother.  Besides, as ‘Clubs’ put it, “No one calls in an air strike like, Junior.”  Due to the nature of the operations they were undertaking, they were able to plan around the Full Moon; when they could not, they would short man it.  As Miles control improved, he would accompany them, sometimes on four legs instead of two.  Were they a standard unit, it would have been impossible, as it was – it was difficult.  ‘Heart’ even made arrangements, should the powers that be request blood samples.

It was a very fine line to walk; Learning how best to both be and conceal his Infection, as well as still performing his duties.  Initially it was easy, with the Russian on hand, but that did not last, and Miles had to be extra careful on his own.  He’d had his unit Tattoo added again with silver, when the original healed after his first Change, much to his annoyance.  Together, Miles and his Brothers were able to hide his infection for several years, and it probably saved all of their lives at least once.  He continued to serve all over the world, under the same self-imposed rules as before; but most recently in Afghanistan, Russia, and the Middle East.  He retired at 30, after a scare that might have lost all of them their posts and their Honorable Discharges; after nearly Fourteen years in the Service, with Ten of those being his time in the SEALs, and he was a Lycanthrope for the latter half of that time.  Loosed into the World, Miles pursued his fascinations, his hobbies, Art and Surfing, the latter a hold over from a Hawaiian childhood, and sought out specialists to acquire more tattoos of his own, and to learn the trade for himself.  He had long thought that owning a tattoo shop would be a nice way to go Civvie, so after a bit of world travelling and getting Inked by some of the best on the planet, Miles retired to run his shop back home, back in Hawaii.